175 research outputs found

    Modelling an isolated dust grain in a plasma using matched asymptotic expansions

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    The study of dusty plasmas is of significant practical use and scientific interest. A characteristic feature of dust grains in a plasma is that they are typically smaller than the electron Debye distance, a property which we exploit using the technique of matched asymptotic expansions. We first consider the case of a spherical dust particle in a stationary plasma, employing the Allen–Boyd–Reynolds theory, which assumes cold, collisionless ions. We derive analytical expressions for the electric potential, the ion number density and ion velocity. This requires only one computation that is not specific to a single set of dust–plasma parameters, and sheds new light on the shielding distance of a dust grain. The extension of this calculation to the case of uniform ion streaming past the dust grain, a scenario of interest in many dusty plasmas, is less straightforward. For streaming below a certain threshold we again establish asymptotic solutions but above the streaming threshold there appears to be a fundamental change in the behaviour of the system

    Prediction of sanding in subsurface hydrocarbon reservoirs.

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    Sand production in oil and gas wells can occur if the fluid velocity exceeds a certain value. Due to drilling operations, the mechanical stresses can exceed the load bearing capacity of the rock. As the local stresses exceed certain level, a certain amount of rock is fractured into sand. Then, the sand is carried by the fluid through the wellbore depending on the flow rate. The amount of the solids can be less than a few grams per cubic meter of reservoir fluid or an essential amount. In the later case erosion of the rock and removing sufficient quantities of rock can occur. This can produce subsurface cavities which collapse and destroy the well. When sanding is unavoidable it is necessary to estimate the characteristics of the process. Our aim was to generate a simple one-dimensional local model, which predicts the volume of sanding, the radius and the porosity of the yielded zone. Such model will help the company in the development of complex 3D models

    Pebble bed: reflector treatment and pressure\ud velocity coupling

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    In this report, we describe some models and numerical methods used to simulate the flow and temperature in a pebble bed modular nuclear reactor. The reactor core is filled with around 450000 spheres containing low enriched uranium and helium is forced through these hot pebbles to cool the system down. The group first investigated the flow model in the pebbles. Numerical aspects were then considered to tackle difficulties encountered with the flow simulation and the temperature inside the pebbles. Numerical schemes are presented that can significantly improve the accuracy of the computed results

    Transport and Reaction Processes in Soil

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    In order to register agrochemicals in Europe it is necessary to have a detailed understanding of the processes in the environment that break down agrochemicals. The existing framework for environmental assessment includes a consideration of soil water movement and microbial breakdown of products in soil and these processes are relatively understood and represented in models. However the breakdown of agrochemicals by the action of light incident on the soil surface by a process termed photolysis is not so well represented in models of environmental fate. The problem brought by Syngenta (one of the worlds leading agrochemical companies) to the workshop was how to include the effects of light degradation of chemicals into predictive models of environmental fate. Photolysis is known to occur in a very thin layer at the surface of soil. The workshop was asked to consider how the very rough nature of the upper surface of a ploughed field might affect the degradation of chemicals by sunlight. The discussions were directed down two avenues: - firstly to determine how the very small distances over which photolysis occurs might be adequately incorporated into models of transport in soils and, - secondly to consider how the rough surface might modify the illumination of the surface and hence alter degradation. The rate of degradation by photolysis is measured in the laboratory by illuminating a thin, typically about 1 or 2 mm, layer of soil with very strong xenon lamps. The amount of chemical is measured at various intervals and is fitted to a first-order process. Field experiments where the chemical is sprayed on a bare field show evidence of photolysis indicated by biphasic degradation patterns and the presence of breakdown products only formed by photolysis. This report addresses methods for mathematically modelling the action of photolysis on particular relevant chemical species. We start with a general discussion of mechanisms that transport chemicals within soil §2. There is an existing computational model exploited by Syngenta for such modelling and we discuss how this performs and the predictions that can be derived using it §3. The particular mechanism of photolysis is then considered. One aspect of this mechanism that is investigated is how the roughness of the surface of the soil could be adequately incorporated into the modelling. Some results relating to this are presented §4.2. Some of the original experimental data used to derive aspects of the model of photolysis are revisited and a simple model of the process presented and shown to fit the data very well §5. By considering photolysis with a constant diffusion coefficient various analytical results are derived and general behaviour of the system outlined. This simple model is then applied to real field-based data and shown to give very good fit when simply extended to account for the moisture variations by utilising moisture dependent diffusion coefficients derived from the existing computational model §5.3. Some consequences of the simple model are then discussed §6

    Addressing Climate Change Impacts on Health

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    Climate change is a global health emergency, with impacts felt most acutely by vulnerable populations and communities. This paper explores health risks from climate change in a global context, setting out key risks and actions towards addressing these. In the context of COP27, it draws in a focus on Egypt as a case study throughout to exemplify the risks faced by countries which are particularly vulnerable to the health impacts of climate change. This policy working paper has been produced by the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology in Egypt, with contributions from the UK Universities Climate Network, through an academic collaboration ahead of COP27 in Egypt in 2022

    Partial differential equations for self-organization in cellular and developmental biology

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    Understanding the mechanisms governing and regulating the emergence of structure and heterogeneity within cellular systems, such as the developing embryo, represents a multiscale challenge typifying current integrative biology research, namely, explaining the macroscale behaviour of a system from microscale dynamics. This review will focus upon modelling how cell-based dynamics orchestrate the emergence of higher level structure. After surveying representative biological examples and the models used to describe them, we will assess how developments at the scale of molecular biology have impacted on current theoretical frameworks, and the new modelling opportunities that are emerging as a result. We shall restrict our survey of mathematical approaches to partial differential equations and the tools required for their analysis. We will discuss the gap between the modelling abstraction and biological reality, the challenges this presents and highlight some open problems in the field

    Analysis of the archetypal functional equation in the non-critical case

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    We study the archetypal functional equation of the form y(x)=R2y(a(xb))μ(da,db)y(x)=\iint_{R^2} y(a(x-b))\,\mu(da,db) (xRx\in R), where μ\mu is a probability measure on R2R^2; equivalently, y(x)=E{y(α(xβ))}y(x)=E\{y(\alpha (x-\beta))\}, where EE is expectation with respect to the distribution μ\mu of random coefficients (α,β)(\alpha,\beta). Existence of non-trivial (i.e. non-constant) bounded continuous solutions is governed by the value K:=R2lnaμ(da,db)=E{lnα}K:=\iint_{R^2}\ln |a| \mu(da,db) =E \{\ln |\alpha|\}; namely, under mild technical conditions no such solutions exist whenever K0K0 (and α>0\alpha>0) then there is a non-trivial solution constructed as the distribution function of a certain random series representing a self-similar measure associated with (α,β)(\alpha,\beta). Further results are obtained in the supercritical case K>0K>0, including existence, uniqueness and a maximum principle. The case with P(α0P(\alpha0 is drastically different from that with α>0\alpha>0; in particular, we prove that a bounded solution y()y(\cdot) possessing limits at ±\pm\infty must be constant. The proofs employ martingale techniques applied to the martingale y(Xn)y(X_n), where (Xn)(X_n) is an associated Markov chain with jumps of the form xα(xβ)x\rightsquigarrow\alpha (x-\beta)