144 research outputs found

    Analysis of Deviations and Delays in Aid Disbursements

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    aid disbursement, aid commitment, donors, recipients, conditionality, instability, uncertainty

    Public Finance and Economic Growth Empirical Evidence from Developing Countries

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    Fiscal policy, Public finance, Economic growth

    Economics and Politics of Official Loans versus Grants Panoramic Issues and Empirical Evidence

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    aid, ODA, grants, official loans, soft loans, grant element, grace period, bilateral aid, multilateral aid


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    The study seeks to identify donor-specific factors that cause donors to delay aid disbursement, and to apply a double standard in dealing with the non-compliance of a recipient with regard to aid conditionalities, a practice that promotes uncertainty in the receipt of aid. Annual panel data over 1970-2000 for the 22 members of OECDÂĄÂŻs DAC donor group are employed in the empirical study. Our findings suggest that the proportion of pledged aid being disbursed, which shows an increasing trend, is positively affected by the extent to which aid is procurement-tied and by the size of the donor governmentÂĄÂŻs expenditure in relation to GDP. On the other hand, the proportion of aid commitments being disbursed, which appears lower for the G7 countries, is negatively influenced by factors such as abundant donor generosity, the predominance of grants in total aid, the specific targeting of aid to lower-income recipients, high growth in donor economy, as well as high level of checks and balances, and polarization between the executive and legislative branches of government in the donor country.Aid Disbursement, Aid Commitment, Donors, Recipients, Conditionality, Instability, Uncertainty

    The 'Pull' and 'Push' Factors in North-South Private Capital Flows: Conceptual Issues and Empirical Estimates

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    private capital flows, foreign direct investment, portfolio capital flows, export credits, developed countries, developing countries

    Aid Effort and its Determinants

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    determinants of aid efforts, generosity, ODA, DAC, donors, G7

    Psychosocial Factors as Predictors of Academic Behavioural Confidence among Pre-Medical Students of University of Ibadan

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    Academic behavioural confidence is an important non-cognitive factor which has a significant tendency to influence students' academic achievement and future aspirations.  When an individual has little or no self-confidence in his academic pursuit, it could lead to frustration, low self-esteem, depression, and emotional distress which could eventually result to academic failure. If academic behavioural confidence is as important as stated above, then there is a need to investigate the predicting factors of the concept. This study, therefore, focuses on the role of parental support, achievement motivation, emotional intelligence, religiosity, and psychological adjustment on academic behavioural confidence among pre-medical students of University of Ibadan. The descriptive research design was adopted for this study, using the ex-post facto type. Two hundred (200) pre-medical students of University of Ibadan were randomly selected. Data collected were analysed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) and multiple regression at 0.05 level of significance. The result revealed that there is a significant relationship between the independent and dependent variables among pre-medical students of University of Ibadan. In terms of magnitude, achievement motivation was the strongest predictor (β = .332, t = 5.287, p < 0.01), followed by religiosity (β = .308, t = 5.272, p < 0.01), psychological adjustment (β = .185, t = 3.279, p < 0.05), and emotional intelligence (β = .184, t = 2.937, p < 0.05). Based on the findings, it is therefore recommended that since achievement motivation has been found to be the strongest predictor of academic behavioural motivation among the participants, parents (most especially) and others who share close ties with the students should motivate the students to achieve their desired goals and aspirations. Teachers and lecturers could also intrinsically motivate the students through their positive and constant words of encouragement all through the tedious academic and medical training.  Such re-assuring words like “It is not hard”, “I did it, you can also do it” would alleviate the fear of failure

    Psychosocial Factors as Predictors of Suicidal Ideation among undergraduates of University of Ibadan

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    This research was aimed at investigating the psychosocial factors predicting suicidal ideation among the undergraduate of University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Descriptive correlational design survey was adopted for this research. A sample size of 220 respondents was randomly selected for the purpose of this research. Valid and reliable instruments were used for data collection. Data collected were analysed using the Multiple Regression Analysis and Pearson Product Moment Correlation at 0.05 level of significance. The results revealed that self-esteem (r=0.337, p<.01), family support (r=0.366, p<.01), hopelessness (r=0.417, p<.01) and religion (r=0.402, p<.01) had a positive significant relationship with suicidal ideation, while emotional intelligence (r = -.414, p<.01) had a negative relationship with suicidal ideation. Also, the joint contribution of the independent variables (Self-Esteem, Hopelessness, Emotional Intelligence, Family Support and Religion) on suicidal ideation was significant. Finally, it was revealed that the independent variables contributed to the dependent variable relatively as expressed below. Self-esteem (β = .774, t = 16.350 P<.01), emotional intelligence (β = -.318, t = -7.938 P<.01), family support (β = .301, t = 5.760, P <.01), hopelessness (β = .498, t = 10.388, P <.01), religion (β = .309, t = 7.531, P <.01) respectively.  The study recommends that the school administrators should establish counselling units in each faculty to bring counselling psychologists closer to the student for any assistance where necessary. The religious bodies such as Churches and Mosques should do everything to preach hopeful messages to their congregation. This is to enliven the students attending such programmes thereby giving them hope irrespective of their situation. Families should also provide the needed support that would boost the students’ self- esteem and worth. This may be in form of more affection, support for their aspirations and dreams etc. This is achievable through regular phone calls, visitations and other kinds of support where necessary by the family members and significant others. Keywords: Hopelessness, Religion, Self-Esteem, Emotional Intelligence, Suicidal Ideation DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/101-07 Publication date:August 30th 202


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    Scholars in recent times are developing keen interests in recidivism. This is because the rate at which it is rising is worrisome. Recidivism is not only a problem to a recidivist but also to his/her family members, the society and to the nation. It leads to a waste of time and potential on the part of the individual recidivist and also funds and resources (human and capital) on the part of the nation which if not well handled, could lead to the death of the offenders. This study, therefore, investigated the relationship between family dysfunction, substance abuse, social support, emotional intelligence and recidivism. One hundred and eighty seven (187) participants were chosen among young adult inmates of Agodi correctional facility using simple randomisation. Three research questions were raised and answered for the study. Validated and standardized instruments were used to collect the data. Data collected were analysed using the Multiple Regression Analysis and Pearson Product Moment Correlation at a 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed a significant relationship between the independent variables and recidivism Based on the findings, it was recommended that mental health professionals should be engaged in the development of packages that will enhance the thorough participation of inmates in therapeutic programs, promote their psychological well-being and reduce their tendencies for reoffending. Family cohesion should not be traded for anything as its consequences are unimaginably destructive. To this end, every family member must unite to achieve it. On drug abuse, government agencies in charge of drugs should intensify their efforts on the misuse of drugs, especially among the young adults as this would not only promote healthy living but reduce criminal behaviours and recidivism.  Article visualizations
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