14 research outputs found

    Endoparasit Pada Usus Ayam Kampung (Gallus Domesticus)

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    The presence of parasites in the backyard chicken body can cause damage to certain organs.  Endoparasites can inhibit growth and lead to decreased production of chicken. The aims of this study is to identify the type of endoparasitic worms that infect backyard chickens as well as calculate the presence of endoparasit levels in backyard chicken feces. Samples of backyard chicken were taken randomly as many as 35 animals from farms in Kelapa Lima sub-district, Kupang City and Kupang Tengah sub-district Kupang District. The samples were examined by native and sediment method. The results showed that the endoparasites found in the method chickens were Ascarida galli, Raillietina sp. and Oxyuris sp. eggs, With a presence frequency of 88,58%, 5,71 %, and 5,71% respectively

    Histopathological Features of Duodenal Coccidiosis in the Probiotic Broiler Chickens

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    This aim of research was to know histopathology lesions of broiler duodenum in chicken coccidiosis with probiotic administrasion. Sixty six DOC of broiler, strain Arbor acress, male sex were divided into 5 groups of twelve each. Chickens in Groups I, II, III, IV and V were given standard food, standard food+probiotic, standard food+1000 oocysts, standard food+probiotic+1000 oocysts and standard food+probiotic+ 3000 oocysts,respectively. Probiotic was given starting at the age of 8 days by sprayed in food with the dose 2 ml/ 250 ml water/ 1 kg food. At the age of 38 days, chickens were infected orally by given 1000 oocysts for group III and IV, and 3000 oocysts for group V. Group I and II were euthanazed at the age of 39 days, group IIIA, IVA, VA at 5 days postinfection, group IIIB, IVB, VB at 6 days post infection, and group IIIC, IVC, VC at 7 days post infection. Histopathologic lesions of the duodenums were analyzed with qualitative analyze. Results showed that infection without probiotic area were found histopathologic changes of duodenum in the form of congestion, hemorrhages, schizonts and macrogametes representing of Eimeria sp stadium which caused coccidiosis. Treatment infection with probiotic were found histopathologic changes in the duodenum, such as congestion,hemorrhages, necrotic epithelial cells, and also schizonts, microgametes and macrogametes representing of Eimeria sp stadium which caused coccidiosis. Probiotic in the present study did not have any effect for histopathologic changes in the duodenum in the broiler chickens infected coccidiosis


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    The presence of parasites in the backyard chicken body can cause damage to certain organs.  Endoparasites can inhibit growth and lead to decreased production of chicken. The aims of this study is to identify the type of endoparasitic worms that infect backyard chickens as well as calculate the presence of endoparasit levels in backyard chicken feces. Samples of backyard chicken were taken randomly as many as 35 animals from farms in Kelapa Lima sub-district, Kupang City and Kupang Tengah sub-district Kupang District. The samples were examined by native and sediment method. The results showed that the endoparasites found in the method chickens were Ascarida galli, Raillietina sp. and Oxyuris sp. eggs, With a presence frequency of 88,58%, 5,71 %, and 5,71% respectively

    Histopathological Features of Duodenal Coccidiosis in the Probiotic Broiler Chickens

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    This aim of research was to know histopathology lesions of broiler duodenum in chicken coccidiosis with probiotic administrasion. Sixty six DOC of broiler, strain Arbor acress, male sex were divided into 5 groups of twelve each. Chickens in Groups I, II, III, IV and V were given standard food, standard food+probiotic, standard food+1000 oocysts, standard food+probiotic+1000 oocysts and standard food+probiotic+ 3000 oocysts,respectively. Probiotic was given starting at the age of 8 days by sprayed in food with the dose 2 ml/ 250 ml water/ 1 kg food. At the age of 38 days, chickens were infected orally by given 1000 oocysts for group III and IV, and 3000 oocysts for group V. Group I and II were euthanazed at the age of 39 days, group IIIA, IVA, VA at 5 days postinfection, group IIIB, IVB, VB at 6 days post infection, and group IIIC, IVC, VC at 7 days post infection. Histopathologic lesions of the duodenums were analyzed with qualitative analyze. Results showed that infection without probiotic area were found histopathologic changes of duodenum in the form of congestion, hemorrhages, schizonts and macrogametes representing of Eimeria sp stadium which caused coccidiosis. Treatment infection with probiotic were found histopathologic changes in the duodenum, such as congestion,hemorrhages, necrotic epithelial cells, and also schizonts, microgametes and macrogametes representing of Eimeria sp stadium which caused coccidiosis. Probiotic in the present study did not have any effect for histopathologic changes in the duodenum in the broiler chickens infected coccidiosis

    Gambaran Histopatologi Beberapa Tipe Bronchopneumonia Pada Pulmo Babi Hasil Pemotongan Di Rph Oeba

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    The aim of this study was to determine the histopathologic changes of bronchopneumonia type in pigs of slaughtered pig from Oeba slaughterhouse associated with P. multocida infection. Samples of pulmo were found from pigs showing respiratoric symptoms, characterized as dyspnoea and presence of nasal exudates that are serous to mucopurulent, obtained from slaughtered pigs in RPH Oeba Kota Kupang. Samples showed pathognomonic lesions of gray hepatized than processed for histopathological studies. The result showed that varied macroscopic changes noted in pulmo samples from suspected infected pigs showed various types of lesions. Lessions observed then classified into two main lessions were acute and chronic. Acute lesions were characterized by edema and hyperemia which then confirmed with congestion and multifocal haemorrhages. Serous to seromucous exudates were observed intrabronchial and bronchioles. In chronic cases, the lesions showed cranioventral consolidation and gray hepatized with demarcated area beetwen consolidated and normal pulmonary area. Histologically, the types of bronchopneumonia categorized into bronchopneumonia suppurativa characterized by coagulative necrosis surrounded by cell infiltration and accumulation of fibrin intraalveolar. The fibrous connective tissue were also observed in the interstitaial space of alveolar around the necrotic area. Other samples showed non-suppurativa fibrinous bronchopneumonia with alveolar exudates dominated by mononuclear cells and accumulation of fibrin intra alveolar. Chronic bronchiolitis also seen with a mixture of mononuclear cells, neutrophils and macrophages that infiltrated into the lumen of the alveoli. A high number of goblet cells were observed in the bronchiolus epithelium, with the thickening of the fibrous tissue around the bronchioles. It can be concluded that there are two major types of lesions which are acute and chronic, with three types of bronchopnemonia namely bronchopneumonia suppurativa, non supuratival bronchopneumonia and chronic bronchiolitis

    Keragaman Endoparasit Gastrointestinal dan Profil Darah pada Ayam Kampung (Gallus Domesticus)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman jenis endoparasit gastrointestinal dan pengaruhnya terhadap profil darah ayam kampung yang meliputi jumlah eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin, Packed cell volume, dan jumlah total leukosit. Pengambilan sampel feses dan darah ayam kampung dilapangan sedangkan pemeriksaan dan identifkasi endoparasit pada feses ayam kampung serta pemeriksaan darah di laboratorium Kesehatan Hewan Program Studi Kesehatan Hewan Politani Kupang. Peubah yang diamati adalah morfologi atau ciri-ciri endoparasit dan gambaran darah terutama jumlah eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin, Packed cell volume, dan jumlah total leukosit Seluruh sampel yang terkumpul diidentifikasi menggunakan mikroskop dibantu dengan panduan kunci identifikasi dan didokumentasikan menggunakan kamera digital, dan data gambaran darah yang diperoleh akan disesuakan dengan gambaran darah normal kemudian semua data yang diperoleh, diolah secara deskriptif. Penelitian ini akan dilaksanakan didaerah Kecamatan Amarasi Kabupaten Kupang. Dari pemeriksaan ditemukan telur cacing Ascaridia galli untuk semua sampel feses dan pemeriksaan darah menunjukkan bahwa jumlah eritrosit 3.782 X 10^6/µL, kadar hemoglobin 12.16  g/L, PCV 43.18%, dan jumlah total leukosit 112.5 X 10^3/µL


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    The aim of this study was to determine the histopathologic changes of bronchopneumonia type in pigs of slaughtered pig from Oeba slaughterhouse associated with P. multocida infection. Samples of pulmo were found from pigs showing respiratoric symptoms, characterized as dyspnoea and presence of nasal exudates that are serous to mucopurulent, obtained from slaughtered pigs in RPH Oeba Kota Kupang. Samples showed pathognomonic lesions of gray hepatized than processed for histopathological studies. The result showed that varied macroscopic changes noted in pulmo samples from suspected infected pigs showed various types of lesions. Lessions observed then classified into two main lessions were acute and chronic. Acute lesions were characterized by edema and hyperemia which then confirmed with congestion and multifocal haemorrhages. Serous to seromucous exudates were observed intrabronchial and bronchioles. In chronic cases, the lesions showed cranioventral consolidation and gray hepatized with demarcated area beetwen consolidated and normal pulmonary area. Histologically, the types of bronchopneumonia categorized into bronchopneumonia suppurativa characterized by coagulative necrosis surrounded by cell infiltration and accumulation of fibrin intraalveolar. The fibrous connective tissue were also observed in the interstitaial space of alveolar around the necrotic area. Other samples showed non-suppurativa fibrinous bronchopneumonia with alveolar exudates dominated by mononuclear cells and accumulation of fibrin intra alveolar. Chronic bronchiolitis also seen with a mixture of mononuclear cells, neutrophils and macrophages that infiltrated into the lumen of the alveoli. A high number of goblet cells were observed in the bronchiolus epithelium, with the thickening of the fibrous tissue around the bronchioles. It can be concluded that there are two major types of lesions which are acute and chronic, with three types of bronchopnemonia namely bronchopneumonia suppurativa, non supuratival bronchopneumonia and chronic bronchiolitis


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman jenis endoparasit gastrointestinal dan pengaruhnya terhadap profil darah ayam kampung yang meliputi jumlah eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin, Packed cell volume, dan jumlah total leukosit. Pengambilan sampel feses dan darah ayam kampung dilapangan sedangkan pemeriksaan dan identifkasi endoparasit pada feses ayam kampung serta pemeriksaan darah di laboratorium Kesehatan Hewan Program Studi Kesehatan Hewan Politani Kupang. Peubah yang diamati adalah morfologi atau ciri-ciri endoparasit dan gambaran darah terutama jumlah eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin, Packed cell volume, dan jumlah total leukosit Seluruh sampel yang terkumpul diidentifikasi menggunakan mikroskop dibantu dengan panduan kunci identifikasi dan didokumentasikan menggunakan kamera digital, dan data gambaran darah yang diperoleh akan disesuakan dengan gambaran darah normal kemudian semua data yang diperoleh, diolah secara deskriptif. Penelitian ini akan dilaksanakan didaerah Kecamatan Amarasi Kabupaten Kupang. Dari pemeriksaan ditemukan telur cacing Ascaridia galli untuk semua sampel feses dan pemeriksaan darah menunjukkan bahwa jumlah eritrosit 3.782 X 10^6/µL, kadar hemoglobin 12.16  g/L, PCV 43.18%, dan jumlah total leukosit 112.5 X 10^3/µL


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    Babesia sp. is a protozoa that infects dogs through tick bite and can cause babesiosis. The purpose of blood tests in case dogs is to find out the profile of the dog's red blood cells with babesiosis. On clinical examination found many ticks on the dog's body. Dogs show clinical symptoms of dehydration and paleness in the mucosa. Blood collection is done through the anterior antibrachii cephalica vein. Blood is taken and collected in EDTA tubes. Then the examination is done by examining blood parasites, examining erythrocyte values, examining hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit values. Examination of blood parasites was done by making reticulocyte preparations, while examining erythrocyte values, hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit values were performed using a Vet Scan® HM 5TM machine. The results of examination of reticulocyte preparations showed the existence of Babesia sp infestations with a presentation of 0.68%. Erythrocyte values, hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit values were 3.52x106 // µL, 6.90 g / dL and 23.81%. Based on history, physical examination, clinical and laboratory examination, it can be concluded that the Beagle dog named Loh has microcytic hypochromatic anemia