54 research outputs found


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    Various approaches to management that are used by project managers in projects in companies have been analyzed. Three main approaches: operational, project-oriented and process-oriented that group most of the methods and controls used in the implementation of projects have been identified. The most typical use of dedicated approaches in the life cycle of the construction project has been consideredРозглянуто різні підходи до управління, які використовуються керівниками проектів при реалізації проектів в компаніях. Виділено і розглянуто три основні підходи: оперативний, проектний та процесний, які групують більшість методів і засобів управління вживаних при реалізації проектів. Розглянуто використання виділених підходів в процесі реалізації життєвого циклу будівельного проекту


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    The process of meat and fish semi-finished products thermal treatment is inefficient in terms of energy costs and heavy losses of raw materials. Therefore improvement of processes of meat and fish semi-finished products thermal treatment  is an actual scientific task. It is possible to intensify process of thermal treatment by use of different physical methods therefore the purpose of work is research of influence of the rotating electromagnetic field on an intensification of meat and fish semi-finished products thermal treatment. For the solution of an objective researches of influence of a alternating magnetic field on an intensification of process of thermal treatment of semi-finished products of meat and fish raw materials and quality of finished products were conducted. Results of research showed that processing of meat and fish semi-finished products in an electromagnetic field allows to reduce duration of their thermal treatment and to increase quality of finished goods by reduction of a microbial contamination of semi-finished products and finished products.  Процесс тепловой обработки мясных и рыбных полуфабрикатов является  малоэффективным с точки зрения расхода энергоносителя и больших потерь сырья. Поэтому усовершенствование процессов тепловой обработки мясных и рыбных полуфабрикатов является актуальной научной задачей.Интенсифицировать процесс тепловой обработки можно путем использования разных физических методов, поэтому целью работы является исследование влияния вращающегося электромагнитного поля на интенсификацию тепловой обработки мясных и рыбных полуфабрикатов.Для решения поставленной задачи были проведены исследования влияния переменного электромагнитного поля на  интенсификацию процесса тепловой обработки полуфабрикатов из мясного и рыбного сырья и качество готовых изделий.Результаты исследования показали, что обработка мясных и рыбных полуфабрикатов в электромагнитном поле позволяет уменьшить длительность их тепловой обработки и повысить качество готовой продукции путем уменьшения микробиологического обсеменения полуфабрикатов и готовых изделий.Процес теплового оброблення м'ясних та рибних напівфабрикатів є  малоефективним з точки зору витрат енергоносіїв і великих втрат вихідної сировини. Тому удосконалення процесів теплового оброблення м’ясних та рибних напівфабрикатів є актуальною науковою задачею. Інтенсифікувати процес теплового оброблення можливо шляхом використання різних фізичних методів, тому метою роботи є дослідження впливу обертового електромагнітного поля на інтенсифікацію теплового оброблення м’ясних та рибних напівфабрикатів. Для вирішення поставленої задачі були проведені дослідження впливу змінного електромагнітного поля на  інтенсифікацію процесу теплового оброблення напівфабрикатів з м’ясної і рибної сировини та якість готових виробів. Результати дослідження показали, що оброблення м’ясних та рибних напівфабрикатів в електромагнітному полі дозволяє зменшити тривалість їх теплового оброблення та підвищити якість готової продукції шляхом зменшення мікробіологічного обсіменіння напівфабрикатів та готових виробів. &nbsp

    AES and XPS characterization of TiN layers formed and modified by ion implantation

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    Compositional characterization of sputtered and implanted titanium nitride (TiN) layers for microelectronics application is performed based on Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) and X-ray induced Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) data. AES shows a strong overlapping of the most intensive peaks of Ti and N. A simple empirical method using intensity relations of Auger spectra is developed for quick estimation of layer composition in small areas. Defined modification of the TiN layers was realized by means of carbon and oxygen implantation to study their influence on quantitative analysis. In difference to standard AES analysis the results of quantification using the method proposed are found to be in good agreement with XPS profiles and with results from Principal Component Analysis (PCA), where peak overlapping is excluded. The influence of oxygen was found to be crucial for standard AES analysis but it could be taken into account in the proposed method. High carbon concentrations show no significant influence on the Ti and N peak shapes

    Data for increase of Lymantria dispar male survival after topical application of single-stranded RING domain fragment of IAP-3 gene of its nuclear polyhedrosis virus

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    This data article is related to the research article entitled “The RING for gypsy moth control: topical application of fragment of its nuclear polyhedrosis virus anti-apoptosis gene as insecticide” [1]. This article reports on significantly higher survival of gypsy moth Lymantria dispar male individuals in response to topical application of single-stranded DNA, based on RING (really interesting new gene) domain fragment of LdMNPV (L. dispar multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus) IAP-3 (inhibitor of apoptosis) gene and acted as DNA insecticide

    Plasma Activated Synthesis of Macromolecular Compound

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    The paper is devoted to study of the plasma-activated synthesis of organic compounds with optically activity. Synthesis was carried out in plasma-liquid system with a rotating gliding discharge submerged in a liquid. The initial reagents of synthesis were ethanol, ammonia, and CO2. The possibility of the influence of the electric field direction on the optical activity of the products of plasma-activated synthesis is shown

    Molecular alliance of Lymantria dispar multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus and a short unmodified antisense oligonucleotide of its anti-apoptotic IAP-3 gene: A novel approach for gypsy moth control

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    Baculovirus IAP (inhibitor-of-apoptosis) genes originated by capture of host genes. Unmodified short antisense DNA oligonucleotides (oligoDNAs) from baculovirus IAP genes can down-regulate specific gene expression profiles in both baculovirus-free and baculovirus-infected insects. In this study, gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) larvae infected with multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (LdMNPV), and LdMNPV-free larvae, were treated with oligoDNA antisense to the RING (really interesting new gene) domain of the LdMNPV IAP-3 gene. The results with respect to insect mortality, biomass accumulation, histological studies, RT-PCR, and analysis of DNA apoptotic fragmentation suggest that oligoRING induced increased apoptotic processes in both LdMNPV-free and LdMNPV-infected insect cells, but were more pronounced in the latter. These data open up possibilities for promising new routes of insect pest control using antisense phosphodiester DNA oligonucleotides

    Elemental speciation of the sediments from cold methane seeps on the Laptev Sea shelf

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    Relevance. The lack of elemental speciation data in the bottom sediments of the Laptev Sea, as well as the absence of its quantitative changes in occurrence forms in response to methane emissions. Aim. To assess changes in the elemental speciation in areas where methane-containing fluids are discharged. Objects. Nine samples of bottom sediments taken from three horizons of one “cold seep” and two background stations of the outer shelf-continental slope of the Laptev Sea during the AMK-82 expedition aboard R/V “Academician M.V. Keldysh” in autumn 2020. Methods. Sequential extraction BCR (the European Community Bureau of Reference) was performed to determine the elemental speciation in surface sediments; the residual fraction was determined by dissolving in nitric acid. The obtained fraction solutions were analyzed by ICP-MS (NexIon 300D, Perkin Elmer, Waltham, MA, USA), Pyrolysis (Rock-Eval 6 Turbo, Vinci Technologies). Results. The trend towards an increase in element mobility has been identified as a result of a shift in geochemical conditions that is presumably caused by the authigenic carbonate and sulfide formation. Moreover, the increase in the recoverable fraction (associated only with Fe oxides/hydroxides) is highlighted. We assume that the process of unloading methane-containing fluids plays a significant role in enrichment of authigenic carbonates U, Ni, Zn Co, oxides Fe – Sn and V, authigenic sulfides – Co, Mn and W. We also assume the potential formation of chalcopyrite as an authigenic sulfide in methane discharge areas