27 research outputs found

    Реалізація органами влади Автономної Республіки Крим та органами місцевого самоврядування повноважень у сфері адміністративно-територіального устрою України

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    Досліджено практику реалізації органами влади Автономної Республіки Крим та органами місцевого самоврядування повноважень у сфері адміністративно-територіального устрою України.Исследуется практика реализации органами власти Автономной Республики Крым и органами местного самоуправления полномочий в сфере административно-территориального устройства Украины.The article is devoted to the research of practical realization of powers by the official bodies of Autonomous Republic of Crimea and local self-government bodies in the sphere of Ukrainian administrative-territorial system

    No creative person is an island : organisational culture, academic project-based creativity, and the mediating role of intraorganisational social ties

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    This paper examines the relationship between perceptions of organisational culture, academics’ social embeddedness and their creative paper project output. It argues that the extent to which researchers working on paper projects are socially embedded through social ties with colleagues inside and outside their academic department (but within the same university) is a causal step linking organisational values and norms to creative outputs. This study does not, however, find support for the proposed mediating effects. Instead, results indicate that three organisational culture dimensions – i.e. performance orientation, environmental orientation and innovation support – affect employees’ creative project output through their social embeddedness outside the department (but within their own university). As the organisational culture and social embeddedness of employees outside the department are both contextual factors that matter (either indirectly or directly) for the generation of creative project outputs by researchers, this study concludes that “no creative person and no project is an island”.http://www.sajems.org/am2014ai201

    Perceived care and well-being of patients with cancer and matched norm participants in the COVID-19 crisis:Results of a survey of participants in the Dutch PROFILES registry

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    Importance As the resolution of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis is unforeseeable, and/or a second wave of infections may arrive in the fall of 2020, it is important to evaluate patients’ perspectives to learn from this. Oblective To assess how Dutch patients with cancer perceive cancer treatment and follow-up care (including experiences with telephone and video consultations [TC/VC]) and patients’ well-being in comparison with a norm population during the COVID-19 crisis. Design, setting, and participants Cross-sectional study of patients participating in the Dutch Patient Reported Outcomes Following Initial Treatment and Long-term Evaluation of Survivorship (PROFILES) registry and a norm population who completed a questionnaire from April to May 2020. Main outcomes and measures Logistic regression analysis assessed factors associated with changes in cancer care (treatment or follow-up appointment postponed/canceled or changed to TC/VC). Differences in quality of life, anxiety/depression, and loneliness between patients and age-matched and sex-matched norm participants were evaluated with regression models. Results The online questionnaire was completed by 4094 patients (48.6% response), of whom most were male (2493 [60.9%]) and had a mean (SD) age of 63.0 (11.1) years. Of these respondents, 886 (21.7%) patients received treatment; 2725 (55.6%) received follow-up care. Treatment or follow-up appointments were canceled for 390 (10.8%) patients, whereas 160 of 886 (18.1%) in treatment and 234 of 2725 (8.6%) in follow-up had it replaced by a TC/VC. Systemic therapy, active surveillance, or surgery were associated with cancellation of treatment or follow-up appointment. Younger age, female sex, comorbidities, metastasized cancer, being worried about getting severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), and receiving supportive care were associated with replacement of a consultation with a TC/VC. Patients and norm participants reported that the COVID-19 crisis made them contact their general practitioner (852 of 4068 [20.9%] and 218 of 979 [22.3%]) or medical specialist/nurse (585 of 4068 [14.4%] and 144 of 979 [14.7%]) less quickly when they had physical complaints or concerns. Most patients who had a TC/VC preferred a face-to-face consultation, but 151 of 394 (38.3%) were willing to use a TC/VC again. Patients with cancer were more worried about getting infected with SARS-CoV-2 compared with the 977 norm participants (917 of 4094 [22.4%] vs 175 of 977 [17.9%]). Quality of life, anxiety, and depression were comparable, but norm participants more often reported loneliness (114 of 977 [11.7%] vs 287 of 4094 [7.0%]) than patients with cancer (P = .009). Conclusions and relevance Among patients with cancer in the Netherlands, 1 in 3 reported changes in cancer care in the first weeks of the COVID-19 crisis. Long-term outcomes need to be monitored. The crisis may affect the mental well-being of the general population relatively more than that of patients with cancer

    Mental Disorder During Adolescence: Evidence of Arrested Personality Development

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    The experience of a mental disorder may affect the development of personality in multiple ways, but empirical evidence regarding psychopathology effects on personality development that persist after remission of the disorder is limited and inconsistent. In the longitudinal cohort TRacking Adolescents’ Individual Lives Survey (TRAILS), mental disorders during adolescence were assessed using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview and parent-reported effortful control, fearfulness, and frustration at age 11 and age 19 through the Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire. We found that adolescent mental disorders had small effects on personality change. Internalizing disorders predicted increases of fearfulness and frustration but hardly affected effortful control; externalizing disorders were unrelated to frustration and fearfulness but predicted a decrease of effortful control. Whereas fearfulness and frustration partially caught up after disorder remission, virtually all delay in effortful control was still present 2.9 years later, suggesting scarring effects

    The reciprocal relationship of ASD, ADHD, depressive symptoms and stress in parents of children with ASD and/or ADHD

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    Item does not contain fulltextThis study investigated the role of parental Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and depressive symptoms on parenting stress in 174 families with children with ASD and/or ADHD, using generalized linear models and structural equation models. Fathers and mothers reported more stress when parenting with their child with ASD and/or ADHD than when parenting with the unaffected sibling; they also experienced more stress than a norm population. Depressive symptoms were most pronounced in the parents of children with ASD and ASD+ADHD. Spouse correlations were found for ASD, depression, and parenting stress. Paternal ASD and maternal ADHD symptoms were related to increased parenting stress, and parental ADHD symptoms with depressive symptoms and parenting stress. The results highlight the increased burden of raising a child with ASD and/or ADHD and the reciprocal relationship this has with parents' ASD, ADHD, and depressive symptoms, and levels of stress

    No creative person is an island: Organisational culture, academic project-based creativity, and the mediating role of intra-organisational social ties

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    This paper examines the relationship between perceptions of organisational culture, academics’ social embeddedness and their creative paper project output. It argues that the extent to which researchers working on paper projects are socially embedded through social ties with colleagues inside and outside their academic department (but within the same university) is a causal step linking organisational values and norms to creative outputs. This study does not, however, find support for the proposed mediating effects. Instead, results indicate that three organisational culture dimensions – i.e. performance orientation, environmental orientation and innovation support – affect employees’ creative project output through their social embeddedness outside the department (but within their own university). As the organisational culture and social embeddedness of employees outside the department are both contextual factors that matter (either indirectly or directly) for the generation of creative project outputs by researchers, this study concludes that “no creative person and no project is an island”.http://www.sajems.org/am2014ai201

    Neuropsychologische profielen van kinderen met een autismespectrumstoornis in relatie tot hun intelligentie

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    Het intelligentieniveau van kinderen en adolescenten met een autismespectrumstoornis (ASS) kan binnen deze groep enorm variëren. Het doel van de studie was het onderzoeken van de absolute en relatieve ernst van de neuropsychologische problemen van kinderen en adolescenten met ASS afhankelijk van hun IQ

    Neuropsychologische profielen van kinderen met een autismespectrumstoornis in relatie tot hun intelligentie

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    Contains fulltext : 217818.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access)Het intelligentieniveau van kinderen en adolescenten met een autismespectrumstoornis (ASS) kan binnen deze groep enorm variëren. Het doel van de studie was het onderzoeken van de absolute en relatieve ernst van de neuropsychologische problemen van kinderen en adolescenten met ASS afhankelijk van hun IQ.24 p

    Cognitive impairments are different in single-incidence and multi-incidence ADHD families

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    Contains fulltext : 154802.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)BACKGROUND: We may improve our understanding of the role of common versus unique risk factors in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) by examining ADHD-related cognitive deficits in single- (SPX), and multi-incidence (MPX) families. Given that individuals from multiplex (MPX) families are likely to share genetic vulnerability for the disorder, whereas simplex (SPX) ADHD may be the result of sporadic (non-)genetic causes unique to the patient, we hypothesized that cognitive impairments may be different in SPX and MPX ADHD as indicated by (a) the presence of cognitive deficits in MPX, but not SPX unaffected siblings and (b) dissimilar cognitive profiles in SPX and MPX ADHD patients. METHODS: Tasks measuring total IQ, verbal attention, executive functioning, motor functioning, and time estimation were administered to 31 SPX/264 MPX ADHD probands, 47 SPX/123 MPX unaffected siblings, and 263 controls, aged 6-19 years. RESULTS: SPX unaffected siblings were unimpaired compared to controls, except for verbal working memory, whereas MPX unaffected siblings showed impairments on most cognitive domains. The cognitive profiles of SPX and MPX probands were highly similar, except that verbal attention, response inhibition and motor control deficits were more pronounced in MPX probands, and -compared to their unaffected siblings- impairments in IQ, visual working memory and timing abilities were more pronounced in SPX cases. CONCLUSIONS: Our results support the hypothesis that a partly different cognitive architecture may underlie SPX and MPX forms of ADHD, which becomes evident when contrasting cognitive performances within families. Cognitive factors underlying MPX forms of ADHD are familial, whereas nonfamilial in SPX ADHD. SPX-MPX stratification may be a step forward in unraveling diverse causal pathways