24 research outputs found

    Attitudes toward the health of men that regularly occupy in a trainer hall.

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    It is accepted to consider that by motivation for people that practice in a trainer hall is an improvement of health and original appearance. The aim of this research was to determine whether there is training by part of forming of positive attitude toward the health of men-sportsmen-amateurs that occupy in a trainer hall. In research took part 100 men that engage in the power training in one of three trainer halls of Warsaw. Investigational divided by two groups: 50 persons that occupy in a trainer hall more than one year, but no more than 3 years (group A) and 50 persons that practice more than 3 (group B). It is well-proven that training positively influences on the emotional state of men. It was discovered at the same time, that than greater experience of sportsman-amateur, the considerably more often he used additions (including by a stimulant). There was no medical control in both groups. Positive influence of the power training shows that they can be the important element of prophylaxis and physiotherapy

    An assessment of the effect of weather conditions and soil acidification in Poland on the development of crop productivity

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    W Polsce po akcesji do UE, zużycie nawozów mineralnych wzrosło o 31%, podczas gdy globalna produkcja roślinna zwiększyła się tylko o 5%. Świadczy to o wzroście tzw. całkowitej nawozochłonności produkcji roślinnej, czyli jednostkowego zużycia nawozów mineralnych i naturalnych, będącej „odwrotnością” efektywności nawożenia, obliczonej z funkcji produkcji. Pełna ocena nawozochłonności możliwa jest dopiero po uwzględnieniu zróżnicowania regionalnego. Potencjał plonotwórczy znacznej części roślin uprawnych ograniczają warunki pogodowe. Rezultatem tego są duże wahania plonów, zmniejszające efektywność nakładów poniesionych na produkcję. Mniejszą efektywność nakładów tylko częściowo można tłumaczyć gorszymi warunkami glebowo-klimatycznymi, ponieważ o wiele większa część potencjalnej produkcji może być tracona z powodu znacznego zakwaszenia polskich gleb. W opracowaniu przedstawiono wyniki analizy porównawczej wskaźnika nawozochłonności rzeczywistej i potencjalnie możliwej w latach 2006–2011 na poziomie województw. Wykazano, że produkcja roślinna potencjalnie utracona z powodu nieuregulowanego odczynu gleb wynosi rocznie średnio 4,3 j.zb.&#183ha-&#185 UR w dk i jest na ogół dwukrotnie większa niż tracona z powodu niekorzystnych warunków pogodowych, występujących w tym okresie. Obliczona tzw. potencjalnie możliwa nawozochłonność, skorygowana pod wpływem tych dwóch czynników ograniczających możliwości produkcyjne roślin, wskazuje na znaczne możliwe straty składników nawozowych w Polsce, łącznie rzędu 36,7 kg NPK&#183ha-&#185 UR w dk, o dużym zróżnicowaniu regionalnym.After Poland’s access to the EU the consumption of mineral fertilisers has increased by 31% while the total plant production has increased by only 5%. This leads to an increase in the so-called total nutrient uptake in crop production, the unit consumption of mineral and natural fertilizers, chich is the “inverse” of fertilization efficiency as a production function. The comprehensive assessment of nutrient uptake is possible only after accounting the regional differences. In recent years, the yieldforming potential of many crops has been limited by weather conditions. As a result, large fluctuations in yields translate into a decrease of the efficiency of input incurred on the production. This re duced effectiveness can only partly be explained by worse soil and climatic conditions. Much larger part of the potential productivity is lost due to substantial soil acidification in Poland. This paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of actual and potential nutrient consumption in the years 2006–2011 in particular provinces. It was shown that the crop production potentially lost due to soil acidification was on average 4.3 cereal units&#183ha-&#185 UAA being two times larger than that lost because of adverse weather conditions that occurred in this period. Calculated potential nutrient uptake, corrected for the influence of these two analyzed limiting factors was 36.7 kg NPK&#183ha-&#185 UAA and indicated significant potential losses of nutrients in Poland with a substantial regional differentiation

    The effect of CoSn/CoSn2 phase ratio on the electrochemical behaviour of Sn40Co40C20 ternary alloy electrodes in lithium cells

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    Samples of a SnCoC-based electrodes, all having the molar composition Sn40Co40C20, but differing by the high energy ball milling synthesis conditions, have been tested in lithium cells. The investigation was carried out by using a series of complementary techniques, including potentiodynamic cycling with galvanostatic acceleration, galvanostatic charge-discharge cycling and impedance spectroscopy. The results confirmed the high capacity delivery of this type of ternary electrodes but also revealed that their electrochemical behaviour is influenced by the relative abundance of the nanosized domains of CoSn and CoSn2 in their structure. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The effect of CoSn/CoSn2 phase ratio on the electrochemical behaviour of Sn40Co40C20 ternary alloy electrodes in lithium cells

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    Samples of a SnCoC-based electrodes, all having the molar composition Sn40Co40C20, but differing by the high energy ball milling synthesis conditions, have been tested in lithium cells. The investigation was carried out by using a series of complementary techniques, including potentiodynamic cycling with galvanostatic acceleration, galvanostatic charge-discharge cycling and impedance spectroscopy. The results confirmed the high capacity delivery of this type of ternary electrodes but also revealed that their electrochemical behaviour is influenced by the relative abundance of the nanosized domains of CoSn and CoSn2 in their structure. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Aktywność fizyczna studentów kierunku fizjoterapia Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego

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    Background. Regular physical activity allows maintenance of physical fitness at an optimal level and also contributes to greater care for other elements of a healthy lifestyle. The promotion of physical activity should be one of the tasks of health professionals, including physiotherapists. The aim of this study was to assess physical activity levels of physiotherapy students. Material and methods. This study involved 853 students (634 women and 219 men) of the Faculty of Physiotherapy of the Medical University of Warsaw (444 first-year students and 409 second-year students). The research tools were the International Physical Activity Questionnaire – short version (IPAQ-SF) and the author’s own survey to obtain information on the type of physical activity and reasons for taking it up or not. Results. Men had significantly higher levels of physical activity than women (p<0.001). The physical activity levels of second-year female students were higher than those of first-year female students (p=0.026). Among men, there was no significant difference between first and second-year students. Conclusions. More than half of those surveyed do not engage in any physical activity outside of curriculum activities. The results obtained in this study may form the basis for continuing research with the participation of various groups of subjects and using more advanced technologies and research tools.Wprowadzenie. Regularna aktywność fizyczna pozwala na utrzymanie wydolności fizycznej na optymalnym poziomie, a ponadto przyczynia się do większej dbałości o inne elementy zdrowego stylu życia. Propagowanie aktywności fizycznej powinno być jednym z zadań pracowników służby zdrowia, w tym fizjoterapeutów. Celem badania była ocena poziomu aktywności fizycznej studentów fizjoterapii. Materiał i metody. W badaniu wzięło udział 853 studentów (634 kobiet i 219 mężczyzn) kierunku fizjoterapia Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego (444 studentów pierwszego roku oraz 409 studentów drugiego roku). Narzędziami badawczymi były Międzynarodowy Kwestionariusz Aktywności Fizycznej – wersja krótka (IPAQ-SF) oraz autorska ankieta służąca uzyskaniu informacji dotyczącej rodzaju aktywności fizycznej oraz motywów jej podejmowania lub niepodejmowania. Wyniki. Mężczyźni charakteryzowali się istotnie wyższym poziomem aktywności fizycznej niż kobiety (p<0,001). Poziom aktywności fizycznej studentek drugiego roku był wyższy niż u studentek pierwszego roku (p=0,026). Wśród mężczyzn nie stwierdzono istotnych różnic między studentami pierwszego i drugiego roku. Wnioski. Ponad połowa badanych nie podejmuje żadnej aktywności fizycznej poza zajęciami programowymi. Uzyskane w niniejszej pracy wyniki mogą stanowić podstawę kontynuowania badań z udziałem różnych grup badanych oraz z wykorzystaniem bardziej zaawansowanych technologii i narzędzi badawczych

    The microstructure and thermal properties of Yb2SiO5 coating deposited using APS and PS-PVD methods

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    Purpose: The new ceramic material for Enviromental Barrier Coatings (EBC) on ceramic material was developed. Design/methodology/approach: The ytterbium monosilicate was deposited using two methods: atmospheric plasma spray (APS) and plasma spray physical vapour deposition (PS-PVD). Findings: Obtained coating was characterized by dense structure and columns typically formed in PS-PVD process were not observed. In comparison with APS-deposited coating, in this method, both elements segregation and formation of ytterbium oxide occurred. Research limitations/implications: The further research for production of columnar coatings will be necessary. Practical implications: Developed coatings migh be used for next generations of ceramic materials used for gas turbine and jet engine blades and vanes as a high temperature and corrosion protection. Originality/value: The first time the ytterbium monosilicate was produced bot by APS and LPPS methods

    The Effect of CoSn/CoSn<sub>2</sub> phase ratio on the electrochemical behaviour of Sn<sub>40</sub>Co<sub>40</sub>C<sub>20</sub> ternary alloy electrodes in lithium cells

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    Samples of a SnCoC-based electrodes, all having the molar composition Sn40Co40C20, but differing by the high energy ball milling synthesis conditions, have been tested in lithium cells. The investigation was carried out by using a series of complementary techniques, including potentiodynamic cycling with galvanostatic acceleration, galvanostatic charge–discharge cycling and impedance spectroscopy. The results confirmed the high capacity delivery of this type of ternary electrodes but also revealed that their electrochemical behaviour is influenced by the relative abundance of the nanosized domains of CoSn and CoSn2 in their structure

    Effect of heat treatment on the electrocatalytic properties of nano-structured Ru cores with Pt shells

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    Ru@Pt core–shell particles are relevant for application as electrocatalysts in fuel cells. The Ru core is expected to influence the activity of the Pt in the shell through a compression of bond lengths and electronic interaction with the core. In this work Ru@Pt core–shell (Ru core and Pt shell) and pure Ru nanoparticles of diameter below less than 5 nm were synthesized and supported on carbon black (Vulcan XC-72). The supported catalysts were heat-treated at temperatures up to 500 °C. Analysis of the catalysts by TEM, EXAFS, XRD, and CO-stripping indicates a strongly segregated architecture with Ru in the core of the particles. Upon heat-treatment we observed moderate particle growth, increased extent of alloying, and a decrease of the Pt–Pt bond lengths. The Pt–Pt bond lengths decreased uniformly with heat-treatment temperature in the entire range. The extent of alloying and particle growth were significant (i.e. beyond measurement uncertainties) only at a heat-treatment temperature of 500 °C. The electrocatalytic activity for oxidation of adsorbed CO (CO-stripping) increased in the entire temperature interval. The activity for methanol oxidation only increased when catalysts were heated to 500 °C. The results indicate that the surface concentration of ruthenium in the pristine Ru@Pt catalysts is small.Work at NTNU was supported by The Norwegian Research Council through the NANOMAT program, contract no 182044 “Oxidation of small organic molecules”.Peer Reviewe