95 research outputs found


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    Il lavoro si propone di illustrare la situazione dei migranti alle frontiere tra il Marocco e la Spagna. In particolare l'attenzione sarà rivolta agli episodi intorno alle due enclavi spagnole in Nord Marocco, Ceuta e Melilla. Partendo dall'analisi dei tragici episodi avvenuti nel 2005 a Ceuta e Melilla che hanno visto la morte di 13 migranti subsahariani che dal Marocco di dirigevano verso la Spagna, si cercherà di fare un ricostruzione storica dei fatti accaduti nell' ultimo ventennio. La riflessione proseguirà esaminando le politiche migratorie dei due stati, e le leggi che tutelano i diritti dei migranti, dei rifugiati e dei richiedenti asilo. Uno sguardo sarà dato anche alla tutela dei diritti dei migranti, rifugiati e richiedenti asilo a livello internazionale ed europeo

    Peter Panero fotografiado en un yate con Blancanieves

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    Leopoldo María Panero erre entre les vers de sa poésie accompagné d’une foule de personnages de son enfance et d’une vaste trajectoire littéraire. Personnages qui, une fois devant le miroir, s’avèrent être les fragments du moi du poète, les masques qui décomposent et composent en même temps une identité multiple. Au cours de ce cheminement poétique, l’œuvre de Panero peut être étudiée parallèlement à ses réflexions sur la traduction, à ses per-versions. Une poétique comme une tentative constante de se-traduire, comme une traversée aveugle des interlignes du moi dans une quête infernale de l’identité. Et le masque comme un instrument traductologique de soi.Leopoldo María Panero anda por los versos de su poesía acompañado por una muchedumbre de personajes, de la infancia y de su vasto recorrido literario. Personajes que, llegados frente a un espejo, resultan ser las fracciones del yo del poeta, máscaras que descomponen y a la vez componen una identidad múltiple. En este andar poético, la obra de Panero puede ser analizada paralelamente a sus reflexiones traductológicas, a sus per-versiones. Su poética como una tentativa continua de traducir-se, un atravesar a oscuras lo interlineado del yo en esa búsqueda infernal de la identidad. Y la careta como un instrumento traductológico del sí

    I Centri di cultura popolare dell'U.N.L.A. (1949-1978): il caso di studio della Sardegna

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    The "Centres for people's culture" were devised in 1949 by the National Union for the Fight against Illiteracy and worked in the rural areas of southern Italy, that were afflicted with the largest percentage of illiterates in the population. Moreover, the National Union placed in the Centres the ambitious target to provide illiterate with a tool, by which they could educate themselves to have an active and conscious relationship with the social and political life. The Centres for people's culture implemented a "school of democracy" to educate the citizens of the new Italy which was rising after fascist dictatorship and war. The "Centres for people's culture" had a common aspect by virtue of the general organization and ideal framework of the National Union for the Fight against Illiteracy. However, each Centre for people's culture was deeply immersed within its own community and regional environment, so each of them had a life influenced by different historical, cultural, social, and economic peculiarities. This paper faces the case of the Centres for people's culture which worked in Sardinia until 1978, to contribute for knowing better the history of the Centres

    I Centri di cultura popolare dell’U.N.L.A. in Sardegna

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    Poly (ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate) nanoparticles (PECA-NPs) as possible agents in tumor treatment

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    Tumor eradication has many challenges due to the difficulty of selectively delivering anticancer drugs to malignant cells avoiding contact with healthy tissues/organs. The improvement of antitumor efficacy and the reduction of systemic side effects can be achieved using drug loaded nanoparticles. In this study, poly (ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate) nanoparticles (PECA-NPs) were prepared using an emulsion polymerization method and their potential for cancer treatment was investigated. The size, polydispersity index and zeta potential of prepared nanoparticles are about 80 nm, 0.08 and −39.7 mV, respectively. The stability test shows that the formulation is stable for 15 days, while an increase in particle size occurs after 30 days. TEM reveals the spherical morphology of nanoparticles; furthermore, FTIR and 1 H NMR analyses confirm the structure of PECA-NPs and the complete polymerization. The nanoparticles demonstrate an in vitro concentration-dependent cytotoxicity against human epithelial colorectal adenocarcinoma cell lines (Caco-2), as assessed by MTT assay. The anticancer activity of PECA-NPs was studied on 3D tumor spheroids models of hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) and kidney adenocarcinoma cells (A498) to better understand how the nanoparticles could interact with a complex structure such as a tumor. The results confirm the antitumor activity of PECA-NPs. Therefore, these systems can be considered good candidates in tumor treatment

    Mendelian breeding units <i>versus</i> standard sampling strategies: mitochondrial DNA variation in southwest Sardinia

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    We report a sampling strategy based on Mendelian Breeding Units (MBUs), representing an interbreeding group of individuals sharing a common gene pool. The identification of MBUs is crucial for case-control experimental design in association studies. The aim of this work was to evaluate the possible existence of bias in terms of genetic variability and haplogroup frequencies in the MBU sample, due to severe sample selection. In order to reach this goal, the MBU sampling strategy was compared to a standard selection of individuals according to their surname and place of birth. We analysed mitochondrial DNA variation (first hypervariable segment and coding region) in unrelated healthy subjects from two different areas of Sardinia: the area around the town of Cabras and the western Campidano area. No statistically significant differences were observed when the two sampling methods were compared, indicating that the stringent sample selection needed to establish a MBU does not alter original genetic variability and haplogroup distribution. Therefore, the MBU sampling strategy can be considered a useful tool in association studies of complex traits

    Cellulose acetate phthalate-chitosan based nanoparticles for transdermal delivery of captopril in pediatric patients

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    The Pediatric Committee at the European Medicines Agency identified the needs of the development of age-appropriate formulation of captopril in pediatric population for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and diabetic nephropathy. Captopril (CAT) is currently administered by extemporaneous liquid formulation or tablet due to its limited water stability. Therefore, polymeric nanoparticles were developed for transdermal delivery of CAT for obtaining a prolonged CAT release as well as an easy dosage control with high compliance of pediatric patients. Cellulose acetate phthalate (CAP) and chitosan (CH) were chosen to prepare nanoparticles by nanoprecipitation method-dropping technique without using surfactants. CAP nanoparticles and CAP nanoparticles combined with CH in different concentrations (1:1 w/w and 1:3 w/w) were produced both unloaded and loaded with CAT. Nanoparticles were characterized in terms of size, drug loading efficiency and physical stability during the time (1-28 days). Chemical stability of drug in the dispersion was investigated. Results show that CAP nanoparticles have no drug loading capacity, whereas CH allows the encapsulation of CAT; highest drug loading is obtained when 1:3 CAP:CH w/w ratio was used (64.6±7.6%). The particle preparation at 60°C enhances the interaction of CAT with the polymer matrix. The size of loaded CAP nanoparticles is 515.6±5.2 nm, whereas that of CAP-CH nanoparticles is 279.8±2.5 nm (1:1 w/w ratio) and 408.1±9.5 nm (1:1 w/w ratio) with a PDI values around 0.2, resulting in a homogeneous system. Good physical stability of all formulations during the time is observed. At the moment, CAT appears stable in the dispersions. In conclusion, CAP-CH nanoparticles prepared using a 1:3 w/w ratio show good properties for developing suitable formulation for transdermal delivery of CAT

    Mendelian breeding units versus standard sampling strategies: Mitochondrial DNA variation in southwest Sardinia

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    We report a sampling strategy based on Mendelian Breeding Units (MBUs), representing an interbreeding group of individuals sharing a common gene pool. The identification of MBUs is crucial for case-control experimental design in association studies. The aim of this work was to evaluate the possible existence of bias in terms of genetic variability and haplogroup frequencies in the MBU sample, due to severe sample selection. In order to reach this goal, the MBU sampling strategy was compared to a standard selection of individuals according to their surname and place of birth. We analysed mitochondrial DNA variation (first hypervariable segment and coding region) in unrelated healthy subjects from two different areas of Sardinia: the area around the town of Cabras and the western Campidano area. No statistically significant differences were observed when the two sampling methods were compared, indicating that the stringent sample selection needed to establish a MBU does not alter original genetic variability and haplogroup distribution. Therefore, the MBU sampling strategy can be considered a useful tool in association studies of complex traits
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