56 research outputs found

    Anti-Corruption Education at Elementary Education as Primary Prevention of Corruptive Behavior: Study of Social Control Theory in Madura Indonesia

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    Abstract--This research was conducted to measure the role of anti-corruption education at the level of elementary education as an effort to prevent primary corrupt behavior in Madura, Indonesia. The method used in this research is socio legal research or non-doctrinal research using primary data based on interviews, questionnaires and direct observations in four districts in the Madura region. The results of this study are, that primary prevention efforts against corruption through anti-corruption education at the level of elementary education have not been running optimally because the existing processes have not been carried out thoroughly and systematically. Based on Travis Hirschi's social control theory, anti-corruption education can be a way to increase students attachment and involvement in trusting anti-corruption values early on, so that corrupt behavior can be controlled as students ties with the school environment increase. The existence of integrative anti-corruption education in the curriculum and behavior outside the classroom will be an appropriate social control to suppress corruptive behavior in the Madura region. Key words--Anti-corruption Education, Primary Crime Prevention, Social Control, Madura, Indonesi

    Pertanggungjawaban Pidana terhadap Notaris yang Membuat Keterangan Palsu dalam Akta Otentik

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    Seorang notaris terkadang tanpa diketahuinya ada keterangan palsu yang disampaikan para pihak, yang kemudian menjadi dasar pembuatan akta autentik. Perlu dikaji dan dianalisis pertanggungjawaban pidana notaris atas akta yang dibuat berdasarkan keterangan palsu serta mengkaji dan menganalisis akibat hukum yang timbul terhadap akta notaris yang didasarkan pada keterangan palsu.Notaris dapat dimintai pertanggungjawaban pidana terhadap akta yang dibuat olehnya berdasarkan apa yang dilihat, disaksikan, dan dialaminya dalam suatu perbuatan hukum jika secara sengaja atau lalai, notaris membuat akta palsu sehingga merugikan pihak lain. Pertanggungjawaban secara pidana, seorang notaris harus memenuhi unsur-unsur: melakukan tindak pidana; memiliki kemampuan untuk bertanggung jawab; dengan kesengajaan atau kealpaan; dan tidak ada alasan pemaaf. Terhadap akta notaris yang dibuat berdasarkan keterangan palsu tidak dengan sendirinya mengakibatkan akta tersebut batal demi hukum. Para pihak yang dirugikan dengan keberadaan akta seperti itu harus mengajukan gugatan perdata ke pengadilan untuk membatalkan akta tersebut. Pertanggungjawaban pidana notaris perlu diatur dalam UUJN yang akan datang. Kata Kunci: Notaris, Pidana, Perbuatan Melawan Huku


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     Suatu putusan hakim yang telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang pasti dapat dilaksanakan dengan sukarela oleh pihak yang kalah. Pelaksanaan secara sukarela tersebut tidak menimbulkan masalah. Namun apabila seseorang enggan memenuhi isi putusan tersebut maka eksekusi dapat dipaksakan dengan bantuan kekuatan umum (execution force). Jika sebelumnya tidak dilakukan sita jaminan, maka eksekusi dimulai dengan menyita sekian banyak barang-barang bergerak, dan apabila diperkirakan belum cukup, juga dilakukan terhadap barang-barang tidak bergerak milik pihak yang dikalahkan sehingga cukup untuk memenuhi pembayaran sejumlah uang yang harus dibayar menurut putusan beserta biaya-biaya yang timbul sehubungan dengan pelaksana putusan tersebut. Putusan hakim yang juga dapat dieksekusi adalah salinan atau grosse akta hipotik dan akta notariil, yang berisi kewajiban membayar sejumlah uang dan memakai irah-irah ”Demi Keadilan Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa” maka eksekusi dapat diartikan sebagai upaya paksa untuk merealisasikan hak, Pada prinsispnya eksekusi merupakan tindakan paksa yang dilakukan pengadilan dengan bantuan kekuatan umum, guna menjalankan putusan pengadilan yang telah memperoleh kekuatan hukum tetap. Sebelum putusan belum memperoleh kekuatan hukum tetap, upaya dan tindakan eksekusi belum berfungsi. Eksekusi baru berfungsi sebagai tindakan hukum yang sah dan memaksa, terhitung sejak tanggal putusan memperoleh kekuatan hukum yang tetap, dan pihak tergugat (yang kalah) tidak mau menaati dan memenuhi putusan secara sukarela. perubahan putusan ini dilakukan atas kebijaksanaan ketua. pengadilan negeri yang memimpin eksekusi tersebut, jadi tidak dalam sidang terbuka. Diatas juga telah disinggung adanya pengertian ”uang paksa”, yang dalam bahasa Belanda disebut dwangsom atau astreinte. Dalam petitum dimohonkan agar tergugat dihukum untuk melakukan perbuatan, biasanya juga diminta agar tergugat dihukum untuk membayar sejumlah uang tertentu. Uang paksa ini merupakan suatu akal agar yang dihukum bersedia untuk melakukan suatu perbuatan, takut karena adanya uang paksa yang tinggi, lalu ia tidak berani melakukan kewajibannya.Kata-Kunci: Verzet, Eksekusi Dalam Perkara Perdata. A judge's decision which has definite legal force can be carried out voluntarily by the losing party. Such voluntary implementation does not pose a problem. However, if someone is reluctant to comply with the contents of the decision, then the execution can be enforced with the help of general power (execution force). If previously there was no confiscation of collateral, then the execution begins by confiscation of a large number of movable property, and if it is estimated that this is not sufficient, it is also carried out on the immovable property of the defeated party so that it is sufficient to fulfill the payment of the amount of money that must be paid according to the decision along with costs incurred in connection with implementing the decision. The judge's decision that can also be executed is a copy or grosse of the mortgage deed and notarial deed, which contains the obligation to pay a certain amount of money and use rah-irah "For the sake of the Justice of the Almighty God" then execution can be interpreted as a forced effort to realize rights. forced action taken by the court with the help of public power, in order to implement a court decision that has obtained permanent legal force. Before the decision has not yet obtained permanent legal force, execution efforts and actions have not yet functioned. The new execution functions as a legal and coercive legal action, starting from the date the decision has permanent legal force, and the defendant (the losing party) does not want to obey and fulfill the decision voluntarily. Changes to this decision are made at the discretion of the chairman. the district court that presided over the execution, so it was not in an open trial. The above also mentioned the meaning of "forced money", which in Dutch is called dwangsom or astreinte. In the petition it is requested that the defendant be punished for committing an act, usually it is also requested that the defendant be punished to pay a certain amount of money. This forced money is a reason so that the convicted person is willing to do an act, afraid because of the high forced money, then he does not dare to carry out his obligations.Keywords: Verzet, Execution in Civil Cases


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat legalitas aturan terkait penetaoan tersangka pelaku penyebar berita bohong atau hoaks di internet (media sosial). Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif, meneliti aturan-aturan hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selama ini penetapan tersangka kasus hoaks atau berita bohong didasarkan pada Pasal 28 Yata (1) dan (2) UU ITE dan UU Nomor 1 Tahun 1946 tentang Peraturan Hukum Pidana Pasal 14 Ayat (1) dan (2) dan Pasal 15. Penggunaan Pasal 28 (1) UU ITE kurang tepat karena terdapat kalimat yang mengakibatkan kerugian konsumen dalam Transaksi elektronik. Istilah transaksi elketronik dgunakan dalam kegiatan perdagangan melalui sistem elektronik (elektronic commerce). Penyebaran berita hoax di media sosial juga memliki karakteristik khas yang berbeda dari penyiaran berita bohong yang diatur dalam UU Nomor 1 Tahun 1946 Pasal 14 dan 15 karena syarat mens rea (kehendak) dalam frase dengan sengaja menerbitkan keonaran, patut dapat menyangka belum tentu terpenuhi. Karakter yang berbeda dalam penyebaran hoaks melalui media sosial dipengaruhi kemudahannya dari sisi teknologi. dari sisi subyek hukum, beberapa definisi cara publikasi dalam UU ITE dapat menjerat setiap pengguna internet karena tidak smeua pelaku mengetahui bahwa yang disebarkannya adalak hoaks. Perlu disusun aturan tentang penyebaran untuk memenuhi kepastian, kemanfaatan dan rasa keadilan. Kata Kunci: penetapan tersangka; berita bohong; media sosial

    The Effectiveness Of Election Silence According To PKPU (Regulation Of The General Election Comission) NO. 23 of 2018 Concerning Election Campaigns On Social Media

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    This study aims to look at the effectiveness of election silence legality related to PKPU (Regulation of The General Election Commission) no. 23 of 2018 concerning the Election Campaign for sympathizers on social media ahead of the 2019 presidential election. The method of this research is normative legal research which, among others, reviews PKPU no. 23 of 2018 on Election Campaign and Law no. 7 of 2017 on General Elections. The result shows that PKPU regulates sympathizers of supporting candidates to be officially registered, but social media accounts of those sympathizers are not included to campaign team accounts that have to be registered. Such fact raises speculation on the possibility of using those accounts as tool in conducting a covert campaign during Election Silence by campaign team. Thus, the aim of election silence which is to give prospective voters the opportunity to calmly consider before deciding can’t be obtained. The limitation of registration quota of the social media accounts of campaign teams is not in line with the large number of sympathizers who use social media as tools to influence community for choosing the supported candidate

    The Urgency of Personal Data Protection Laws in Indonesia

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    his research aims to observe the regulations of personal data protection in Indonesia and the urgency in establishing personal data protection laws. The research method used is a normative legal research method that reviews the laws and regulations in Indonesia. This will be applied in terms of Human Rights Act, ITE Law (Electronic Information and Transaction Law), Law on Population Administration, and Public Information Disclosure Act. The results show that personal data is each individual’s unique data and the owners of such personal data will be harmed by irresponsible people who violate it. Protection of personal data has been mentioned in several laws. However, more detailed arrangements that contain sanctions for violation are still needed so that people have legal protection. Key words: Personal data, Urgency, Protectio

    Pertanggungjawaban Pidana terhadap Notaris yang Membuat Keterangan Palsu dalam Akta Otentik

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    Abstrak  Seorang notaris terkadang tanpa diketahuinya ada keterangan palsu yang disampaikan para pihak, yang kemudian menjadi dasar pembuatan akta autentik. Perlu dikaji dan dianalisis pertanggungjawaban pidana notaris atas akta yang dibuat berdasarkan keterangan palsu serta mengkaji dan menganalisis akibat hukum yang timbul terhadap akta notaris yang didasarkan pada keterangan palsu.Notaris dapat dimintai pertanggungjawaban pidana terhadap akta yang dibuat olehnya berdasarkan apa yang dilihat, disaksikan, dan dialaminya dalam suatu perbuatan hukum jika secara sengaja atau lalai, notaris membuat akta palsu sehingga merugikan pihak lain. Pertanggungjawaban secara pidana, seorang notaris harus memenuhi unsur-unsur: melakukan tindak pidana; memiliki kemampuan untuk bertanggung jawab; dengan kesengajaan atau kealpaan; dan tidak ada alasan pemaaf. Terhadap akta notaris yang dibuat berdasarkan keterangan palsu tidak dengan sendirinya mengakibatkan akta tersebut batal demi hukum. Para pihak yang dirugikan dengan keberadaan akta seperti itu harus mengajukan gugatan perdata ke pengadilan untuk membatalkan akta tersebut. Pertanggungjawaban pidana notaris perlu diatur dalam UUJN yang akan datang.  Kata Kunci:Notaris, Pidana, Perbuatan Melawan Hukum   Abstract  A notary sometimes without knowing there is a false statement submitted by the parties, which then becomes the basis for making an authentic deed. It is necessary to study and analyze the criminal liability of notaries for deeds made based on false information as well as to study and analyze the legal consequences arising from notary deeds based on false information. The notary can be held liable for criminal responsibility for the deed made by him based on what he has seen, witnessed and experienced in a legal act if intentionally or negligently, the notary makes a fake deed so that it harms other parties. For criminal responsibility, a notary must fulfill the following elements: committing a criminal act; have the ability to be responsible; intentionally or negligently; and there are no excuses. A notarial deed based on false information does not automatically result in the deed being null and void. The parties who are aggrieved by the existence of such a deed must file a civil suit to the court to cancel the deed. The criminal liability of notaries needs to be regulated in the upcoming UUJN.  Keywords : Notary, Criminal, Act against the law  


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    Dalam hal ketenagakerjaan, pemerintah sangat memperhatikan perlindungan tenaga kerja dan keselamatan kerja. Tentu saja, tujuan pemerintah dalam hal ini adalah untuk melindungi dan memperhatikan keselamatan kerja dari pekerja secara umum. Dalam Pasal 27 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Tahun 1945 menyatakan bahwa setiap warga negara berhak atas pekerjaan dan kehidupan yang layak. Sesuai dengan keadaan dan kemampuan keuangan negara Indonesia, dan seperti negara-negara berkembang lainnya, Indonesia juga memiliki program jaminan sosial. Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2004 tentang Sistem Jaminan Sosial dan dijelaskan pada Pasal 13 ayat (1) bahwa pemberi kerja secara bertahap wajib mendaftarkan dirinya dan pekerjanya sebagai peserta kepada Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial, sesuai dengan program jaminan sosial yang diikuti. Dalam hal ini sistem jaminan sosial ini diimplementasikan oleh pemerintah melalui BPJS yang diatur dalam UU BPJS, maka dari itu seharusnya PNS dalam hal ini tunduk dengan UU BPJS, namun pada faktanya PNS masih menggunakan TASPEN.In terms of employment, the government is very concerned about labor protection and work safety. Of course, the government’s aim in this regard is to protect and pay attention to the safety of work and vulnerable workers in general. Article 27 Paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states that every citizen has the right to work and a decent life. In accordance with the state and financial capabilities of the Indonesian state, and like other developing countries, Indonesia also develops a social security program. Law 40 of 2004 concerning the Social Security System and it is explained in article 13 paragraph (1) that employers must gradually register themselves and their workers as participants with the Social Security Administering Agency, in accordance with the social security program being followed. In this case the social security system is implemented by the government through BPJS which is regulated in the BPJS Law, therefore civil servants in this case should comply with the BPJS Law, but in fact civil servants still use TASPEN

    Criminal responsibility of business agents on selebgram’s (Celebrity endorsers) product promotion

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    Product promotion on Instagram by selebgram (celebrity endorser), Instagram users who have voluminous followers, is increasingly popular. It is not uncommon that the promoted products are sometimes not legally registered and possibly violate the law. This study analyses the regulations regarding promotion on social media in Indonesia as well as evaluates whether existing regulations govern business agents’ criminal Responsibility for their carried-out promotions on Instagram, as seen from the fact that such product promotion content made by selebgram has misleading information resulting consumers’ losses. The research method used is a legal research method with a regulatory approach and legal concepts. The result of this study indicates that if a business agent uploads a video which is misleading and potentially disadvantages consumers made by a selebgram, then the business agent is responsible for the upload. On social media, every user is responsible for their own account’s activities. Keywords: Criminal responsibility, business agents, selebgra

    Legal Implication of Black Campaigns on The Social Media in The General Election Process

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    This study aims to examine the problems of black campaign on social media in the process of Regional Leader elections. The method used was a normative legal research with a qualitative approach to analyze the phenomena among the objects of the study with a conceptual and a case approach. The result indicates that the legal implication of the black campaign on the conduct of Regional Leader elections is that black campaign is not an option in politics. In addition to comprising detrimental things and violating the norm, black campaign also leads to poor political education for the society and can harm both the objects that are imposed and the black campaigners as this matter can be subject to criminal sanctions as stipulated in the Law of Election and Electronic Information and Transactions. For further research, there is a need for serious handling through criminal law and other facilities so that the implementation of elections to the regions as the actualization of democracy in Indonesia results in more valuable quality so as to create trustworthy Regional Leader
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