594 research outputs found

    Optical and X-ray Properties of CAL 83: I. Quasi-periodic Optical and Supersoft Variability

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    We have studied the long-term (~ years) temporal variability of the prototype supersoft X-ray source (SSS) CAL 83 in the LMC, using data from the MACHO and OGLE projects. The CAL 83 light curve exhibits dramatic brightness changes of ~1 mag on timescales of ~450 days, and spends typically ~200 days in the optical low state. Combined with archival XMM-Newton X-ray observations these represent the most extensive X-ray/optical study to date of this system, and reveal in much greater detail that the X-ray light curve is anti-correlated with the optical behaviour. This is remarkably similar to the behaviour of the "transient" SSS, RX J0513.9-6951, where the SSS outbursts recur on a timescale of ~168 days, and also anti-correlate with the optical flux. We performed simple blackbody fits to both high and low state X-ray spectra, and find that the blackbody temperature and luminosity decrease when the optical counterpart brightens. We interpret these long-term variations in terms of the limit-cycle model of Hachisu & Kato (2003a), which provides further support for these systems containing massive (~1.3 Msun) white dwarfs. In addition, we have refined their orbital periods in the MACHO and OGLE-III light curves to values of 1.047529(1) days and 0.762956(5) days for CAL 83 and RX J0513.9-6951, respectively.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    AE Aquarii: A Short Review

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    The nova-like variable AE Aquarii has been continuously studied since its discovery on photographic plates in 1934. In this short review the peculiar multi-wavelength properties of AE Aquarii will be reviewed and explained in context of its evolution from a high mass transfer phase, during which period it could have been a supersoft X-ray source (SSS)

    The possible effect of the bioaccumulation of disinfectant by-products on crops irrigated with treated wastewater

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    The shortage of potable water for irrigation of food crops in semi-arid developing countries led to the use of alternative sources of water. Wastewater is gaining importance for productive use in agriculturethroughout the world. A widely used and efficient method to reduce the occurrence of waterborne diseases in numerous wastewater plants is water chlorination. In early 1970s, some volatile halogenated organic compounds such as chloroform were identified in chlorinated surface waters containing high levels of natural organic material. Generally, the trihalomethanes (THMs), including chloroform, bromodicholoromethane, dibromochloromethane and bromoform were the most prevalent in chlorinated surface water. Predominant research studies focused on the carcinogenic and mutagenic properties of these compounds in treated wastewater. But little attention was paid to how these compounds in treatedwastewater could affect crop performance in agriculture, physiological changes amongst crop varieties and the build-up of these organic compounds in edible plant tissues with persistent use of treated waste-water. A probable reason for this was the absence of the practice of wastewater irrigation in food crop agriculture in the past. Current knowledge on the trihalomethanes and possible plant interactions with this group of volatile organic compounds are assessed in this review

    Spontaneous prolonged contractions during antenatal fetal heart rate monitoring

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    CITATION: Reinhardt, G., Odendaal, H.J. & Kotze, T.J.v.W. 1987. Spontaneous prolonged contractions during antenatal fetal heart rate monitoring . S Afr Med J, 71(1):17-19.The original publication is available at http://www.samj.org.zaENGLISH ABSTRACT: Uterine contractions of more than 2 minutes' duration occurred spontaneously in 1.4% of 6399 antenatal fetal heart rate (FHR) recordings. All recordings were made in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Tygerberg Hospital. The patients with spontaneous prolonged contractions (SPC) were compared with a randomly selected control group. Patients who had an SPC during antenatal FHR recording were not at a higher risk of abruptio placentae, preterm labour or unexpected intra-uterine death. Of the infants born to the mothers in the study group, 65.5% were male. There were more primigravidas in the study group, which may have been responsible for the longer duration of the second stage of labour in this group. When primigravidas only were examined no difference between the two groups could be found except for a larger placental mass in the study group. It is uncertain why primigravidas were more likely to develop SPCs as observed during antenatal FHR monitoring.Publisher’s versio

    Preterm labour - Is Mycoplasma hominis involved?

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    Objective. To assess whether Mycoplasma hominis is associated with preterm labour in primigravidae  and multigravidae with previous midtrimester abortion or preterm labour.Design. Cohort analytical study. Setting. Tygerberg Hospital, a tertiary academic hospital in the Western Cape.Methods. Gram's stains were done on smears taken from the posterior vaginal fornix, at the first  antenatal visit, between 16 and 26 weeks' gestation, in primigravidae and multigravidae at risk for preterm labour. Cultures for M. hominis and other commonly occurring organisms were done ·from endocervical swabs taken at the same visit. The outcome of pregnancy in mothers with positive cultures for M. hominis was then compared with outcome in women with negative cultures.Outcome measures. Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, bacterial vaginosis and preterm delivery, birth weight and perinatal deaths.Results. Cultures for M. hominis were positive in 83 patients  (21 %) and negative in 312 (79%).  Significantly more mothers in the positive group (40%) delivered before 37 weeks' gestation than in the negative group (28%, P = 0.0313). Their babies weighed significantly less (2 669 g v. 2 864 g, P = 0.0141). The positive group was also associated with more alcohol use in pregnancy and fewer of them  were married. C. trachomatis was found in 18% of mothers in the positive group but in 8% of the negative group (P = 0.0082). U. urealyticum was cultured in 96% of mothers in the positive group in contrast to 81 % in the negative group (P = 0.001). Bacterial vaginosis was observed on 75% of mothers  with positive cultures for M. hominis but in 22% with negative cultures (P = 0.00001, odds ratio 10.21, 95% confidence interval: 5.63 - 18.65). Conclusion. Positive culture for M. hominis was associated with more preterm deliveries and also with a higher frequency of C. trachomatis, U. urealyticum and bacterial vaginosis

    The mission of the local church amidst social disruption and transition : a study of the Ilitha and Ndevana communities in the Eastern Cape

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    The policy of Separate Development and its forceful implementation by the Nationalist Government from the !960's and into the 1980's resulted in the resettlement of thousands of Africans in the 'homeland' Ciskei in the Eastern Cape. All these changes had a profound and very often a disruptive influence on the lives of those involved. People's ability to survive amidst these circumstances, was tested to the limit. This study looks at the role of the local Christian faith community in supporting its members during these rapid and disruptive socioeconomic and political changes. The study is confined to two congregations of the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa in Ilitha and Ndevana in the Eastern Cape. Following an introductory chapter, Chapter 2 gives a historical outline of developments in the broader Ciskei. Attention is also given to demographic, social and economic conditions. Chapter 3 describes the culture and feeling of despair, powerlessness and mistrust that is deeply entrenched in the minds of many people in the community due to depressive socio-economic situations. Chapter 4 gives an overview of the churches in the area and describes the supportive structures and actions of two churches in the Ilitha-Ndevana area. No instant solutions are offered to members but through mutual support they find a sense of belonging and encouragement in the midst of their hardship. In Chapter 5 a model for the mission of the local church in a context of social and economic change and disruption, is presented. It is shown how the image of Christianity and the Gospel have been distorted and misused in the past through the entanglement of mission and colonialism, a negative attitude towards African culture, and by contributing to the subordination of women in society. A vision that people in Africa can have peace and dignity and become self-reliant is proposed. Within the local faith community this vision is built on an understanding of God as the weak and suffering Lord, on fellowship and mutual support, a new reading of the Bible, a practical community based spirituality, and an emphasis on healing.Die daarstelling en .kragdadige toepassing van die beleid van Afsonderlike Ontwikkeling vanaf die 1960's tot·die 1980's het tot gevolg_gehad dat duisende Swart Suid-AftilCaners hervestig is in die Ciskei-tuisland in die Oos-Kaap. Al hierdie veranderinge het verreikende en baie dikwels ontwrigtende gevolge op die betrokkenes gehad. Mense se vermoens om binne hierdie omstandighede te oorlee:t: is tot die uiterste beproef. Hierdie studie kyk na die rol van die plaaslike · Cbristelike. geloofsgemeenskap in die ondersteuning van sy lede tydens snelle en ontwrigtende sosiale, ekonomiese en politieke veranderinge. Die studie is beperk tot twee gemeentes van die Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk in Suider-Aftika in Ilitha en Ndevana in die Oos-Kaap. Na 'n inleidende hoofstuk, gee hoofstuk 2 'n historiese oorsig van ontwikkelinge in die breere Ciskei-gebied. Aandag word ook gegee aan demografriese, sosiale en ekonomiese toestande. Hoofstuk 3 beskryf 'n kultuur en gevoel van moedeloosheid, magteloosheid en wantroue wat, as gevolg van neerdrukkende sosiaal-ekonomiese toestande, diep in menige mense se gemoedere vasgele is. Hoofstuk 4 gee 'n oorsig oor die kerke in die gebied en beskryf die ondersteunende strukture en optrede in twee gemeentes in die Ilitha-Ndevana area. Geen kitsoplossings word aan lede aangebied nie, maar deur onderlinge steun vind hulle geborgenheid en bemoediging te midde van swaarkry. In hoofstuk 5 word 'n model aangebied vir die missie van die plaaslike kerk te midde van sosiale en ekonomiese veranderinge en ontwrigting. Daar word aangetoon hoe die beeld van die Christendom in die verlede verwring en misbruik is deur: die verstrengeling van sending en kolonialisasie; 'n negatiewe houding teenoor kultuur in Afrika; en deur by te dra tot die ondergeskikte posisie van vroue in die samelewing. 'n Visie dat die mense van Afrika vrede en menswaardigheid kan geniet en self onderhoudend kan raak, word voorgestel. Binne die plaaslike geloofsgemeenskap word aan hierdie visie gebou deur 'n begrip van God as die magtelose en lydende Here, deur onderlinge gemeenskap en ondersteuning, 'n nuwe lees en begrip van die Bybel, 'n praktiese gemeenskaps-gerigte spiritualiteit en 'n beklemtoning van heling en herstel.Christian Spirituality, Church History and MissiologyD.Th. (Missiology

    The use of Doppler velocitnetry of the utnbilical artery before 24 weeks' gestation to screen for high-risk pregnancies

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    Objective. To describe the prevalence and natural history of absent end-diastolic velocities (AEDV) in the mnbilical artery of the fetus between 16 and 24 weeks' gestation, and to evaluate its role as a screening test.Design. Population-based descriptive study.Setting. Tygerberg Hospital, Tygerberg, South Africa. The hospital serves a population from the lower socio-economic bracket.Subjects. Doppler velocimetry was performed at routine ultrasound examinations for confirmation of gestational age in 496 women.Main outcome measures. The occurrence of perinatal death, small-for-gestational-age (SGA) babies and proteinuric hypertension.Results. Forty-four (8,9%) patients had AEDVs at the first examination, but AEDV persisted in only 1. In this case, severe proteinuric hypertension developed unexpectedly at 29 weeks' gestation and the fetus needed delivery because ofpersistent late decelerations of the fetal heart rate pattern. There was a significant association between the group with AEDV at first examination and the development of proteinuric hypertension (P <0,05), but no association with SGA babies. The association with proteinuric hypertension was too weak to be of clinical use.Conclusion. Doppler velocimetry of the mnbilical artery, performed along with routine ultrasound examination to confirm gestational age, is not of use as a screening test for identifYing highrisk pregnancies