166 research outputs found


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    Structural dynamics within the open-source package SfePy

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    Diplomska naloga obravnava modalno analizo po metodi končnih elementov struktur s pomočjo odprtokodnega paketa SfePy. Najprej so predstavljene teoretične osnove in splošen postopek reševanja po metodi končnih elementov. V nadaljevanju je predstavljena uporaba paketa SfePy. Skozi nalogo so rezultati pridobljeni s SfePy primerjani z rezultati komercialnega orodja Abaqus. Naloga prikaže, da je odprtokodni paket SfePy pri modalni analizi po metodi končnih elementov učinkovit in se lahko primerja s komercialnimi orodji.This diploma thesis discusses modal analysis of structures using finite element method within the open-source package SfePy. Initially, the theorethical background and general principles of finite element method are given. The work is continued with the instructions on how to use the package SfePy. Through the thesis, the comparison between the open-source package SfePy and the commercial software Abaqus is made. Thesis shows that open-source package SfePy could be powerful at solving modal analysis problems and also comparable to the commercial software

    Modified functional reach test in patients with spinal cord injury

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    Uvod: Test funkcijskega dosega v sedečem položaju ocenjuje dinamično ravnotežje med sedenjem in se uporablja tudi pri pacientih z okvaro hrbtenjače. Namen raziskave je bil preveriti veljavnost konstrukta in sočasno veljavnost testa funkcijskega dosega v sedečem položaju pri pacientih z okvaro hrbtenjače. Metode: S testom funkcijskega dosega v sedečem položaju ter drugimi testi ravnotežja in hoje smo ocenili 40 priložnostno izbranih pacientov z okvaro hrbtenjače. Rezultate funkcijskega dosega smo razporedili glede na lestvico ASIA in višino okvare ter izračunali korelacije s kliničnimi testi. Rezultati: Preiskovanci iz kategorije ASIA A so dosegli najnižje, iz kategorije ASIA D pa najvišje rezultate funkcijskega dosega. Razporeditev glede na višino okvare ni pokazala smiselnih kategorij med rezultati funkcijskega dosega. Ugotovljene so bile zmerne korelacije z Bergovo lestvico za oceno ravnotežja (r = 0,56), s testom hoje na 10 metrov (r = 0,59) in s šestminutnim testom hoje (r = 0,57). Zaključki: Izvedba testa funkcijskega dosega v sedečem položaju je pri pacientih z okvaro hrbtenjače, ki izpolnjujejo navedena merila za vključitev, enostavna in hitro izvedljiva. Rezultati kažejo na dobro veljavnost konstrukta v zvezi s kategorijami ASIA in na zmerno sočasno veljavnost.Background: The functional reach test in sitting position assesses dynamic balance in sitting and is used in patients with spinal cord injury. The purpose of the study was to evaluate construct and concurrent validity of the functional reach test in sitting position in patients with spinal cord injury. Methods: A convenience sample of 40 subjects was included in the study. They were assessed using the functional reach test and other tests of balance and gait. The functional reach test score was categorised according to the ASIA scale and the injury level, and correlations with clinical tests were calculated. Results: Functional reach values were the lowest in the group ASIA A and the highest in the group ASIA D. Categorisation according to the injury level revealed no meaningful categories in functional reach. Moderate correlations were established with Berg balance scale (r = 0.56), 10 meter walk test (r = 0.59) and six-minute walk test (r = 0.57). Conclusion: The functional reach test in sitting position is feasible, easy and quick to perform in patients with spinal cord injury which fulfil the inclusion criteria set. The results show good construct validity in relation to ASIA scores, and moderate concurrent validity

    Vpliv različnih tipov komercialno dostopne mikrokristalne celuloze na razpad erbuminijevega perindoprilata in enalaprilijevega maleata v binarnih zmeseh

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    Influence of some commercially available types of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) on the stability of certain active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), when in contact, has been investigated. Two structurally similar APIs, perindopril erbumine (PER) and enalapril maleate (EM), both well-known angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors were used. The main properties of an MCC that could determine the stability for each API were measured and correlated to the stability of these two APIs in binary mixtures. The stability of these APIs differed when in contact with different types of MCC. The dominant properties of MCC from one manufacturer were surface features that influenced the stability of PER and acidity that influenced the stability of EM. In the case of MCC from other manufacturers, unbound water was stability determining for both substances.V raziskavi smo proučevali vpliv nekaterih tipov komercialno dostopne mikrokristalne celuloze (MCC) na stabilnost izbranih zdravilnih učinkovin, kadar sta učinkovina in pomožna snov v stiku. Uporabili smo dve strukturno sorodni učinkovini, znana zaviralca angiotenzin-konvertaze, erbuminijev perindoprilat in enalaprilijev maleat. Izmerili smo najpomembnejše lastnosti mikrokristalne celuloze, ki bi lahko vplivale na stabilnost posamezne zdravilne učinkovine in določili povezavo med temi lastnostmi pomožne snovi in stabilnostjo zdravilnih učinkovin v binarnih zmeseh. Stabilnost obeh učinkovin se je razlikovala pri posameznih eksperimentih in je bila odvisna od tipa uporabljene mikrokristalne celuloze. Na stabilnost erbuminijevega perindoprilata so najbolj vplivale površinske značilnosti enega izmed proizvajalcev mikrokristalne celuloze, na stabilnost enalaprilijevega maleata pa njene šibko kisle lastnosti. V primeru ostalih dveh proizvajalcev mikrokristalne celuloze je na stabilnost obeh zdravilnih učinkovin najbolj vplivala nevezana voda

    Design and synthesis of amino-substituted N-arylpiperidinyl-based inhibitors of the (immuno)proteasome

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    The constitutive proteasome and the immunoproteasome represent validated targets for pharmacological intervention in the context of various diseases, such as cancer, inflammation, and autoimmune diseases. The development of novel chemical scaffolds of non-peptidic nature, capable of inhibiting different catalytically active subunits of both isoforms, is a viable approach against these diseases. Such compounds are also useful as leads for the development of biochemical probes that enable the studies of the roles of both isoforms in various biological contexts. Here, we present a ligand-based computational design of (immuno)proteasome inhibitors, which resulted in the amino-substituted N-arylpiperidine-based compounds that can inhibit different subunits of the (immuno)proteasome in the low micromolar range. The compounds represent a useful starting point for further structure-activity relationship studies that will, hopefully, lead to non-peptidic compounds that could be used in pharmacological and biochemical studies of both proteasomes

    International collaboration between collections-based institutes for halting biodiversity loss and unlocking the useful properties of plants and fungi

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    The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17 calls for “strong global partnerships and cooperation” to support the other SDGs. The collections-based science community offers many examples of conservation of plant and fungal biodiversity, sharing, repatriation and aggregation of data, access to new technologies, supply of plant and fungal material, strengthening capacity of practitioners, and benefit sharing with the providers of biodiversity and genetic resources. Collaboration framed by workable multilateral treaties will increase our understanding of plant and fungal diversity, help halt biodiversity loss, and accelerate our sustainable use of plants and fungi and the exploration of their useful traits. Summary: Collections-based institutes are at the forefront of generating knowledge and understanding of plant and fungal biodiversity. Through the analysis of occurrence data, the use of modern technologies to better understand the evolutionary relationships between species and documentation of their useful properties, the work of collections-based institutes provides good models for conservation; addressing species loss and improving sustainable use of plants and fungi. Nevertheless, the pressure on the planet's plant and fungal diversity is relentless. We argue that a massive increase in the accessibility of preserved and living collections of plants and fungi is required. An increased scale of responsible exploration to both conserve and unlock the useful properties of plants and fungi is needed to deliver solutions to the many global challenges facing humanity and the planet. This article explores the role of collaborations between collections-based institutes and their partners in preventing biodiversity loss and delivering sustainable development. Drawing on examples from herbaria, agricultural and wild species genebanks, mycological collections, an international NGO, and the botanic garden community, we demonstrate how collaboration improves efficiency and impact. Collaborations can be peer to peer, institutional, governmental, national, or international, they may involve work with local communities and are frequently a combination of these. We suggest the five key benefits to collaboration and show that with trust, understanding, and mutual respect, powerful and sustainable partnerships develop. Such trust and respect are hard won, but once established, sustain a high level of commitment, enable development of shared long-term visions of success, and attract diverse funding streams