3 research outputs found

    Characterization And Modeling Of Antireflective Coatings Of Si O 2, Si3 N4, And Si Ox Ny Deposited By Electron Cyclotron Resonance Enhanced Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition

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    In this work the optical transmission spectra of silicon oxide (Si O2), silicon nitrides (Si3 N4), silicon-rich oxynitrides (Si Ox Ny), and antireflective coatings (ARCs), deposited by the electron cyclotron resonance enhanced plasma chemical vapor deposition onto a silicon substrate at room temperature, are studied. Simulations carried out with the MATHEMATICA program, from 0 to 1000 nm thick coatings, showed maximum transmittance in the three basic colors at 620, 480, and 560 nm for the Si O2, Si3 N4, and Si Ox Ny ARCs, respectively. However, a highly significant transmittance over a broad spectral range from visible (VIS) to near the infrared region, with optical gain in the three basic colors above 20%, is observed only at thicknesses of 80, 70, and 60 nm, respectively, for Si O2, Si3 N4, and Si Ox Ny ARCs. Among the three evaluated films, the highest transmittance in the broad spectral band in the VIS range was observed for 60 nm thick Si3 N4 films. The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of these films reveal high structural quality and the presence of Si-O, Si-H, N-H, and Si-N bonds, independent of thickness and deposition parameters. © 2006 American Vacuum Society.242823827White, M., Lampe, D., Blaha, F., Mack, I., (1974) IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, SC-9, p. 1Furumiya, M., Ohkubo, H., Muramatsu, Y., Kurosawa, S., Okamoto, F., Fujimoto, Y., Nakashiba, Y., (2001) IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 48, p. 2221Popov, O.A., Waldron, H., (1989) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 7, p. 914Heavens, O.S., (1991) Optical Properties of Thin Solid Films, , Dover, New YorkAroutiounian, V.M., Maroutyan, K.R., Zatikyan, A.L., Touryan, K.J., (2002) Thin Solid Films, 403, p. 517Edwards, D.F., (1985) Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids, , edited by E. D.Palik (Academic, Washington, D.CGreen, M.L., Gusev, E.P., Degraeve, R., Garfunkel, E.L., (2001) J. Appl. Phys., 90, p. 2057Alayo, M.I., Pereyra, I., Scopel, W.L., Fantini, M.C.A., (2002) Thin Solid Films, 402, p. 154Tsu, D.V., Lucovsky, G., Mantini, M.J., Chao, S.S., (1987) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 5, p. 1998Lucovsky, G., Richard, P.D., Tsu, D.V., Lin, S.Y., Markunas, J., (1986) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 4, p. 681Joseph, E.A., Gross, C., Liu, H.Y., Laaksonen, R.T., Celii, F.G., (2001) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 19, p. 2483Wu, X., Ossadnik, Ch., Eggs, Ch., Veprek, S., Phillipp, F., (2002) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 20, p. 1368Diniz, J.A., Do Couto, A.L., Danilov, I., Tatsch, P.J., Swart, J.W., (1999) Proceedings of the XIV International Conference of Microelectronics and Packaging, p. 164Tsu, D.V., Lucovsky, G., Mantini, M.J., (1986) Phys. Rev. B, 33, p. 7069Denisse, C.M.M., Troost, K.Z., Oude Elferink, J.B., Habraken, F.H.P.M., Van Der Weg, W.F., (1986) J. Appl. Phys., 60, p. 253

    Hemangioblastoma of the Central Nervous System

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