96 research outputs found

    Remote Monitor and Controller System for Power Generators

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    Stand-alone power generating sets have become a source of alternative power supply in Nigeria for decades now, especially for business owners, corporate bodies, industries, as well as individuals, due to the epileptic condition of the electric power utility. The proper management, as embodied in the control and maintenance of such systems, has remained a source of concern as power failures are critical to the productivity of such users, especially industries and businesses. In this paper, a Remote Monitor and Controller System (RMCS) for power generators is designed to improve the operation and maintenance of power generators. The RMCS, which includes both a hardware module and software, provides a functionality that allows a power generator to be controlled and monitored from a remote location

    Auxiliary Winding Switching Circuit for Single-Phase Induction Motors

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    The most common practice for starting a single-phase induction motor is to connect a starting capacitor, in series, with the auxiliary winding. Here, the possibility of using an electronic switch in parallel with the starting capacitor, is discussed. This work relates particularly to a switching device for electrically connecting and removing the auxiliary winding and starting capacitor from the single-phase induction motor's circuitry. The starting capacitor with the auxiliary winding are disconnected by electronic means as the motor gains speed hence leaving only the main winding in the motor circuit for normal operation

    Impact of Human Resource Accounting on Bursary Staff Effectiveness: Implication for Measurement and Evaluation of Human Capital in Federal Universities, Nigeria

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    This study investigated human resource accounting and bursary staff effectiveness   and its implication for measurement and evaluation of human capital in Federal Universities.   The study area was South-Eastern part of Nigeria, and a field survey method which involved the use of a questionnaire and interview was the method employed for data collection. A questionnaire that had a split-half reliability index of 0.75 and titled: Questionnaire for Evaluating Human Resource accounting in Offices (QEHRAO) was the instrument used for data collection. From the results of data analysis at 95% confidence interval, it was revealed that there exist a strong positive correlation between the five areas of human resource accounting and bursary staff effectiveness. 98.43% of the respondents opined that with an effective application of human resource accounting measures; management of public institutions will see its human resource as assets being maximized for greater productivity and excellence in service delivery. Keywords: Evaluating Human Resource Accounting, Bursary   Staff Effectiveness, Human Capital Implication for Measurement of Human Capital 

    Appraising the State of Maintenance and Management of Available Secondary School Facilities on Students’ Academic Performance in Cross River State, Nigeria

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    The study appraised the maintenance and management of available secondary school facilities in Cross River State. The Government of Cross River State has increased the funding of affordable and qualitative education by about 12.96% in 2012 to 16.83% in its annual budget for 2013 in order to guarantee adequate provision, maintenance, and management of school facilities in her secondary schools, and other institutions of learning so as to foster quality learning, and enhanced student’s academic performance. This study sampled 235 stakeholders in Calabar South and North in the state secondary school education, and found that 87.10% of the respondent agreed that there exist a correlation between provision, maintenance and management of school facilities, and students’ academic performance. Thus, the study recommended among other things; a sustained increase in annual budgets to ensure adequate and continuous maintenance as well as management of school facilities. Keywords: Appraising, Maintenance and management, School facilities, Students’ performanc

    Automatic Transfer and Controller System for Standby Power Generator

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    An automatic transfer system (ATS) was developed to monitor the a.c. voltage coming from Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) line for power failure conditions. Upon detection of an outage for a predetermined period of time, the standby generator is started, once is up to speed, the load is transferred from the PHCN line to the local Generator. This ATS is capable of electrically monitoring fuel level, oil level, Battery strength, next maintenance schedule and then start or stop the unmanned Generator from the computer system located in the comfort of homes or offices outside the Generator site. In this paper therefore, an Automatic Transfer System (ATS) for Power Generator is designed to improve the operation and maintenance of power generators. The ATS which includes both hardware and software module, provides a functionality that allows a power generator to be controlled and monitored from a remote locatio

    Trend analysis of the Nigerian budgetary allocation to the education sector from 2009 – 2018 with Reference to UNESCO’S 26% Benchmark

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    The importance of education in boosting the manpower of an economy cannot be overemphasized. This critical sector has been bastardized, relegated and put in a dust bin position through paltry figures usually allocated to it by the Federal Government of Nigeria. This paper presents a holistic trend of budgetary activities in Nigeria with a particular focus on the allocation to the Education sector using times series approach from 2009-2018. Two research questions were answered using secondary data gathered from the Central Bank of Nigeria's Statistical Bulletin, 2018. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, while the results of the analysis showed that, the total allocation to the education sector from 2009 – 2018 is N4,038,115,000,000. The results further revealed a difference of N 10,311,805,000,000 between UNESCO benchmark of 26% and the actual allocation to the education sector for the same time period. It was concluded that the total allocation made to the education sector within the time period of 2009-2018 is generally low, and below the UNESCO benchmark. Based on the findings, it was recommended amongst others that the Federal Government of Nigeria should adequately fund the educational sector by allocating at least 26% of her budget to the education sector as prescribed by UNESCO


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    A lot has been written on the Nigeria-Biafra war which lasted from 1967 to 1970. However, little attention has been given to a very important but almost forgotten part of that war. This is the trade that took place between the Anioma people on the Nigeria side and Biafrans across the River Niger. It has been called ‘ashiaattack’. The trade played a very important role in prolonging the survival of Biafra as essential commodities were ferried across the Niger in a trade that proved very lucrative for traders on both sides. The trade was labelled clandestine because it was forbidden by federal authorities while it was encouraged by Biafran authorities hemmed in and challenged by the economic blockade ringed around her by the former. The neglect of this important phenomenon in the Nigeria-Biafra war, particularly from an Anioma perspective, represents a void that needs to be filled if some finer details of the war are to be understood. It is important in helping glue some facts together to make for a deeper explanation of aspects of the war. In undertaking this task and employing mostly oral sources, this paper highlights and discusses the dynamics of the trade; its larger significance in the Nigeria-Biafra war that pitched the Igbo population of Nigeria against the other Nigerian ethnic groups as well as the consequences of the trade for the Anioma. Muito foi escrito sobre a guerra NigĂ©ria-Biafra que durou de 1967 a 1970. No entanto, pouca atenção foi dada a uma parte muito importante, mas quase esquecida dessa guerra. Isto Ă©, o comĂ©rcio que ocorreu entre o povo Anioma do lado da NigĂ©ria e Biafra atravĂ©s do rio NĂ­ger. Foi chamado de "ashia attack" ou “comĂ©rcio de ataque”. O comĂ©rcio desempenhou um papel muito importante no prolongamento da sobrevivĂȘncia de Biafra, uma vez que as mercadorias essenciais foram transportadas atravĂ©s do NĂ­ger em um comĂ©rcio que se mostrou muito lucrativo para os comerciantes de ambos os lados. O comĂ©rcio foi rotulado de clandestino porque foi proibido pelas autoridades federais enquanto era incentivado pelas autoridades de Biafra e desafiado pelo bloqueio econĂŽmico tocado ao seu redor pelo primeiro. A negligĂȘncia deste importante fenĂŽmeno na guerra NigĂ©ria-Biafra, particularmente de uma perspectiva de Anioma, representa um vazio que precisa ser preenchido para que alguns detalhes mais finos da guerra sejam compreendidos. É importante para ajudar a unir alguns fatos para fazer uma explicação mais profunda dos aspectos da guerra. Ao realizar essa tarefa e empregando fontes principalmente orais, este artigo destaca e discute a dinĂąmica do comĂ©rcio; sua grande importĂąncia na guerra NigĂ©ria-Biafra que lançou a população Igbo da NigĂ©ria contra os outros grupos Ă©tnicos nigerianos, bem como as consequĂȘncias do comĂ©rcio para os Anioma

    Fiscal Federalism and Development In Nigeria

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    It is a known fact that the nature of fiscal federalism the military government imposed on the nation has no regards for the source of production and revenue generation. This was as the result of constitutional empowerment that put the federal government in charge of payment and tax collection.This has gone a long way to hamper revenue generation effort and subject states as agents of federal government. Despite various committees and commissions’ recommended principles and formula, conflict are still brewing. Though previous scholarly works have been geared towards the adoption of an acceptable revenue sharing formula for equity and fairness to take its root, but what is obtainable generates internal ramblings in the polity, cold war amongst the various ethnic groups and a yardstick in understanding lack of sustainable development in the country. In the course of finding solution to this problems, this paper focuses on the following issues: Nigerian fiscal federalism, effect on development, its importance to national development, summary of the existing various principles and sharing formula, the contending issues, objective of fiscal relations and theory of fiscal federalism. The system approach was used in analysing the various component in its theoretical framework. Historical method was used in gathering data and documentary analysis was used to analyse secondary data to arrive at conclusion which recommendations were made for an enhanced fiscal federalism for a sustainable development

    Hybrid Energy Systems: Optimal Resource Determination and Cost Evaluation Using Homer Grid Software

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    This paper proposes a resource evaluation and validation study of a grid-connected hybrid power system whichtends to maximize the use of renewable energy generation with energy storage systems while minimizing thetotal system cost. The HOMER (Hybrid Optimization of Multiple Energy Resources) Grid software is adoptedin this study to find the optimal configuration of solar energy sources with battery storage systems to delivercomplementary electricity supply to satisfy AC primary load of 68.55 kWh/day with a 10.2 kW peak loaddemand to a building on a University campus premises located in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. The resultsobtained from simulations showed a list of feasible resource configurations for the hybrid system. However,the most optimal/economical configuration is a grid-connected Solar PV-Gasoline system with a least cost ofenergy (COE) at ₩93.83/kWh and 6.7% renewable energy fraction
