161 research outputs found

    Women's careers in low income areas as indicators of country and town dynamics

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    A great deal of research and comments have been made about African urban male migrants who leave the villages because of economic insecurities, which most often include unemployment, under employment and under productiveness of land. Little is known about the female migrants, except that they are prostitutes. This study is a contribution t o the research vacuum that exists with regards to African female migrants: and the efforts have been concentrated on the Namuwongo-Wabigalo area. An attempt has been made to find out what women do when they come to urban areas. Economic insecurity seems t o be a dominant factor behind almost every reason that the women give for leaving the rural areas. It has been observed that women discover that hard work and self-reliance are useful assets to have in the urban environment as well, where life is based on a money economy. The material in this study is arranged around the question of how women support themselves. The women that have been studied are largely uneducated and therefore possess hardly any to warrant their employment in the industries or in government created jobs; they have no alternative but to be self-employed. They are overlooked by planners and other people, particularly men, competing for formal j obs. This makes the informal sector invisible, and it is not surprising that people operating in this sector are usually labelled lazy and apathetic. Namuwonga-Wabigalo area is one of those called low income areas of Kampala. This is misleading because it implies that the residents are poor or unemployed. Yet the area is categorized so because the migrants who are in formal jobs receive a salary of not more than 500/-. The data suggests that residents of the so called low income areas are not necessarily of the bottom of the income scale. It has been observed that women are playing an important role in nation building or economic development, by for example feeding the workers and building lodging houses. Women are striving t o be socially and economically independent of men; and the findings indicate that they are very much concerned about their individuality as persons an

    Development of a Music Studio Booking Platform - tempo: The Booking Interface

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    The Culminating Experience (CE) documented in this report concerns the development of a music studio booking platform for the East African market. The service, called tempo, seeks to connect musicians with existing studio resources. The project draws from the on-demand model that steers away from asset proprietorship. Consequently, tempo’s platform saves potential customers from having to purchase the expensive hardware and related resources that they may need to invest in their craft. Within the confines of the CE, the most important decision made was to design tempo as a website and build a prototype of the booking interface to run on web browsers. As the first of its kind in East Africa, tempo seeks to advance the nexus of music, technology and innovation in the region. The project was advised by Pablo Munguía, Music Production, Technology & Innovation Programme Director, Berklee College of Music, Valencia.https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/1227/thumbnail.jp

    Differences of the Methodologies Findings: An Overview

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    Evaluation of indigenous molluscicides in water against schistosomiasis vectors

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    Seven varieties of indigenous Phytolacca dodecwulra L'Herrit (Phytolaccaceae) were field-tried for molluscicidal potency. Varieties (U96) and (U95) collected from Kabarole and Kabale respectively were the most potent with LD90 equal to 2.54 and 6.46 mg.t-· respectively. Water bodies ranging between 4,770 and 347,510 Iitres in Kibimba rice fields were treated with up to 50mg.t-· Snails kills were monitored every three months and 92 - 100% mortality rates were realized. HPLC fingerprints revealed the two P. dodecandra varieties to contain highest concentration of the active principle, oleanoglycotoxin- A or lemmatoxin - A

    Systematic improvements in humanitarian WASH services: Uganda refugee settlements

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    Provision of appropriate water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services is important in reducing morbidity and mortality that are caused by communicable diseases. However, there are a mix of challenges in accessing WASH services in humanitarian situations including vulnerability by age and disability. World Vison Uganda systematically implemented a three-one year inclusive WASH project in refugee settlements in Uganda to improve access for people with disabilities. The project involved engagement of key stakeholders to identify and discuss challenges and reflect on any past experience on similar projects, actual construction of inclusive facilities and conducting participatory accessibility audit of constructed WASH facilities. Lessons learnt in the accessibility audit of one project were keenly integrated in subsequent projects to increasingly improve design, implementation and access to people with disabilities in refugee settlements. Communities increasingly noted improvement in access to WASH and increased enrolment of children with disabilities in primary and secondary schools

    Vivre et penser le sida en Afrique = Experiencing and understanding AIDS in Africa

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    Dans un contraste de plus en plus accusé entre le Nord et le Sud, qui met en relief deux sortes de sida - l'un traitable et en voie de stabilisation, l'autre incurable et en voie d'expansion -, des chercheurs francophones et anglophones en sciences sociales tentent de répondre ici à une double exigence. Travaillant en Afrique subsaharienne sur une épidémie qui représente 70% des cas mondiaux, ils entendent contribuer à rendre intelligible les programmes d'information et de prévention. Se démarquant nettement des stéréotypes par trop répandus d'un continent où les cultures immémoriables et une certaine "promiscuité sexuelle" seraient le terreau de l'épidémie, leurs diverses approches mettent l'accent sur les contextes de vulnérabilité économique, sociale et politique des populations africaines et sur la façon dont celles-ci interprètent l'épidémie au regard de leurs conditions concrètes d'existence et des multiples difficultés et tensions auxquelles elles sont confrontées. Non réductible à un problème sanitaire, le "phénomène sida" appelle des politiques publiques qui ne se contentent pas de délivrer des messages de prévention sur le préservatif ou la fidélité, mais qui diversifient leurs interventions en fonction des situations sociales et des significations auxquelles le sida a déjà donné lieu. Mais cette démarche analytique des chercheurs en sciences sociales est prolongée d'un point de vue plus critique : parler de politiques publiques, c'est d'abord, pour eux, refuser que perdure en Afrique l'image d'un sida incurable et que ne soient pas transférés les progrès thérapeutiques qui ont considérablement modifié cette image au Nord. C'est par conséquent au prix d'une mobilisation de la communauté internationale que les Etats africains seront amenés eux-mêmes à manifester une plus grande volonté politique et à faire en sorte que le sida devienne un sujet central du débat public. (Résumé d'auteur

    Intrahepatic pregnancy. A rare form of abdominal pregnancy at Lira Regional Referral Hospital, Northern Uganda; a case report and literature review

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    Primary intra-hepatic pregnancy is an extremely rare condition. The purpose of this study was to report a case of 24-year-old Gravida 2 para 1+0 who presented at 35 weeks of amenorrhea with vaginal bleeding and mild right upper abdominal tenderness. Ultrasonography revealed a non-viable extra-uterine fetus located around the right upper part of the abdomen with a bulky uterus. Laparotomy was preferred in view this clinical dilemma and a fetus free abdominal cavity and uterus was observed, a macerated female baby was delivered from inside the liver with birth weight of 2.7kilogram. Placenta was left in situ and methotrexate given to hasten its resorption. Maternal outcome during the 18 days of intense follow up was uneventful. This case is a rare occurrence in our setting and it has diagnostic challenges in low resource settings like ours, however intra-hepatic pregnancy can grow to considerable size and weight

    Women and Seasonality: Coping with Crisis and Calamity

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    SUMMARY This article explores the contribution of female production, labour and domestic domain services to the management of seasonal stress, crisis and calamity, under the headings: switching tasks and responsibilities ascribed by gender; diversifying household income sources; changing the intensity and mix of multiple occupations; household gardening and common property resources; food processing, preservation and preparation; social organisation; gift?giving. It offers an analysis of adversity and calamity which pinpoints the resilience of networks of female?headed households and raises new questions concerning risk preference, probability assessment and the valuation of female labour time. RESUME Les Femmes et les Variations Saisonnières: Faire face aux Crises et aux Calamités Sous les titres suivants, cet article explore la contribution que les femmes apportent à l'organisation de la tension saisonnière, aux crises et aux désastres, par leur production, leur labeur et leurs services dans le domaine domestique: changement dans les travaux et les responsabilités assignés par le genre; diversifier les sources de revenu du ménage; changer l'intensité et l'association des occupations multiples; culture du jardin familial et resources communautaires; traitement, conservation et préparation de la nourriture; organisation sociale; échange de dons. Il offre une analyse des concepts d'adversité et de calamité qui cerne la résistance des réseaux de ménages où la femme est chef de famille et soulèvent de nouvelles questions concernant les priorités vis à vis des risques à prendre, les calculs de probabilité et l'évaluation du temps de travail de la femme. RESUMEN Mujeres y estacionalidad: enfrentando la crisis y la calamidad Este artículo examina la contribución de la producción de las mujeres, así como su trabajo y servicios en la esfera doméstica, en el manejo de las tensiones estacionales, las crisis y las calamidades. Los subtítulos pertinentes son: cambio de tareas y responsabilidades adscritas según sexo; diversificación de las fuentes de ingresos del hogar; cambio en la intensidad y combinación de ocupaciones múltiples; jardín del hogar y recursos comunitarios; procesamiento de alimentos, preservación y preparación; organización social; entrega de regalos. Proporciona un análisis de la adversidad y calamidad que destaca la recuperación de la interconexión de los hogares dependientes de jefes de hogar mujeres y plantea nuevas preguntas relativas a la preferencia por riesgos, la evaluación de probabilidades y la valoración del tiempo de trabajo de la mujer

    From Mexico to Beijing: "Women in Development" Twenty Five Years On

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    During the past twenty five years the Women in Development (WID)approach has become an increasingly important issue in the literature on Third World development. WID issues and related activities have now been incorporated into the aid practice of most development agencies. This paper critically analyses the diverse and conflicting ideologies that have emerged in the WID literature since the early seventies