32 research outputs found

    Deletions of CDKN2A and MTAP Detected by Copy-Number Variation Array Are Associated with Loss of p16 and MTAP Protein in Pleural Mesothelioma

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    CDKN2A deletion is a common alteration in pleural mesothelioma (PM) and frequently associated with co-deletion of MTAP. Since the standard detection method for CDKN2A deletion and FISH analysis is relatively expensive, we here investigated the suitability of inexpensive p16 and MTAP IHC by comparing concordance between IHC and OncoScan CNV arrays on samples from 52 PM patients. Concordance was determined using Cohen's kappa statistics. Loss of CDKN2A was associated with co-deletion of MTAP in 71% of cases. CDKN2A-MTAP copy-number normal cases were also IHC positive in 93% of cases for p16 and 100% for MTAP, while homozygous deletion of CDKN2A-MTAP was always associated with negative IHC for both proteins. In cases with heterozygous CDKN2A-MTAP loss, IHC expression of p16 and MTAP was negative in 100% and 71%, respectively. MTAP and p16 IHC showed high sensitivity (MTAP 86.5%, p16 100%) and specificity (MTAP 100%, p16 93.3%) for the detection of any gene loss. Loss of MTAP expression occurred exclusively in conjunction with loss of p16 labeling. Both p16 and MTAP IHC showed high concordance with Oncoscan CNV arrays (kappa = 0.952, p < 0.0001, and kappa = 0.787, p < 0.0001 respectively). We recommend combined MTAP and p16 immunohistochemistry to confirm the diagnosis of PM

    Mantle cell lymphomas with concomitant MYC and CCND1 breakpoints are recurrently TdT positive and frequently show high-grade pathological and genetic features

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    Chromosomal breakpoints involving the MYC gene locus, frequently referred to as MYC rearrangements (MYC - R+), are a diagnostic hallmark of Burkitt lymphoma and recurrent in many other subtypes of B-cell lymphomas including follicular lymphoma, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and other high-grade B-cell lymphomas and are associated with an aggressive clinical course. In remarkable contrast, in MCL, only few MYC - R+ cases have yet been described. In the current study, we have retrospectively analysed 16 samples (MYC - R+, n = 15, MYC - R-, n = 1) from 13 patients and describe their morphological, immunophenotypic and (molecular) genetic features and clonal evolution patterns. Thirteen out of fifteen MYC - R+ samples showed a non-classical cytology including pleomorphic (centroblastic, immunoblastic), anaplastic or blastoid. MYC translocation partners were IG-loci in 4/11 and non-IG loci in 7/11 analysed cases. The involved IG-loci included IGH in 3 cases and IGL in one case. PAX5 was the non-IG partner in 2/7 patients. The MYC - R+ MCL reported herein frequently displayed characteristics associated with an aggressive clinical course including high genomic-complexity (6/7 samples), frequent deletions involving the CDKN2A locus (7/10 samples), high Ki-67 proliferation index (12/13 samples) and frequent P53 expression (13/13 samples). Of note, in 4/14 samples, SOX11 was not or only focally expressed and 3/13 samples showed focal or diffuse TdT-positivity presenting a diagnostic challenge as these features could point to a differential diagnosis of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and/or lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia

    Heterogeneity in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma

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    Despite advances in malignant pleural mesothelioma therapy, life expectancy of affected patients remains short. The limited efficiency of treatment options is mainly caused by inter- and intra-tumor heterogeneity of mesotheliomas. This diversity can be observed at the morphological and molecular levels. Molecular analyses reveal a high heterogeneity (i) between patients; (ii) within different areas of a given tumor in terms of different clonal compositions; and (iii) during treatment over time. The aim of the present review is to highlight this diversity and its therapeutic implications

    Heterogeneity in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma

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    Despite advances in malignant pleural mesothelioma therapy, life expectancy of affected patients remains short. The limited efficiency of treatment options is mainly caused by inter- and intra-tumor heterogeneity of mesotheliomas. This diversity can be observed at the morphological and molecular levels. Molecular analyses reveal a high heterogeneity (i) between patients; (ii) within different areas of a given tumor in terms of different clonal compositions; and (iii) during treatment over time. The aim of the present review is to highlight this diversity and its therapeutic implications

    Live-Cell Mesothelioma Biobank to Explore Mechanisms of Tumor Progression

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    Experimental models closely representing conditions allow investigating mechanisms of resistance. Our aims were to establish a live-cell biobank of malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) samples and to obtain proof of principle that primary culture chemoresistant models, mimicking tumor progression observed in patients, can be obtained , providing a useful tool to investigate underlying mechanisms. Primary mesothelioma cultures were established from 235 samples between 2007 and 2014. Of two MPM patients, primary cultures obtained at different time points: at initial diagnosis, after neoadjuvant treatment at surgery and/or after tumor recurrence, were deeply investigated. Cells and corresponding tumor tissue were characterized by mesothelial protein and gene expression analysis. In addition, primary cultures from chemo naive patients were exposed to increasing doses of cisplatin/pemetrexed during three months and compared with non-treated cells in a cytotoxicity assay, and by selected profiling of senescence markers. chemoresistance in the primary mesothelioma cell cultures was associated with increased Thy1 (CD90) expression. Thy1 expression in MPM samples was significantly associated with poor overall survival in the TCGA MPM cohort. Our results illustrate that the establishment of a large live-cell MPM biobank contributes to a better understanding of therapy resistance observed , which eventually may lead to a more logical approach for developing new treatment strategies

    Inferring clonal composition from multiple tumor biopsies

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    Knowledge about the clonal evolution of a tumor can help to interpret the function of its genetic alterations by identifying initiating events and events that contribute to the selective advantage of proliferative, metastatic, and drug-resistant subclones. Clonal evolution can be reconstructed from estimates of the relative abundance (frequency) of subclone-specific alterations in tumor biopsies, which, in turn, inform on its composition. However, estimating these frequencies is complicated by the high genetic instability that characterizes many cancers. Models for genetic instability suggest that copy number alterations (CNAs) can influence mutation-frequency estimates and thus impede efforts to reconstruct tumor phylogenies. Our analysis suggested that accurate mutation frequency estimates require accounting for CNAs-a challenging endeavour using the genetic profile of a single tumor biopsy. Instead, we propose an optimization algorithm, Chimæra, to account for the effects of CNAs using profiles of multiple biopsies per tumor. Analyses of simulated data and tumor profiles suggested that Chimæra estimates are consistently more accurate than those of previously proposed methods and resulted in improved phylogeny reconstructions and subclone characterizations. Our analyses inferred recurrent initiating mutations in hepatocellular carcinomas, resolved the clonal composition of Wilms' tumors, and characterized the acquisition of mutations in drug-resistant prostate cancers

    Dysfunction of oskyddad causes harlequin-type ichthyosis-like defects in Drosophila Melanogaster

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    Prevention of desiccation is a constant challenge for terrestrial organisms. Land insects have an extracellular coat, the cuticle, that plays a major role in protection against exaggerated water loss. Here, we report that the ABC transporter Oskyddad (Osy)-a human ABCA12 paralog-contributes to the waterproof barrier function of the cuticle in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. We show that the reduction or elimination of Osy function provokes rapid desiccation. Osy is also involved in defining the inward barrier against xenobiotics penetration. Consistently, the amounts of cuticular hydrocarbons that are involved in cuticle impermeability decrease markedly when Osy activity is reduced. GFP-tagged Osy localises to membrane nano-protrusions within the cuticle, likely pore canals. This suggests that Osy is mediating the transport of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) through the pore canals to the cuticle surface. The envelope, which is the outermost cuticle layer constituting the main barrier, is unaffected in osy mutant larvae. This contrasts with the function of Snu, another ABC transporter needed for the construction of the cuticular inward and outward barriers, that nevertheless is implicated in CHC deposition. Hence, Osy and Snu have overlapping and independent roles to establish cuticular resistance against transpiration and xenobiotic penetration. The osy deficient phenotype parallels the phenotype of Harlequin ichthyosis caused by mutations in the human abca12 gene. Thus, it seems that the cellular and molecular mechanisms of lipid barrier assembly in the skin are conserved during evolution