729 research outputs found

    Cellular Automaton Study of Time-Dynamics of Avalanche Breakdown in IMPATT Diodes

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    Employing a recently developed efficient cellular automaton technique for solving Boltzmann's transport equation for realistic devices, we present a detailed study of the carrier dynamics in GaAs avalanche p-i-n (IMPATT) diodes. We find that the impact ionization in reverse bias p-i-n diodes with ultrathin (less than 50 nm) intrinsic regions is triggered by Zener tunneling rather than by thermal generation. The impact generation of hot carriers occurs mainly in the low-field junction regions rather than in the high field intrinsic zone. The calculations predict significantly more minority carriers on the n-side than on the p-side

    Four Functionally Distinct Regions in the Left Supramarginal Gyrus Support Word Processing

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    We used fMRI in 85 healthy participants to investigate whether different parts of the left supramarginal gyrus (SMG) are involved in processing phonological inputs and outputs. The experiment involved 2 tasks (speech production (SP) and one-back (OB) matching) on 8 different types of stimuli that systematically varied the demands on sensory processing (visual vs. auditory), sublexical phonological input (words and pseudowords vs. nonverbal stimuli), and semantic content (words and objects vs. pseudowords and meaningless baseline stimuli). In ventral SMG, we found an anterior subregion associated with articulatory sequencing (for SP > OB matching) and a posterior subregion associated with auditory short-term memory (for all auditory > visual stimuli and written words and pseudowords > objects). In dorsal SMG, a posterior subregion was most highly activated by words, indicating a role in the integration of sublexical and lexical cues. In anterior dorsal SMG, activation was higher for both pseudoword reading and object naming compared with word reading, which is more consistent with executive demands than phonological processing. The dissociation of these four “functionally-distinct” regions, all within left SMG, has implications for differentiating between different types of phonological processing, understanding the functional anatomy of language and predicting the effect of brain damage

    Predicting the '97 El Niño event with a global climate model

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    A simple data assimilation technique has been applied for initializing coupled ocean‐atmosphere general circulation models, which is able to generate the three‐dimensional thermal state of the low‐latitude oceans by forcing the model with observed anomalies of sea surface temperature. The scheme has been tested in a multi‐year experiment in which the vertical temperature profiles in the equatorial Pacific measured by the TOGA‐TAO array have been successfully reproduced for the period '96 to '97. In a further series of eight hindcast experiments initialized between January '96 and September '97, the predictive skill of the model was tested. All experiments starting in '97 correctly simulated the evolution of the '97 El Niño, although the amplitude was slightly underestimated. While the ocean was pre‐conditioned to create an El Niño already in '96, the model correctly stayed in the cold (La Niña) phase initially. All experiments initialized in '97 forecast a La Niña event for the middle of'98

    Functionally distinct contributions of the anterior and posterior putamen during sublexical and lexical reading.

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    Previous studies have investigated orthographic-to-phonological mapping during reading by comparing brain activation for (1) reading words to object naming, or (2) reading pseudowords (e.g., "phume") to words (e.g., "plume"). Here we combined both approaches to provide new insights into the underlying neural mechanisms. In fMRI data from 25 healthy adult readers, we first identified activation that was greater for reading words and pseudowords relative to picture and color naming. The most significant effect was observed in the left putamen, extending to both anterior and posterior borders. Second, consistent with previous studies, we show that both the anterior and posterior putamen are involved in articulating speech with greater activation during our overt speech production tasks (reading, repetition, object naming, and color naming) than silent one-back-matching on the same stimuli. Third, we compared putamen activation for words versus pseudowords during overt reading and auditory repetition. This revealed that the anterior putamen was most activated by reading pseudowords, whereas the posterior putamen was most activated by words irrespective of whether the task was reading words or auditory word repetition. The pseudoword effect in the anterior putamen is consistent with prior studies that associated this region with the initiation of novel sequences of movements. In contrast, the heightened word response in the posterior putamen is consistent with other studies that associated this region with "memory guided movement." Our results illustrate how the functional dissociation between the anterior and posterior putamen supports sublexical and lexical processing during reading

    Sensory-to-motor integration during auditory repetition: A combined fMRI and lesion study

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    The aim of this paper was to investigate the neurological underpinnings of auditory-to-motor translation during auditory repetition of unfamiliar pseudowords. We tested two different hypotheses. First we used functional magnetic resonance imaging in 25 healthy subjects to determine whether a functionally defined area in the left temporo-parietal junction (TPJ), referred to as Sylvian-parietal-temporal region (Spt), reflected the demands on auditory-to-motor integration during the repetition of pseudowords relative to a semantically mediated nonverbal sound-naming task. The experiment also allowed us to test alternative accounts of Spt function, namely that Spt is involved in subvocal articulation or auditory processing that can be driven either bottom-up or top-down. The results did not provide convincing evidence that activation increased in either Spt or any other cortical area when non-semantic auditory inputs were being translated into motor outputs. Instead, the results were most consistent with Spt responding to bottom up or top down auditory processing, independent of the demands on auditory-to-motor integration. Second, we investigated the lesion sites in eight patients who had selective difficulties repeating heard words but with preserved word comprehension, picture naming and verbal fluency (i.e., conduction aphasia). All eight patients had white-matter tract damage in the vicinity of the arcuate fasciculus and only one of the eight patients had additional damage to the Spt region, defined functionally in our fMRI data. Our results are therefore most consistent with the neurological tradition that emphasizes the importance of the arcuate fasciculus in the non-semantic integration of auditory and motor speech processing

    Secondary and primary metabolites reveal putative resistance-associated biomarkers against Erysiphe necator in resistant grapevine genotypes

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    Numerous fungicide applications are required to control Erysiphe necator, the causative agent of powdery mildew. This increased demand for cultivars with strong and long-lasting field resistance to diseases and pests. In comparison to the susceptible cultivar ‘Teroldego’, the current study provides information on some promising disease-resistant varieties (mono-locus) carrying one E. necator-resistant locus: BC4 and ‘Kishmish vatkana’, as well as resistant genotypes carrying several E. necator resistant loci (pyramided): ‘Bianca’, F26P92, F13P71, and NY42. A clear picture of the metabolites’ alterations in response to the pathogen is shown by profiling the main and secondary metabolism: primary compounds and lipids; volatile organic compounds and phenolic compounds at 0, 12, and 48 hours after pathogen inoculation. We identified several compounds whose metabolic modulation indicated that resistant plants initiate defense upon pathogen inoculation, which, while similar to the susceptible genotype in some cases, did not imply that the plants were not resistant, but rather that their resistance was modulated at different percentages of metabolite accumulation and with different effect sizes. As a result, we discovered ten up-accumulated metabolites that distinguished resistant from susceptible varieties in response to powdery mildew inoculation, three of which have already been proposed as resistance biomarkers due to their role in activating the plant defense response

    Sensory-to-motor integration during auditory repetition: a combined fMRI and lesion study.

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    The aim of this paper was to investigate the neurological underpinnings of auditory-to-motor translation during auditory repetition of unfamiliar pseudowords. We tested two different hypotheses. First we used functional magnetic resonance imaging in 25 healthy subjects to determine whether a functionally defined area in the left temporo-parietal junction (TPJ), referred to as Sylvian-parietal-temporal region (Spt), reflected the demands on auditory-to-motor integration during the repetition of pseudowords relative to a semantically mediated nonverbal sound-naming task. The experiment also allowed us to test alternative accounts of Spt function, namely that Spt is involved in subvocal articulation or auditory processing that can be driven either bottom-up or top-down. The results did not provide convincing evidence that activation increased in either Spt or any other cortical area when non-semantic auditory inputs were being translated into motor outputs. Instead, the results were most consistent with Spt responding to bottom up or top down auditory processing, independent of the demands on auditory-to-motor integration. Second, we investigated the lesion sites in eight patients who had selective difficulties repeating heard words but with preserved word comprehension, picture naming and verbal fluency (i.e., conduction aphasia). All eight patients had white-matter tract damage in the vicinity of the arcuate fasciculus and only one of the eight patients had additional damage to the Spt region, defined functionally in our fMRI data. Our results are therefore most consistent with the neurological tradition that emphasizes the importance of the arcuate fasciculus in the non-semantic integration of auditory and motor speech processing

    Semi-Targeted Profiling of the Lipidome Changes Induced by Erysiphe Necator in Disease-Resistant and Vitis vinifera L. Varieties

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    The ascomycete Erysiphe necator is a serious pathogen in viticulture. Despite the fact that some grapevine genotypes exhibit mono-locus or pyramided resistance to this fungus, the lipidomics basis of these genotypes’ defense mechanisms remains unknown. Lipid molecules have critical functions in plant defenses, acting as structural barriers in the cell wall that limit pathogen access or as signaling molecules after stress responses that may regulate innate plant immunity. To unravel and better understand their involvement in plant defense, we used a novel approach of ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC)-MS/MS to study how E. necator infection changes the lipid profile of genotypes with different sources of resistance, including BC4 (Run1), “Kishmish vatkhana” (Ren1), F26P92 (Ren3; Ren9), and “Teroldego” (a susceptible genotype), at 0, 24, and 48 hpi. The lipidome alterations were most visible at 24 hpi for BC4 and F26P92, and at 48 hpi for “Kishmish vatkhana”. Among the most abundant lipids in grapevine leaves were the extra-plastidial lipids: glycerophosphocholine (PCs), glycerophosphoethanolamine (PEs) and the signaling lipids: glycerophosphates (Pas) and glycerophosphoinositols (PIs), followed by the plastid lipids: glycerophosphoglycerols (PGs), monogalactosyldiacylglycerols (MGDGs), and digalactosyldiacylglycerols (DGDGs) and, in lower amounts lyso-glycerophosphocholines (LPCs), lyso-glycerophosphoglycerols (LPGs), lyso-glycerophosphoinositols (LPIs), and lyso-glycerophosphoethanolamine (LPEs). Furthermore, the three resistant genotypes had the most prevalent down-accumulated lipid classes, while the susceptible genotype had the most prevalent up-accumulated lipid classes

    Brain regions that support accurate speech production after damage to Broca’s area

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    Broca’s area in the posterior half of the left inferior frontal gyrus has traditionally been considered an important node in the speech production network. Nevertheless, recovery of speech production has been reported, to different degrees, within a few months of damage to Broca’s area. Importantly, contemporary evidence suggests that, within Broca’s area, its posterior part (i.e. pars opercularis) plays a more prominent role in speech production than its anterior part (i.e. pars triangularis). In this study, we therefore investigated the brain activation patterns that underlie accurate speech production following stroke damage to the opercular part of Broca’s area. By combining functional MRI and 13 tasks that place varying demands on speech production, brain activation was compared in (i) seven patients of interest with damage to the opercular part of Broca’s area; (ii) 55 neurologically intact controls; and (iii) 28 patient controls with left-hemisphere damage that spared Broca’s area. When producing accurate overt speech responses, the patients with damage to the left pars opercularis activated a substantial portion of the normal bilaterally distributed system. Within this system, there was a lesion-site-dependent effect in a specific part of the right cerebellar Crus I where activation was significantly higher in the patients with damage to the left pars opercularis compared to both neurologically intact and patient controls. In addition, activation in the right pars opercularis was significantly higher in the patients with damage to the left pars opercularis relative to neurologically intact controls but not patient controls (after adjusting for differences in lesion size). By further examining how right Crus I and right pars opercularis responded across a range of conditions in the neurologically intact controls, we suggest that these regions play distinct roles in domain-general cognitive control. Finally, we show that enhanced activation in the right pars opercularis cannot be explained by release from an inhibitory relationship with the left pars opercularis (i.e. dis-inhibition) because right pars opercularis activation was positively related to left pars opercularis activation in neurologically intact controls. Our findings motivate and guide future studies to investigate (i) how exactly right Crus I and right pars opercularis support accurate speech production after damage to the opercular part of Broca’s area and (ii) whether non-invasive neurostimulation to one or both of these regions boosts speech production recovery after damage to the opercular part of Broca’s area

    A special role for the right posterior superior temporal sulcus during speech production

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    This fMRI study of 24 healthy human participants investigated whether any part of the auditory cortex was more responsive to self-generated speech sounds compared to hearing another person speak. The results demonstrate a double dissociation in two different parts of the auditory cortex. In the right posterior superior temporal sulcus (RpSTS), activation was higher during speech production than listening to auditory stimuli, whereas in bilateral superior temporal gyri (STG), activation was higher for listening to auditory stimuli than during speech production. In the second part of the study, we investigated the function of the identified regions, by examining how activation changed across a range of listening and speech production tasks that systematically varied the demands on acoustic, semantic, phonological and orthographic processing. In RpSTS, activation during auditory conditions was higher in the absence of semantic cues, plausibly indicating increased attention to the spectral-temporal features of auditory inputs. In addition, RpSTS responded in the absence of any auditory inputs when participants were making one-back matching decisions on visually presented pseudowords. After analysing the influence of visual, phonological, semantic and orthographic processing, we propose that RpSTS (i) contributes to short term memory of speech sounds as well as (ii) spectral-temporal processing of auditory input and (iii) may play a role in integrating auditory expectations with auditory input. In contrast, activation in bilateral STG was sensitive to acoustic input and did not respond in the absence of auditory input. The special role of RpSTS during speech production therefore merits further investigation if we are to fully understand the neural mechanisms supporting speech production during speech acquisition, adult life, hearing loss and after brain injury