419 research outputs found

    Polymer Interactions with Nucleic Acids Under Various Physiological Conditions

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    The goal of this project is to improve our understanding of nucleic acid interactions with cationic polymers with the theory that the polymers could protect the nucleic acids from degradation caused by biological enzymes. We seek to understand what the limitations of the cationic polymers are which, in this case, is mainly polymer-DNA compatibility. This experiment utilized peptide-dextran hybrid polymers with differing functionalizations to condense anionic nucleic acids into nanometer-sized polyplexes. Techniques of dynamic light scattering and zeta-potential were utilized to determine the particle sizes and surface charges of polyplexes. In this experiment, dextran with a molecular weight of 20 kDa was used. The dextran was then functionalized in four combinations: R3H3C or R5H5C conjugations each with and without CB-functionality. Additionally, N/P ratios of 0, 1, 5, 10, 20, and 30 were tested for each combination. The results, quantified in Tables 1 to 4, and summarized in Figure 10 and Figure 11 near the end of this document, indicate dextran polymer compatibility with DNA improves with the addition of CB-functionality, using the larger R5H5C peptide over R3H3C, and increasing N/P ratios

    Constrained Templates in C++

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    This paper seeks to answer what C++ concepts are, the benefit they provide to C++ programmers, and where we would like to go looking ahead. To accomplish this, it will examine the current state of generic programming in C++, look at what other languages do to avoid the issue, and how concepts can be used to solve the problem in a manner which provides more freedom to the programmer. In the general sense, concepts allow the programmer to specify preconditions which must be satisfied on the inputs to generic code. The desire being to fully describe what is required by the code is for earlier detection of errors in order to produce better, more terse diagnostics amongst other benefits. This overview of C++ concepts additionally covers some of the work done in order to provide an implementation within the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). Throughout the project, the concepts technical specification (TS) has been a moving target. While we had hoped to look into leveraging the preconditions to check the template definition, a process known as “separate checking,” time was spent instead on refactoring the base TS implementation. This paper will touch on benefits of separate checking and many of the issues involved

    Non-Collocation Problems in Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems

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    Characteristics of mechanical systems with non-collocated sensors and actuators are investigated. Transfer function zeros location as a function of sensor position, zero-pole interlacing, and re-location of zeros are discussed in a context of presented examples. Some of the presented examples involving non-collocation are supported by experimental data. A case study involving a high speed machining spindle is examined. The control problems associated with non-collocation are studied along with the methods to solve the

    Uterine leiomyomas: correlation between histologic composition and stiffness via magnetic resonance elastography — a Pilot Study

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    Objectives: To evaluate magnetic resonance elastography as a tool for characterizing uterine leimyomas.Material and methods: At total of 12 women with symptomatic leiomyomas diagnosed in physical and ultrasound examinationswere enrolled in this pilot study. Before surgery, all patients underwent magnetic resonance elastography ofthe uterus using a 1.5 T MR whole-body scanner (Optima, GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI, USA). Surgical specimens wereforwarded for histological examination. The findings were allocated into 3 categories depending on the percentage contentof connective tissue: below 15%, from 15 to 30% and more than 30%. The median stiffness of leiomyomas for each of thegroup was calculated. The U-Mann Whitney test was used for statistical analysis.Results: The stiffness of the leiomyomas ranged between 3.7–6.9 kPa (median value 4.9 kPa). The concentration of extracellularcomponents in the leiomyomas did not exceed 40%. An increasing trend of the stiffness with the growing percentageof extracellular component was observed. Stiffness of the leiomyomas obtained by MRE varies depending on microscopiccomposition.Conclusions: The value of stiffness shows a trend of increasing with the percentage of extracellular component of theleiomyoma. Further studies are required to assess the usefulness of MRE in diagnostics of uterine leiomyomas

    Samoistny krwiak nerki : opis przypadku

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    Background: Spontaneous pararenal hematoma is a rare pathology most frequently coexisting with renal tumours, vascular anomalies and inflammatory processes. In some cases one cannot establish its etiology. Case report: The paper describes a case of a 58-year-old man with a spontaneous pararenal hematoma and presents a diagnostic algorithm. Conclusions: Ultrasonography and CT play an important role in diagnostics of spontaneous pararenal haemorrhages. These methods enable a precise evaluation of size and location of hematoma and its evolution

    Klasyfikacja (3 klasy) limfadenektomii miedniczej i aortalnej u pacjentek z rakiem szyjki macicy

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    Abstract Currently, the extent of pelvic and aortic lymphadenectomy is currently described by numerous and ambiguous terms. The aim of this study is to present a classification of pelvic and aortic lymphadenectomy in cervical cancer patients. On the base of the data from the literature, pelvic and aortic lymphadenectomies have been assigned to three different classes, depending on surgical technique, the extent of the lymphadenectomy and the specificity of the removed lymph node groups. Class I equals removal of selected lymph nodes; Class II: removal of lymph nodes situated ventrally and laterally to large extraperitoneal vessels and the obturator nerve and of lymph nodes situated ventrally and laterally to the aorta and vena cava; Class III: total removal of lymphatic tissue around the iliac vessels and from the obturator fossa dorsally to the obturator nerve and from the presacral region and lymphatic tissue around the aorta and vena cava. The presented classification allows for a unequivocal assessment of pelvic and aortic lymphadenectomy.Streszczenie Zakres limfadenektomii miednicznej i aortalnej jest obecnie oceniany przez niejednoznaczne terminy. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie klasyfikacji limfadenektomii miednicznej i aortalnej u pacjentek z rakiem szyjki macicy. W oparciu o dane z literatury, limfadenektomia miedniczna i aortalna są zaliczane do trzech klas w zależności od techniki chirurgicznej, zakresu limfadenektomii i usuwanych grup węzłów chłonnych. Klasa I jest określana jako usuniecie wybranych węzłów chłonnych; klasa II jako usunięcie węzłów chłonnych znajdujących się po stronie brzusznej i bocznej w stosunku do dużych naczyń zaotrzewnowych miednicy mniejszej, nerwów zasłonowych i bocznie do aorty i żyły głównej dolnej; klasa III jako całkowite usunięcie tkanki limfatycznej wokół naczyń biodrowych, dołów zasłonowych w tym także grzbietowo od nerwów zasłonowych, z okolicy przedkrzyżowej oraz tkanki limfatycznej wokół aorty i żyły głównej dolnej. Przedstawiona klasyfikacja pozwala na jednoznaczne określenie limfadenektomii miednicznej i aortalnej

    Dose and noise in abdominal computed tomography examinations

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    Background: Dose reduction in computed tomography (CT) examinations was an idea of the Co-rdinated Research Project (CRP) "Dose Reduction in Computed Tomography (CT) while maintaining Diagnostic Confidence", supported by the International Agency of Atomic Energy (IAEA) in the years 2003-2005. Participation in the CRP inspired the authors' attempts to elaborate a method for optimization of CT abdominal procedures allowing reduce a dose to patient with saving diagnostically satisfying image quality. The paper presents the algorithm together with clinical verification of the results of the study. Material/Methods: Two types of single-slice CT scanners were used for the investigations. The images recorded for patients undergoing routine abdomen examinations and then these obtained with modified exposure parameters were analyzed. The influence of the changed tube outputs on image quality was checked using Catphan 424 phantom. Results: As the result no statistically significant difference between the measured noise in clinical images for patients examined at routine and modified settings (within the same weight category) was observed. Conclusions: The conclusion was that at routine (screening) abdomen examinations, the dose may be reduced up to 50% with saving diagnostically satisfying image quality