60 research outputs found

    Nutritional Qualities of Three Medicinal Plant Parts (Xylopia aethiopica, Blighia sapida and Parinari polyandra) commonly used by Pregnant Women in the Western Part of Nigeria

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    The nutritional potentials of three medicinal plant parts used by pregnant women in the western part of Nigeria Parinari polyandra, Blighia sapida and Xylopia aethiopica were evaluated through their proximate compositions as well as percentage mineral elements composition. Blighia sapida was high in crude fibre (44.09±2.20%) compared with Parinari polyandra and Xylopia aethiopica that were 4.21±1.10% and 12.14±0.70% respectively. Moisture contents of Xylopia aethiopica and Blighia sapida were 16.04±1.25% and 10.17±2.60% respectively while that of Parinari polyandra was 30.65±5.02%. The total ash contents of Parinari polyandra, Blighia sapida and Xylopia aethiopica were 2.53±1.20%, 3.66±1.20% and 4.37±0.85% respectively. The total fat of Xylopia aethiopica, Blighia sapida and Parinari polyandra were 9.55±2.10%, 1.25±0.20% and 0.53±0.15% respectively while the total protein of Blighia sapida, Xylopia aethiopica and Parinari polyandra were 2.1±0.25%, 2.1±0.20% and 7.09±0.20% respectively. The total carbohydrate of Xylopia aethiopica was 55.80±4.26%, that of Parinari polyandra was 54.27±3.20% and that of Blighia sapida was 39.45±2.20%. Xylopia aethiopica can be a good source of magnesium (2.236±0.095), phosphorus (0.620±0.04) and potassium (0.510±0.04) as the amount of these mineral elements were higher than that of the other plant parts with the exception of Parinari polyandra having 0.690±0.11% phosphorus. Blighia sapida is also a good source of phosphorus (0.400±0.20), magnesium (0.430±0.20) and calcium (0.348±0.15). Other mineral elements detected in reasonable amounts were calcium, zinc and sodium. Further tests revealed that heavy metals such as lead, chromium and cadmium were not detected. The results of this research indicated that the three plants parts have nutritional qualities that could provide the users with additional nutrients

    Pattern of gunshot deaths in a Nigerian Tertiary Health Institution

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    The present study was aimed to determine the pattern of injuries, manner of death, and demographic parameters of gunshot deaths in a Nigerian teaching hospital. This was a prospective descriptive autopsy study of gunshot deaths seen in the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan, over a period of twelve months from January to December 2006. All the coroner autopsies for the period involving gunshot deaths were reviewed with emphasis on the sex, age, occupation, circumstances surrounding the event, manner of death, likely motive in cases of homicidal or suicidal gunshot, type of gun used and site(s) of injury. Gunshot deaths formed eleven (1.6%) of the 697 coroner cases performed at UCH in 2006. Ten of the 11 cases were male, and the overall age range was 10-60 years. The manner of death in ten of such cases was homicide, and unascertained in one case. Rifled weapons were used in 64% of the cases and shotguns, illegally acquired, accounted for the remaining 36%. Most were victims of armed robbery attacks. The head, abdomen, chest and lower limbs were sites of injuries in descending order of frequency. Gunshot deaths were the commonest form of homicide in the period under review. Young males and victims of armed robbery attacks are most susceptible. It is important to note the absence of suicidal gunshot deaths in this study.Keywords: Pattern of injuries; Gunshot deaths; Demographic parameters; Nigeri

    Assessment of nutritive values of some waterweeds

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    The potentials of water weeds as a feed resource material in livestock production industry in Nigeria is yet to be fully exploited.  The nutritive values of ten identified water weeds (Polygonum lanigerum, Nymphaea lotus, Paspalum scrobiculatum, Ascroceras zizanioides, Ipomea aquatica, Panicum sulbabidum, Sacciolepis africana, Leersia hexandra, Heteranthera callifolia and Dicksonia antartica) were therefore evaluated by determining their chemical composition and antinutritional components. The crude protein content ranged from 13.67% to 32.67% in Paspalum scrobiculatum and Heteranthera callifolia respectively while the crude fibre composition ranged between 4.00 % and 26.00 % in Ipomea aquatica and Acroceras zizanioides respectively. The neutral detergent fibre was generally high and it is between 37.33% in Nymphaea lotus and 64.00 % in Panicum sulbabidum. The antinutritional factor result showed that only four of the weeds contain saponin where only Nymphaea lotus and Acroceras zizanioides do not contain phenols or tannin. Steroids were present in all except Nymphaea lotus which contains the saturated steroids or triterperoids. The study showed that the water weeds had low antinutritional values and adequate amounts of nutrients which could be utilized by animals. Thus, the plants could be fed to livestock especially during the dry season as a source of plant protein. Keywords: Water weeds, Saponins, Tannins, Steroids

    Sources of Cadaver for Anatomic Sciences in an Evolving Medical Institution

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    The concept of dissecting human body revolutionized Anatomy as a sacred discipline. Evaluating sources of cadaver adds values to care of human remains with due respect to body donors for their magnanimous and selfless act in furtherance of medical education and research. This study aimed at bridging communication gap in getting the rightful cadavers for anatomic education with specific objectives addressing the challenges involved. The department’s Cadaver Registry contained: date and source of cadaver, gender, race, likely age, cause of death, autopsy report, type of embalmment, mode of release, financial expenditure and mode of disposal. Data were subjected to simple statistical analysis while Kendall’s Coefficient of Concordance was adopted for test of significance. Forty-one adult cadavers procured from five mortuaries were analysed with male to female ratio of 13 to 1 while student to cadaver ratio was 5 to 1. Unclaimed body dominated cause of death with 68.3% while the rest was armed-robbery. Autopsy was earlier performed on 9.8% of cadaver before acquisition. Undisclosed payment transpired on 80.5% before release from provincial mortuaries. Tests of significance amongst the characteristics were statistically-significant proven the itemized factors to be independent. Elucidative programmes were identified in checking the strong socio-cultural heritage against whole body bequeaths to acquire rightful cadavers. Main sources were from unclaimed body and legally executed criminals. Gender and student to cadaver ratios were promising for anatomic utilization. The proposed amendment on old anatomic act in Nigeria should be sagely incorporated with whole body bequeath affairs

    Human bite as a weapon of assault

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    Background: Human bite is a growing public health concern. It may be seen in both victims and aggressors following assault. Effects of human bite are both social and medical.Objectives: This study aims to determine the prevalence and characteristics of assault-related human bite injuries in Enugu, Nigeria.Methods: In this prospective study, an objective structured questionnaire was administered to assault victims attending the Forensic unit of ESUT Teaching Hospital between November 2013 and October 2014. Obtained data was analyzed.Results: Out of 219 patients presenting with clinical injuries, 29 (13.2%) sustained human bite wounds. Average age was 32.2±11.30 years and 34.3±12.4 years for victims and biters respectively. Females were more involved than males. Severe injuries resulted more in bites involving females than males. Contusion (47.6%) and laceration (31.0%) were the commonest. Upper limbs were mostly affected (44.7%) followed by the face (29.0%). Romance-related injuries affected breasts and thighs. Most incidents (62.1%) occurred within home/living quarters. Most biters were known to their victims.Conclusion: Human bite is a common outcome of assault and so should be anticipated in cases of assault. Patterns of location of bites seem related to nature of crime.Keywords: Human bite, teeth, weapon, assault, victim, biter

    Effects of combinations of ethanolic extracts of Blighia sapida and Xylopia aethiopica on progesterone, estradiol and lipid profile levels in pregnant rabbits

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    The effects of ethanolic extracts of Xylopia aethiopica fruits and Blighia sapida roots, used by some rural dwellers in western part of Nigeria for arbortifacient purposes, were investigated using pregnant rabbits. A combination of X. aethiopica and B. sapida in a ratio 1:1 at concentrations of 10.0 mg/ kg body weight (group B) and 50.0 mg/ kg body weight (group C), and X. aethiopica alone at 50.0 mg/kg of body weight (group D) were administered by gastric intubations for a period of 14 days from the 12th to 25th day of gestation after which they were fasted for 18 h. Serum levels of reproductive hormones (progesterone and estradiol) and lipids (triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and HDLcholesterol) were determined at the end of the treatment. Results showed significant reductions (p < 0.05) in progesterone and estradiol levels, significant elevations of triglycerides (p < 0.05) and no statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) in the levels of total cholesterol in all the treated groups compared with the control (group A). There was a statistically significant reduction (p < 0.05) in the levels of HDL-cholesterol in Group B, a significant increase in group C and no significant reduction in group D compared with the control (group A). The levels of LDL-cholesterol in all the treated groups did not differ significantly (p < 0.05) from the control (group A). The results suggest that ethanolic extracts of X. aethiopica alone or in combination with B. sapida may actually lead to termination of pregnancy due to reduction of progesterone and estradiol. The results also suggest that there is increased risk of hypertriglyceridemia in the users of these plants but this may not predispose them to arteriosclerosis because of the insignificant differences in the levels of LDL-cholesterol in all the treated groups compared with the control

    Valorization of cocoa processing waste bioresource in biofuel production: A mini review

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    Food-related waste is produced in large quantities every year throughout the world. Cocoa industrial wastes, in particular, constitute an important source of useable biomass for the development of fresh items like food, farm animal feed, beauty products, and chemical substances, as well as the production of biofuels. Cocoa pod shells, bean shells, and mucilage are among the cocoa industrial wastes that include compounds of relevance to many businesses. However, because of these by-products’ lignocellulose content, which necessitates pretreatment to effectively employ them, depending on the conversion technique utilized to get the best biomass yield, different kinds of renewable energy can be produced. Modern research has demonstrated that solid, gaseous, and liquid biofuels may be produced from industrial waste from cocoa. All the same, the most prevalent use documented is as a direct combustion source for powering the same production plants. As a result, the goal of this project is to conduct a review of biodiesel synthesis utilizing cocoa pods as a catalyst as well as the technological concept used for the transformation. Emerging trends also show how important it is to use predictive methods to improve system parameters and to use enzyme catalysis in manufacturing to speed up chemical reactions
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