75 research outputs found

    Maximal entropy random walk in community finding

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    The aim of this paper is to check feasibility of using the maximal-entropy random walk in algorithms finding communities in complex networks. A number of such algorithms exploit an ordinary or a biased random walk for this purpose. Their key part is a (dis)similarity matrix, according to which nodes are grouped. This study encompasses the use of the stochastic matrix of a random walk, its mean first-passage time matrix, and a matrix of weighted paths count. We briefly indicate the connection between those quantities and propose substituting the maximal-entropy random walk for the previously chosen models. This unique random walk maximises the entropy of ensembles of paths of given length and endpoints, which results in equiprobability of those paths. We compare performance of the selected algorithms on LFR benchmark graphs. The results show that the change in performance depends very strongly on the particular algorithm, and can lead to slight improvements as well as significant deterioration.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to European Physical Journal Special Topics following the 4-th Conference on Statistical Physics: Modern Trends and Applications, July 3-6, 2012 Lviv, Ukrain

    Maximal-entropy random walk unifies centrality measures

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    In this paper analogies between different (dis)similarity matrices are derived. These matrices, which are connected to path enumeration and random walks, are used in community detection methods or in computation of centrality measures for complex networks. The focus is on a number of known centrality measures, which inherit the connections established for similarity matrices. These measures are based on the principal eigenvector of the adjacency matrix, path enumeration, as well as on the stationary state, stochastic matrix or mean first-passage times of a random walk. Particular attention is paid to the maximal-entropy random walk, which serves as a very distinct alternative to the ordinary random walk used in network analysis. The various importance measures, defined both with the use of ordinary random walk and the maximal-entropy random walk, are compared numerically on a set of benchmark graphs. It is shown that groups of centrality measures defined with the two random walks cluster into two separate families. In particular, the group of centralities for the maximal-entropy random walk, connected to the eigenvector centrality and path enumeration, is strongly distinct from all the other measures and produces largely equivalent results.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Co-occurrence of resonant activation and noise-enhanced stability in a model of cancer growth in the presence of immune response

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    We investigate a stochastic version of a simple enzymatic reaction which follows the generic Michaelis-Menten kinetics. At sufficiently high concentrations of reacting species, the molecular fluctuations can be approximated as a realization of a Brownian dynamics for which the model reaction kinetics takes on the form of a stochastic differential equation. After eliminating a fast kinetics, the model can be rephrased into a form of a one-dimensional overdamped Langevin equation. We discuss physical aspects of environmental noises acting in such a reduced system, pointing out the possibility of coexistence of dynamical regimes where noise-enhanced stability and resonant activation phenomena can be observed together.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, published in Physical Review E 74, 041904 (2006

    Seeking for a fingerprint: analysis of point processes in actigraphy recording

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    Motor activity of humans displays complex temporal fluctuations which can be characterized by scale-invariant statistics, thus documenting that structure and fluctuations of such kinetics remain similar over a broad range of time scales. Former studies on humans regularly deprived of sleep or suffering from sleep disorders predicted change in the invariant scale parameters with respect to those representative for healthy subjects. In this study we investigate the signal patterns from actigraphy recordings by means of characteristic measures of fractional point processes. We analyse spontaneous locomotor activity of healthy individuals recorded during a week of regular sleep and a week of chronic partial sleep deprivation. Behavioural symptoms of lack of sleep can be evaluated by analysing statistics of duration times during active and resting states, and alteration of behavioural organization can be assessed by analysis of power laws detected in the event count distribution, distribution of waiting times between consecutive movements and detrended fluctuation analysis of recorded time series. We claim that among different measures characterizing complexity of the actigraphy recordings and their variations implied by chronic sleep distress, the exponents characterizing slopes of survival functions in resting states are the most effective biomarkers distinguishing between healthy and sleep-deprived groups.Comment: Communicated at UPON2015, 14-17 July 2015, Barcelona. 21 pages, 11 figures; updated: figures 4-7, text revised, expanded Sec. 1,3,

    Noise-assisted spike propagation in myelinated neurons

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    We consider noise-assisted spike propagation in myelinated axons within a multi-compartment stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley model. The noise originates from a finite number of ion channels in each node of Ranvier. For the subthreshold internodal electric coupling, we show that (i) intrinsic noise removes the sharply defined threshold for spike propagation from node to node, and (ii) there exists an optimum number of ion channels which allows for the most efficient signal propagation and it corresponds to the actual physiological values.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Shift of percolation thresholds for epidemic spread between static and dynamic small-world networks

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    The aim of the study was to compare the epidemic spread on static and dynamic small-world networks. The network was constructed as a 2-dimensional Watts-Strogatz model (500x500 square lattice with additional shortcuts), and the dynamics involved rewiring shortcuts in every time step of the epidemic spread. The model of the epidemic is SIR with latency time of 3 time steps. The behaviour of the epidemic was checked over the range of shortcut probability per underlying bond 0-0.5. The quantity of interest was percolation threshold for the epidemic spread, for which numerical results were checked against an approximate analytical model. We find a significant lowering of percolation thresholds for the dynamic network in the parameter range given. The result shows that the behaviour of the epidemic on dynamic network is that of a static small world with the number of shortcuts increased by 20.7 +/- 1.4%, while the overall qualitative behaviour stays the same. We derive corrections to the analytical model which account for the effect. For both dynamic and static small-world we observe suppression of the average epidemic size dependence on network size in comparison with finite-size scaling known for regular lattice. We also study the effect of dynamics for several rewiring rates relative to latency time of the disease.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    There are no non-zero Stable Fixed Points for dense networks in the homogeneous Kuramoto model

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    This paper is concerned with the existence of multiple stable fixed point solutions of the homogeneous Kuramoto model. We develop a necessary condition for the existence of stable fixed points for the general network Kuramoto model. This condition is applied to show that for sufficiently dense n-node networks, with node degrees at least 0.9395(n-1), the homogeneous (equal frequencies) model has no non-zero stable fixed point solution over the full space of phase angles in the range -Pi to Pi. This result together with existing research proves a conjecture of Verwoerd and Mason (2007) that for the complete network and homogeneous model the zero fixed point has a basin of attraction consisting of the entire space minus a set of measure zero. The necessary conditions are also tested to see how close to sufficiency they might be by applying them to a class of regular degree networks studied by Wiley, Strogatz and Girvan (2006).Comment: 15 pages 8 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1010.076