9 research outputs found

    Kaombo: Local wisdom regarding forest conservation system among the rongi indigenous people in South Buton

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    This article describes a local wisdom regarding forest conservation system called kaombo in the Rongi indigenous people in South Buton Regency, Indonesia. This is qualitative research with an ethnographic design. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out in a descriptive-qualitative ways using data reduction, presentation, and verification. The results of the research show that kaombo is a cultural institution that contains instrumental values to prevent forests from threats such as human overexploitation. The kaombo forest conservation system is reflected in the local knowledge of the Rongi indigenous people about forests and agricultural land use patterns. The principles of kaombo include forest sustainability, enforcement of customary sanctions for violations, and utilization of kaomboforest resources. Kaombo allows the carrying capacity of forest areas to be maintained

    The cultural values of the Sara Patanguna in strengthening harmonization among Ethnics in Baubau

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    This article identifies the cultural values ​​of Sara Pataanguna in strengthening inter-ethnic harmony in Baubau, South-East Sulawesi Province. The research is qualitative research conducted in the area settled by various ethnic groups such as Buginese, Torajan, Balinese, Ambonese, Javanese, and Chinese. In collecting data, we used a documentation study, in-depth interviews, and observations. Data analysis in this study was conducted interactively through three activity lines, namely data reduction, presentation, and conclusion. The results show that the cultural values ​​of Sara Pataanguna were sufficient to contribute to social-ethical norms, which are the legacy of Buton's ancestors since the Buton Sultanate ruled the land. These cultural values ​​form the basis for the Butonese and the migrant's own values living in Baubau since, in principle, these values (from local Butonese and from the migrants) synergize each other. The presence of migrant ethnic groups contributes to cultural values ​​and mutual symbiosis of the social structure in Baubau

    Kaombo: Local wisdom regarding forest conservation system among the rongi indigenous people in South Buton

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    This article describes a local wisdom regarding forest conservation system called kaombo in the Rongi indigenous people in South Buton Regency, Indonesia. This is qualitative research with an ethnographic design. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out in a descriptive-qualitative ways using data reduction, presentation, and verification. The results of the research show that kaombo is a cultural institution that contains instrumental values to prevent forests from threats such as human overexploitation. The kaombo forest conservation system is reflected in the local knowledge of the Rongi indigenous people about forests and agricultural land use patterns. The principles of kaombo include forest sustainability, enforcement of customary sanctions for violations, and utilization of kaomboforest resources. Kaombo allows the carrying capacity of forest areas to be maintained

    Pebula: Local wisdom of the Buton people considering the prevention and enforcement of corruption

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    Pebula is a Buton's terminology to refer to acts of corruption. The act of pebula can be in the form of fraud or embezzlement of the state budget, bribes, as well as taking advantage of deception by abusing public office, authority, and power. In the social and state system in Buton, there is a wisdom that reflects the spirit of eradicating pebula. This spirit is manifest through several practices in the life of the community and state that functionally reflect prevention and action (law enforcement) of criminal acts pebula. This study was conducted with a qualitative approach using data collection techniques through the manuscript, library research, and in-depth interviews with informants. This article describes how the prevention and enforcement approach to “pebula” is practiced in the society and state life in Buton as an effort to actualize a clean and accountable governance

    Sara Kidina in Buton: The Perspective of History, Culture and Quality of Life

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    This article aimed to explain the existence of ‘Sara Kidina’, a traditional institution that has survived to this day in Buton. Sara Kidina means a government or small institution that deals with legal and religious issues. This study used a descriptive qualitative model. Data were collected through a literature search and in-depth interviews with key informants. According to the results, the Sara Kidina institution has survived for approximately 423 years. Since its formation during the reign of the fourth Sultan of Buton, DayanuIkhsanuddin, Sara Kidina’s duties and functions have not significantly changed, even though the Buton sultanate system has ended. Sara Kidina functions to take care of the Butonese people, both now and in the hereafter. In carrying out these customary, legal and religious processions, Sara Kidina has an organizational structure with assigned duties. During the Sultanate of Buton, four Bhisa were included in the Sara Kidina structure because of their extensive knowledge of legal, religious and mysticism issues. At present, Sara Kidina is still functioning well in serving the needs of the community. This shows the strong influence of these institutions in the social and cultural life of the Butonese people. Therefore, government policy alignments are expected to support the existence of the Sara Kidina institution. Keywords: institutional existence, Sara Kidina, History, Buton culture, quality of lif


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    Artikel ini mendeskripsikan ragam praktik upacara dalam tradisi masyarakat Buton. Sebagaimana masyarakat lainnya, masyarakat Buton memiliki ragam praktik upacara yang berhubungan dengan aspek-aspek tertentu kehidupan mereka. Ragam praktik upacara dimaksud meliputi upacara-upacara yang berhubungan lingkaran hidup manusia, upacara-upacara keagamaan, upacara pertanian, upacara laut, upacara pembangunan rumah, dan upacara ziarah. Selain berfungsi sebagai media permohonan kepada Tuhan untuk berbagai keperluan, ragam praktik upacara tersebut juga menjadi instrumen yang fungsional dalam mempererat hubungan antar warga masyarakat

    Penegasan Bhineka Tunggal Ika dalam Kehidupan Bermasyarakat, Berbangsa dan Bernegaraguna Memperkuat Wawasan Nusantara

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    Bangsa Indonesia dikaruniai khasanah kekayaan, baik berupa kekayaanalam maupun budaya.Khasanah kekayaan alam terefleksi melalui sumber daya alam yang melimpah, baik di darat maupun di laut.Kekayaan budaya memanifestasi dalam bentuk kebhinekaan ras, suku, budaya, maupun sistem kepercayaan.Guna mempertahankan kohesi kebangsaan, maka kekayaan budayadalam berbagai dimensinya yang dimiliki bangsa Indonesia perlu dikelola secara arif agar potensi positif yang terkandung di dalamnya dapat teraktualisasi secara baik dan benar.Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, Bhineka Tunggal Ika yang menjadi salah satu pilar kebangsaanperlu terus dikuatkan sebagai perekat kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa, dan bernegara

    Kaomu : Surviving Strategy Group Nobility the Community Structure Buton

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    This study aimed to understand the actions of our group in maintaining their traditional legitimacy as the dominant group in the structure of society Buton. Following the dissolution of the Sultanate of Buton 1960, the group was faced with the erosion of legitimacyI traditional status as a result of mobility between the layers in the structure of society. Realizing the potential for changes in social order, they perform strategic steps in order to maintain the legitimacy to their late-kaomu, through the preservation of reproductive indigenous discourse, educational institutions, political parties, and the revitalization of the Sultanate of Buton become customary institutions. Through various strategies that constructed this arena, the group kaomu trying reestablish their traditional legitimacy as the dominant group in the structure of society

    Konflik Pengurusan Kepemilikan Tanah di Kota Baubau

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan konflik pengelolaan kepemilikan lahan di Kota Baubau. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, kepustakaan dan dokumentasi. Analisis data deskriptif yang lebih menekankan pada analisis proses penyimpulan induktif dan analisis dinamika hubungan antar fenomena yang diamati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konflik kepemilikan tanah di Kota Baubau dapat dilihat dalam dua dimensi yaitu konflik horizontal seperti sering terjadinya sengketa antar warga tentang kepemilikan tanah di Kecamatan Betoambari, proses penyelesaian konflik antar warga dalam hal kepemilikan tanah yang baik melalui mediasi oleh pegawai Kantor Badan Pertanahan dan proses di pengadilan untuk mendapatkan keputusan yang adil berdasarkan bukti-bukti dan kesaksian dari saksi-saksi tanah dan nada upaya penertiban kepemilikan tanah di Kecamatan Betoambari untuk menghindari konflik tanah yang semakin meluas. Konflik vertikal seperti konflik kepemilikan tanah antara pemerintah daerah dengan masyarakat di Kecamatan Betoambari yang disebabkan oleh saling klaim antara warga kelurahan Lipu dengan pemerintah Kota Baubau, upaya pencegahan konflik kepemilikan tanah dan upaya penertiban konflik pertanahan dengan cara melakukan mediasi baik secara langsung bertemu dengan masyarakat, maupun pertemuan di Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah Kota Baubau, meskipun mediasi tersebut tidak menghasilkan keputusan yang memuaskan oleh masyarakat kelurahan Lipu, sehingga persoalan konflik kepemilikan tanah tersebut harus dibawa ke pengadilan untuk memutuskan kepemilikan tanah yang sebenarnya. Keputusan pengadilan memenangkan pemerintah Kota Baubau sebagai pemilik tanah yang sah berdasarkan bukti-bukti dan keterangan dari para saksi