10 research outputs found

    Bridging the divide in language and approach between pedagogy and programming: the case of IMS Learning Design

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    Even though the IMS Learning Design (IMS LD) specification has offered a way for expressing multiple-learner scenarios, the language thus provided is far from the language, teaching practitioners use. To bridge this divide, we have developed IMS LD authoring software that translates from the learning designer perspective to the technical perspective. To aid adequate software developments, an analysis was performed to identify uses of level B properties in expert units of learning. In a second analysis, which is described in this paper, these uses were matched with demands of typical pedagogical methods. Some restrictions of the IMS LD specification are pointed out in this regard. As an outcome of the analyses, interfaces employing pedagogical language were integrated in the IMS LD authoring software in order to provide teaching practitioners access to level B functionalities despite their highly technical nature

    Open Educational Resources – ein Policy-Paper

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    Die erfolgreiche Etablierung des Open-Source-Modells sowie die in den 1990er Jahren entstandene und seitdem erstarkte Open-Access-Initiative haben die Diskussion über Open Content wieder belebt. Zusätzlichen Aufschwung erhält das Thema durch die breite Akzeptanz jener innovativen Technologien, die zur Demokratisierung des Internet beitragen, indem sie die Lernenden zu Akteurinnen und Akteuren machen und ihnen u.a. auch die Werkzeuge zur Entwicklung digitaler Inhalte an die Hand geben. Auf europäischer Ebene wird Open Content im Sinne der freien Zugänglichkeit zu Bildungsinhalten als ein wichtiger Schritt zur Erhöhung der Chancengleichheit und als ein weiterer Baustein auf dem Weg zur Harmonisierung des europäischen Hochschulraums im Sinne der Bologna-Deklaration gesehen. Der vorliegende Beitrag beleuchtet die wesentlichen Merkmale von Open Content im Vergleich zu Open Source und Open Access und stellt eine national getragene Maßnahme zur institutionellen Verankerung von Open Content vor. (DIPF/ Orig.

    Verschränkte Lernwelten: physisch, virtuell, seamless

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    Lehr- und Lernräume haben Einfluss auf den Lernerfolg und die Zufriedenheit der Lernenden. Durch die Integration digitaler Komponenten werden zunehmend Räume im herkömmlichen Sinn mit Online-Räumen verschränkt, was zu einer Flexibilisierung des Lehrens, Lernens und Prüfens führt und einen völlig neuen Umgang mit Lehr-/Lernräumen erfordert. Dieser Aspekt des seamless learning wird an der WU (auch in Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Hochschulen und Projekten) im Kontext des Projekts „Future Learning Experience“ (FLEX) erkundet und umgesetzt. Dabei wurden u. a. Einsatzszenarien von 360°-Szenarien (Videos/Fotos) und Virtual-Reality (VR)-Anwendungen in konkreten Lehr-/Lernkontexten pilotiert. Dieses Projekt wurde am 1. Juni 2023 im Rahmen einer Online-Veranstaltung des BMBWF präsentiert. Die Präsentationsunterlagen finden Sie hier

    Lost in Interaction in IMS Learning Design Runtime Environments

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    ICOPER Deliverable 3.1 - Report on the Standardized Description of Instructional Models

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    Derntl, M., Neumann, S., & Oberhuemer, P. (2009). ICOPER Deliverable 3.1 - Report on the Standardized Description of Instructional Models. Vienna: University of Vienna; ICOPER. [contributors: C. Tattersall, D. Verpoorten & R. Klemke]One of the primary objectives of ICOPER is to make digital content accessible within an interoperable, standards-based infrastructure. An essential ingredient to achieve this objective is an empirically grounded understanding of how teaching practitioners in higher-education institutions approach the tasks of designing, describing, sharing and reusing instructional models and units of learning, in their crucial components: content (WP4), learning objectives (WP2), teaching methods (WP5) and assessment processes (WP6). As a major step towards this understanding, this report investigates the state of the art in representing generic as well as contextualised instructional models. The report introduces a structured description template for generic teaching methods, by drawing on findings from previous projects and initiatives, and by involving teaching practitioners and educational researchers in (a) the evaluation of the template and (b) the collecting of teaching methods. A set of instructional modelling use cases is included to identify and describe key interactions of teachers and learning designers with instructional modelling artefacts in the Open ICOPER Content Space (OICS; see deliverable D1.1). An initial proposal for a metadata application profile for teaching methods and units of learning supporting the use cases within OICS is presented

    Vom Professionsnetzwerk zur nationalen eLearning-Strategie. Der Verein „fnm-austria“ und die eLearning-Interessensgemeinschaft österreichischer Hochschulen

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    Der Beitrag beschreibt das nationale eLearning-Netzwerk der österreichischen Hochschulen fnm-austria. Dieses hat sich seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 2000 in einem Bottom-up-Ansatz soweit konsolidiert, dass es seinen Akteur(inn)en(in erster Linie Lehrende aus dem tertiären Bereich) gelungen ist, im Netzwerk ein Fundament für eine nationale eLearning-Strategie zu legen. In einem breit angelegten Konsortialprojekt wurden die Themenbereiche Qualitätssicherung, Rechtsfragen, eLearning und Karriere sowie Contententwicklung(inkl. nationaler Content Policy) kooperativ bearbeitet. Die Bearbeitung von Querschnittsbereichen hat das Ziel, die strategisch ausgerichtete eLearning-Implementierung an den einzelnen Hochschulen nachhaltig zu fördern. (DIPF/Orig.

    The Conceptual Structure of IMS Learning Design does not Impede its Use for Authoring

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    Report of the Results of an IMS Learning Design Expert Workshop

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    An IMS Learning Design Expert Workshop was held at the University of Vienna on November 20 & 21, 2008. This report contains a description of the purpose of the workshop, its methodologies and results. Participating experts first brainstormed visions and problems of IMS Learning Design (IMS LD), and then developed potential solutions to some of the identified problems. Three groups formed to work on two of the identified problems in more depth: the usability and utility problem, and the life cycle of a unit of learning problem. The proposed solutions regarding the usability and utility problem were to investigate how teachers' and learners' representations of a learning design can be brought together, and to set up a research program to identify how teachers cognitively proceed when designing courses and to map this knowledge to IMS LD. In regard to the life cycle of a unit of learning problem, the group suggested a system that continually exchanges information between runtime and editing systems so that units of learning can be updated accordingly

    Report of the results of an IMS learning design expert workshop.

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    An IMS Learning Design Expert Workshop was held at the University of Vienna on November 20 & 21, 2008. This report contains a description of the purpose of the workshop, its methodologies and results. Participating experts first brainstormed visions and problems of IMS Learning Design (IMS LD), and then developed potential solutions to some of the identified problems. Three groups formed to work on two of the identified problems in more depth: the usability and utility problem, and the life cycle of a unit of learning problem. The proposed solutions regarding the usability and utility problem were to investigate how teachers' and learners' representations of a learning design can be brought together, and to set up a research program to identify how teachers cognitively proceed when designing courses and to map this knowledge to IMS LD. In regard to the life cycle of a unit of learning problem, the group suggested a system that continually exchanges information between runtime and editing systems so that units of learning can be updated accordingly


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