16 research outputs found

    China’s policy on development and security in east Africa

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    This article argues that China’s Eastern Africa policy is based on Chinese national economic and strategic interests – but with significant contributions to regional order. Beijing couples its One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative and existing United Nations (UN) policies to ensure that economic development projects are linked to Chinese contributions to regional peace and stability. China contributes to regional order by emphasising the use of military force for defensive purposes only and by gaining pre-approval from the region for such interventions. It also provides strong government-backed economic and diplomatic assistance to African countries, to further foster such regional order. Yet, contrary to its stated intentions, Beijing’s focus on development and non-interference could pose challenges to human rights observance and issues of social justice – by potentially allowing rogue regimes to jeopardise the basic security of individuals. In turn, this could further challenge regional order by spreading instability and conflict across borders.Keywords: China, East Africa, One Belt One Road, English School, United Nation

    Konflikten om Nordkoreas atomvåben: Et lærestykke i fejlslagen afskrækkelse

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    Liselotte Odgaard skriver om konflikten om Nordkoreas atomvåben og mulighederne for at finde en varig løsning

    Kina og ‘the Responsibility to Protect’

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    Peter Melgaard og Liselotte Odgaard kigger på Kina og dennes defensive og statscentrerede fortolkning af R2P

    Europe and the US-China tech war : enhanced competition in the post-Trump era

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    The policy paper analyses the influence of the US-China tech war on Europe’s ability to play a leading role in the economic, industrial, security and military sectors at global level. It is argued that Europe has the innovative industrial basis and the big companies to develop an autonomous cellular network and artificial intelligence solutions, provided EU member states focus on digital cooperation

    The EU and China: partners in effective mulitlateralism?

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    Kina i Arktis: I gråzonen mellem økonomi og sikkerhed

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    Kina er så småt på vej ind i Arktis, men det handler mest om penge og at sikre sine fremtidige handlemuligheder. Militært er Kina stadig ikke en arktisk magt

    Following the plough: genetic evidence of population expansions of Perdix perdix during early transition and late intensification of agriculture in Denmark and Western Europe

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    The analysis of the haplotype diversity represented by the sequences of the control region in the mitochondria in Danish partridges identified signals of population expansion as was the case in other European grey partridges. Based on this genetic analysis of the Danish recent and historical grey partridges together with previously analysed grey partridges from Germany, Poland, Hungary, France and Italy, it is hypothesized that the timing of the Grey partridge population expansions up through western Europe and the following dispersal of the grey partridge from the last LGM refugium in the French Pyrenees might be explained by the origin and spread of agriculture through Europe i.e. “following the plough”