14 research outputs found

    Winkeltrouw bevorderen via relatiemarketing

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    Winkeltrouw bevorderen via relatiemarketin

    De invloed van de winkel en de consument op winkeltrouw

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    In deze studie staan de effecten van het imago van de winkel en de relatiegeneigdheid van de consument op winkeltrouw centraal. Hierbij wordt tevens aandacht besteed aan de rol van positieve gevoelens, tevredenheid, vertrouwen en commitment. De data zijn verkregen uit een steekproef van 357 consumenten van een grote Belgische supermarktketen. LISREL-resultaten bevestigen de veronderstelde relaties tussen de constructen, aangezien tien van de elf hypothesen kunnen worden ondersteund. Het onderzoek toont aan dat het imago van de winkel en de relatiegeneigdheid van de consument beide een duidelijk positief effect hebben op winkeltrouw via positieve gevoelens, tevredenheid, vertrouwen en commitment. Een belangrijke implicatie hiervan is dat winkeliers om winkeltrouw te bevorderen zich mede moeten richten op de persoonlijkheid van de winkel én op de persoonlijkheid van de consument

    Analyzing the determinants to accept a virtual assistant and use cases among cancer patients:a mixed methods study

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    Background: Technological progress in artificial intelligence has led to the increasing popularity of virtual assistants, i.e., embodied or disembodied conversational agents that allow chatting with a technical system in a natural language. However, only little comprehensive research is conducted about patients' perceptions and possible applications of virtual assistant in healthcare with cancer patients. This research aims to investigate the key acceptance factors and value-adding use cases of a virtual assistant for patients diagnosed with cancer. Methods: Qualitative interviews with eight former patients and four doctors of a Dutch radiotherapy institute were conducted to determine what acceptance factors they find most important for a virtual assistant and gain insights into value-adding applications. The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) was used to structure perceptions and was inductively modified as a result of the interviews. The subsequent research model was triangulated via an online survey with 127 respondents diagnosed with cancer. A structural equation model was used to determine the relevance of acceptance factors. Through a multigroup analysis, differences between sample subgroups were compared. Results: The interviews found support for all factors of the UTAUT: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions. Additionally, self-efficacy, trust, and resistance to change, were added as an extension of the UTAUT. Former patients found a virtual assistant helpful in receiving information about logistic questions, treatment procedures, side effects, or scheduling appointments. The quantitative study found that the constructs performance expectancy (ß = 0.399), effort expectancy (ß = 0.258), social influence (ß = 0.114), and trust (ß = 0.210) significantly influenced behavioral intention to use a virtual assistant, explaining 80% of its variance. Self-efficacy (ß = 0.792) acts as antecedent of effort expectancy. Facilitating conditions and resistance to change were not found to have a significant relationship with user intention. Conclusions: Performance and effort expectancy are the leading determinants of virtual assistant acceptance. The latter is dependent on a patient’s self-efficacy. Therefore, including patients during the development and introduction of a VA in cancer treatment is important. The high relevance of trust indicates the need for a reliable, secure service that should be promoted as such. Social influence suggests using doctors in endorsing the VA