748 research outputs found

    A life cycle environmental impact comparison between traditional, hybrid, and electric vehicles in the european context

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    Global warming (GW) and urban pollution focused a great interest on hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and battery electric vehicles (BEVs) as cleaner alternatives to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs). The environmental impact related to the use of both ICEV and HEV mainly depends on the fossil fuel used by the thermal engines, while, in the case of the BEV, depends on the energy sources employed to produce electricity. Moreover, the production phase of each vehicle may also have a relevant environmental impact, due to the manufacturing processes and the materials employed. Starting from these considerations, the authors carried out a fair comparison of the environmental impact generated by three different vehicles characterized by different pro-pulsion technology, i.e., an ICEV, an HEV, and a BEV, following the life cycle analysis methodology, i.e., taking into account five different environmental impact categories generated during all phases of the entire life of the vehicles, from raw material collection and parts production, to vehicle assembly and on\u2010road use, finishing hence with the disposal phase. An extensive scenario analysis was also performed considering different electricity mixes and vehicle lifetime mileages. The results of this study confirmed the importance of the life cycle approach for the correct determination of the real impact related to the use of passenger cars and showed that the GW impact of a BEV during its entire life amounts to roughly 60% of an equivalent ICEV, while acidifying emissions and par-ticulate matter were doubled. The HEV confirmed an excellent alternative to ICEV, showing good compromise between GW impact (85% with respect to the ICEV), terrestrial acidification, and par-ticulate formation (similar to the ICEV). In regard to the mineral source deployment, a serious concern derives from the lithium\u2010ion battery production for BEV. The results of the scenario analysis highlight how the environmental impact of a BEV may be altered by the lifetime mileage of the vehicle, and how the carbon footprint of the electricity used may nullify the ecological advantage of the BEV

    Optical phase coherent timing of the Crab nebula pulsar with Iqueye at the ESO New Technology Telescope

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    The Crab nebula pulsar was observed in 2009 January and December with a novel very fast optical photon counter, Iqueye, mounted at the ESO 3.5 m New Technology Telescope. Thanks to the exquisite quality of the Iqueye data, we computed accurate phase coherent timing solutions for the two observing runs and over the entire year 2009. Our statistical uncertainty on the determination of the phase of the main pulse and the rotational period of the pulsar for short (a few days) time intervals are ≈1 Ό\approx 1 \, \mus and ~0.5 ps, respectively. Comparison with the Jodrell Bank radio ephemerides shows that the optical pulse leads the radio one by ~240 ÎŒ\mus in January and ~160 ÎŒ\mus in December, in agreement with a number of other measurements performed after 1996. A third-order polynomial fit adequately describes the spin-down for the 2009 January plus December optical observations. The phase noise is consistent with being Gaussian distributed with a dispersion σ\sigma of ≈15 Ό\approx 15 \, \mus in most observations, in agreement with theoretical expectations for photon noise-induced phase variability.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    QuantEYE: The Quantum Optics Instrument for OWL

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    QuantEYE is designed to be the highest time-resolution instrument on ESO:s planned Overwhelmingly Large Telescope, devised to explore astrophysical variability on microsecond and nanosecond scales, down to the quantum-optical limit. Expected phenomena include instabilities of photon-gas bubbles in accretion flows, p-mode oscillations in neutron stars, and quantum-optical photon bunching in time. Precise timescales are both variable and unknown, and studies must be of photon-stream statistics, e.g., their power spectra or autocorrelations. Such functions increase with the square of the intensity, implying an enormously increased sensitivity at the largest telescopes. QuantEYE covers the optical, and its design involves an array of photon-counting avalanche-diode detectors, each viewing one segment of the OWL entrance pupil. QuantEYE will work already with a partially filled OWL main mirror, and also without [full] adaptive optics.Comment: 7 pages; Proceedings from meeting 'Instrumentation for Extremely Large Telescopes', held at Ringberg Castle, July 2005 (T.Herbst, ed.

    The Janus face of high trans-effect carbenes in olefin metathesis: gateway to both productivity and decomposition

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    Ruthenium–cyclic(alkyl)(amino)carbene (CAAC) catalysts, used at ppm levels, can enable dramatically higher productivities in olefin metathesis than their N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) predecessors. A key reason is the reduced susceptibility of the metallacyclobutane (MCB) intermediate to decomposition via ÎČ-H elimination. The factors responsible for promoting or inhibiting ÎČ-H elimination are explored via density functional theory (DFT) calculations, in metathesis of ethylene or styrene (a representative 1-olefin) by Ru–CAAC and Ru–NHC catalysts. Natural bond orbital analysis of the frontier orbitals confirms the greater strength of the orbital interactions for the CAAC species, and the consequent increase in the carbene trans influence and trans effect. The higher trans effect of the CAAC ligands inhibits ÎČ-H elimination by destabilizing the transition state (TS) for decomposition, in which an agostic MCB CÎČ–H bond is positioned trans to the carbene. Unproductive cycling with ethylene is also curbed, because ethylene is trans to the carbene ligand in the square pyramidal TS for ethylene metathesis. In contrast, metathesis of styrene proceeds via a ‘late’ TS with approximately trigonal bipyramidal geometry, in which carbene trans effects are reduced. Importantly, however, the positive impact of a strong trans-effect ligand in limiting ÎČ-H elimination is offset by its potent accelerating effect on bimolecular coupling, a major competing means of catalyst decomposition. These two decomposition pathways, known for decades to limit productivity in olefin metathesis, are revealed as distinct, antinomic, responses to a single underlying phenomenon. Reconciling these opposing effects emerges as a clear priority for design of robust, high-performing catalysts.publishedVersio

    Bimolecular Coupling in Olefin Metathesis: Correlating Structure and Decomposition for Leading and Emerging Ruthenium−Carbene Catalysts

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    Bimolecular catalyst decomposition is a fundamental, long-standing challenge in olefin metathesis. Emerging ruthenium–cyclic(alkyl)(amino)carbene (CAAC) catalysts, which enable breakthrough advances in productivity and general robustness, are now known to be extraordinarily susceptible to this pathway. The details of the process, however, have hitherto been obscure. The present study provides the first detailed mechanistic insights into the steric and electronic factors that govern bimolecular decomposition. Described is a combined experimental and theoretical study that probes decomposition of the key active species, RuCl2(L)(py)(═CH2) 1 (in which L is the N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) H2IMes, or a CAAC ligand: the latter vary in the NAr group (NMes, N-2,6-Et2C6H3, or N-2-Me,6-iPrC6H3) and the substituents on the quaternary site flanking the carbene carbon (i.e., CMe2 or CMePh)). The transiently stabilized pyridine adducts 1 were isolated by cryogenic synthesis of the metallacyclobutanes, addition of pyridine, and precipitation. All are shown to decompose via second-order kinetics at −10 °C. The most vulnerable CAAC species, however, decompose more than 1000-fold faster than the H2IMes analogue. Computational studies reveal that the key factor underlying accelerated decomposition of the CAAC derivatives is their stronger trans influence, which weakens the Ru−py bond and increases the transient concentration of the 14-electron methylidene species, RuCl2(L)(═CH2) 2. Fast catalyst initiation, a major design goal in olefin metathesis, thus has the negative consequence of accelerating decomposition. Inhibiting bimolecular decomposition offers major opportunities to transform catalyst productivity and utility, and to realize the outstanding promise of olefin metathesis.publishedVersio

    Imaging the posterior mediastinum: A multimodality approach

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    The posterior mediastinum contains several structures that can produce a wide variety of pathologic conditions. Descending thoracic aorta, esophagus, azygos and hemiazygos veins, thoracic duct, lymph nodes, adipose tissue, and nerves are all located in this anatomical region and can produce diverse abnormalities. Although chest radiography may detect many of these pathologic conditions, computed tomography and magnetic resonance are the imaging modalities of choice for further defining the relationship of posterior mediastinal lesions to neighboring structures and showing specific imaging features that narrow the differential diagnosis. This review emphasizes modality-related answers to morphologic questions, which provide precise diagnostic information

    Aqueye optical observations of the Crab Nebula pulsar

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    We observed the Crab pulsar in October 2008 at the Copernico Telescope in Asiago - Cima Ekar with the optical photon counter Aqueye (the Asiago Quantum Eye) which has the best temporal resolution and accuracy ever achieved in the optical domain (hundreds of picoseconds). Our goal was to perform a detailed analysis of the optical period and phase drift of the main peak of the Crab pulsar and compare it with the Jodrell Bank ephemerides. We determined the position of the main peak using the steepest zero of the cross-correlation function between the pulsar signal and an accurate optical template. The pulsar rotational period and period derivative have been measured with great accuracy using observations covering only a 2 day time interval. The error on the period is 1.7 ps, limited only by the statistical uncertainty. Both the rotational frequency and its first derivative are in agreement with those from the Jodrell Bank radio ephemerides archive. We also found evidence of the optical peak leading the radio one by ~230 microseconds. The distribution of phase-residuals of the whole dataset is slightly wider than that of a synthetic signal generated as a sequence of pulses distributed in time with the probability proportional to the pulse shape, such as the average count rate and background level are those of the Crab pulsar observed with Aqueye. The counting statistics and quality of the data allowed us to determine the pulsar period and period derivative with great accuracy in 2 days only. The time of arrival of the optical peak of the Crab pulsar leads the radio one in agreement with what recently reported in the literature. The distribution of the phase residuals can be approximated with a Gaussian and is consistent with being completely caused by photon noise (for the best data sets).Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic
