155 research outputs found

    Die solitÀre abszedierende Osteomyelitis des Kieferköpfchens: Eine RaritÀt

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    Zusammenfassung: Fall: Es wird ĂŒber den seltenen Fall einer solitĂ€ren abszedierenden, sekundĂ€r chronischen Osteomyelitis des linken Processus condylaris berichtet. Aus dem Abszessmaterial wurde der Keim Haemophilus aphrophilus isoliert. Therapeutisch erfolgte eine Resektion des Processus condylaris mit Sofortrekonstruktion des Kondylus mithilfe einer Kopfendoprothese. Diskussion: Mögliche Ursachen fĂŒr diese seltene Lokalisation einer sekundĂ€r chronischen Osteomyelitis werden anhand der Literatur aufgearbeitet und dem vorliegenden Fall gegenĂŒbergestellt. Schlussfolgerung: Als mögliche Ursache wird eine Keiminokulation durch die Nadel bei einer LokalanĂ€sthesie, eine bakterielle Kontamination wĂ€hrend der Zahnextraktion oder eine hĂ€matogene Aussaat durch den Extraktionsvorgang angenomme

    Clinical efficacy of amoxycillin/clavulanate in laparoscopically confirmed salpingitis

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    To test the efficacy and safety of amoxycillin/clavulanate (Augmenting 102 hospital patients with laparoscopically confirmed acute salpingitis were treated with paren-teral amoxycillin/clavulanate (l.2g qid for three days) followed by oral amoxycillin/ clavulanate (two tablets of 625 mg tid for a further six days). Bacteriological samples were obtained from the cervix uteri and the pouch of Douglas. One hundred patients were assessable for clinical outcome using several variables including pain scores. Amoxycillin/clavulanate alone was effective in 95 patients (95%). Three patients (3%) responded to amoxycillin/clavulanate with marked improvement but another antibiotic was subsequently added to their treatment regimen. Treatment failed in two patients. At follow-up two weeks after hospital discharge, three patients (3.8%) had relapsed or were re-infected. Adverse drug events included one case of drug fever, one case of rash and one case of severe diarrhoea. Treatment was stopped in all three cases. Gastrointestinal reactions, mainly mild diarrhoea, were seen in 31 patients. No clinically relevant changes in haematological or clinical chemical indices were attributable to the amoxycillin/clavulanate treatment. We conclude that amoxycillin/clavulanate is a clinically effective and safe treatment for acute salpingiti

    Malignant minor salivary gland tumors: a retrospective study of 27 cases

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    PURPOSE: Malignant tumors of the intra-oral minor salivary glands are uncommon. The aim of this study was to give information concerning the clinical features of these tumors, the distribution of location, treatment opportunities, and outcome. METHODS: Twenty-seven patients with malignant salivary gland tumors that were treated between January 1999 and December 2008 were evaluated retrospectively. RESULTS: Of the 27 minor salivary gland carcinomas, 48.1% were adenoid cystic carcinomas (ACC), 29.7% mucoepidermoid carcinomas (MEC), 22.2% adenocarcinomas (ADCA). The most common first symptom was a painless swelling in 60% of the cases, with the second most common symptom being ulcers (28%). Four recurrences and two metastases were found. No recurrence was observed in ADCA. All four patients experiencing a recurrence developed it in the first 3 years after treatment. CONCLUSION: Wide excision with a clinical margin of 1 cm and in large tumors, positive surgical margins or perineural infiltration and postoperative radiotherapy (RT) can be recommended; but in order to give exact information concerning the possible benefit from postoperative RT, it needs large prospective multicenter studies. Long-term follow-up controls and in particularly longer than 5 years in ACC including yearly chest X-rays should be offered to these patients because of late metastasis and recurrences

    The phosphorous necrosis of the jaws and what can we learn from the past: a comparison of "phossy” and "bisphossy” jaw

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    Introduction: The osteopathology of the jaws associated with bone resorption inhibitors is a current topic that engages a variety of clinical specialists. This has increased after the approval of denosumab for treatment of osteoporosis and skeletal-related events in patients with solid malignancy. Early after the first publications, there is a possible connection between phosphorous necrosis of the jaws, a dreadful industrial disease mentioned, and bisphosphonate-induced pathology. The nineteenth century was the prime time for phosphorus necrosis of match factory workers. Results: This occurrence provides an interesting insight into the medical and surgical profession in the nineteenth century. There are striking parallels and repetition of current and old ideas in the approach to this "new disease.” There are similar examples in case descriptions when compared with today's patients of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (BRONJ). Discussion: Phosphorus necrosis was first described in Austria. Soon after this, surgeons in German-speaking countries including well-known clinicians Wegner (1872) and von Schulthess-Rechberg (1879) pioneered the analysis, preventative measures, and treatment of this disease. The tendency at this time was to approach BRONJ as a "special kind of osteomyelitis” in pretreated and metabolically different bone. Not only the treatment strategy to wait until sequestrum formation with subsequent removal and preventative measures but also the idea of focusing on the periosteum as the triggering anatomical structure may have been adopted from specialists in the nineteenth century. Therefore, phosphorous necrosis of the jaw is an excellent example of "learning from the past.

    A new technique for mandibular osteotomy

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    Sagittal split osteotomy (SSO) is a surgical technique largely employed for mandibular mobilizations in orthognatic procedures. However, the traditional design of buccal osteotomy, located at the junction of mandibular ramus and body, may prevent more extensive sliding between the bone segments, particularly on the advance, laterality and verticality of the mandibular body. The author proposes a new technical and conceptual solution, in which osteotomy is performed in a more distal region, next to the mental formamen. Technically, the area of contact between medullary-cancellous bone surfaces is increased, resulting in larger sliding rates among bone segments; it also facilitates the use of rigid fixation systems, with miniplates and monocortical screws. Conceptually, it interferes with the resistance arm of the mandible, seen as an interpotent lever of the third gender

    Higher fibrinogen concentrations for reduction of transfusion requirements during major paediatric surgery: A prospective randomised controlled trial†

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    Background Hypofibrinogenaemia is one of the main reasons for development of perioperative coagulopathy during major paediatric surgery. The aim of this study was to assess whether prophylactic maintenance of higher fibrinogen concentrations through administration of fibrinogen concentrate would decrease the volume of transfused red blood cell (RBCs). Methods In this prospective, randomised, clinical trial, patients aged 6 months to 17 yr undergoing craniosynostosis and scoliosis surgery received fibrinogen concentrate (30 mg kg−1) at two predefined intraoperative fibrinogen concentrations [ROTEM¼ FIBTEM maximum clot firmness (MCF) of <8 mm (conventional) or <13 mm (early substitution)]. Total volume of transfused RBCs was recorded over 24 h after start of surgery. Results Thirty children who underwent craniosynostosis surgery and 19 children who underwent scoliosis surgery were treated per protocol. During craniosynostosis surgery, children in the early substitution group received significantly less RBCs (median, 28 ml kg−1; IQR, 21 to 50 ml kg−1) compared with the conventional fibrinogen trigger of <8 mm (median, 56 ml kg−1; IQR, 28 to 62 ml kg−1) (P=0.03). Calculated blood loss as per cent of estimated total blood volume decreased from a median of 160% (IQR, 110-190%) to a median of 90% (IQR, 78-110%) (P=0.017). No significant changes were observed in the scoliosis surgery population. No bleeding events requiring surgical intervention, postoperative transfusions of RBCs, or treatment-related adverse events were observed. Conclusions Intraoperative administration of fibrinogen concentrate using a FIBTEM MCF trigger level of <13 mm can be successfully used to significantly decrease bleeding, and transfusion requirements in the setting of craniosynostosis surgery, but not scoliosis. Clinical trial registry number ClinicalTrials.gov NCT0148783

    Motivation for orthognathic treatment and anticipated satisfaction levels - a two-centre cross-national audit

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    PURPOSE: This audit investigated factors which motivate patients to seek orthognathic treatment, assessed how confident patients were that they would be satisfied with the outcome of treatment, and explored possible influencing factors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Questionnaires were distributed to pre-surgical patients at two centres (United Kingdom and Switzerland); questions asked what patients wished to gain from orthognathic treatment and how confident they were that they would be satisfied with treatment outcome. Gender, age and location were recorded as demographic variables, and type of malocclusion was also recorded. RESULTS: A total of 202 questionnaires were returned (UK, n=149; Switzerland, n=53). Reported motivating factors focused on improvements in aesthetics (specified and unspecified) (UK vs. Switzerland: 91.3% vs. 83.0%), function (72.5% vs. 66.0%), psychosocial health (51.7% vs. 20.8%), speech (4.0% vs. 7.5%), alleviation of pain (5.4% vs. 17%) and normalization of breathing (1.3% vs. 7.5%). No significant relationships were observed relative to patient age, gender or malocclusion. The anticipated satisfaction levels were generally high (86.5% vs. 89.9%). CONCLUSION: Although the distribution of motivational factors varied between the two sites, it did not affect the anticipated satisfaction level. Patients were generally confident that they would be satisfied with their treatment outcome and that their reasons for seeking treatment would be addressed

    Precise screw positioning at the mandibular angle: computer assisted versus template coded

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    BACKGROUND: Buried intraoral devices for distraction osteogenesis in mandibular deformities have numerous advantages, but success depends on the precise positioning of these devices. Although most centers nowadays use template-guided techniques for precise positioning, computer navigation has been described as a promising technique. Surgical navigation during device placement could become a viable method because it affords certainty in defining a device position. METHODS: A clinical situation was simulated by means of mounting a mandible model inside a phantom head. Screws were positioned according to a preoperative plan through transoral and transbuccal approaches, with both template-coded and freehand computer navigation. RESULTS: With template-coded navigation, the medium deviation from the planned position was 0.63 mm (range, 0.00-1.24 mm). With commercial freehand surgical computer navigation, the medium deviation was significantly higher at 0.98 mm (range, 0.00-3.13 mm). CONCLUSIONS: Computer-assisted surgery can provide a high level of accuracy in the region of the mandibular angle where precision is crucial for buried intraoral distraction devices. However, template-coded guidance does provide a significantly higher level of accuracy and therefore represents the gold standard

    Uptake and localisation of mTHPC (FoscanÂź) and its14C-labelled form in normal and tumour tissues of the hamster squamous cell carcinoma model: a comparative study

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the pharmacokinetics of meta(tetrahydroxyphenyl)chlorin (mTHPC) on different tissues of interest in a hamster tumour model and to confirm our earlier animal studies on semi-quantitative fluorescence microscopy. The results obtained by three different evaluation methods were compared: in vivo spectrofluorometry, ex vivo fluorescence microscopy and chemical extraction of 14C-labelled mTHPC. Following intracardiac injection of 0.5 mg kg−1 mTHPC, groups of five tumour-bearing animals were used for in situ light-induced fluorescence spectroscopy. Afterwards, the biopsies were taken and snap frozen for fluorescence microscopy. The presence of radioactivity in serum and tissues was determined after chemical digestion in scintillation fluid using a scintillation counter. For each analysed tissue, a good correlation was observed between the three evaluation methods. The highest fluorescence intensity and quantities of mTHPC were observed between 12 and 24 h in liver, kidney, serum, vascular endothelium and advanced neoplasia. The majority of mTHPC was found at around 48 h in smooth muscle and at 96 h in healthy cheek pouch mucosa and early malignant lesions. The lowest level of mTHPC was noted in striated muscle at all times. No selectivity in dye localisation was observed between early squamous cell carcinoma and healthy mucosa. Soon after the injection, a significant selectivity was noted for advanced squamous cell carcinoma as compared to healthy cheek pouch mucosa or striated muscle. A significant difference in mTHPC localisation and quantity was also observed between striated and smooth muscle during the first 48 h following the injection. Finally, this study demonstrated the usefulness of non-invasive in situ spectroscopic measurements to be performed systematically prior to photodynamic therapy as a real-time monitoring for each treated patient in order to individualise and adapt the light dosimetry and avoid over or under treatments
