29 research outputs found

    PepComposer: computational design of peptides binding to a given protein surface

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    There is a wide interest in designing peptides able to bind to a specific region of a protein with the aim of interfering with a known interaction or as starting point for the design of inhibitors. Here we describe PepComposer, a new pipeline for the computational design of peptides binding to a given protein surface. PepComposer only requires the target protein structure and an approximate definition of the binding site as input. We first retrieve a set of peptide backbone scaffolds from monomeric proteins that harbor the same backbone arrangement as the binding site of the protein of interest. Next, we design optimal sequences for the identified peptide scaffolds. The method is fully automatic and available as a web server at http://biocomputing.it/pepcomposer/webserver

    The structure of M.EcoKI Type I DNA methyltransferase with a DNA mimic antirestriction protein

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    Type-I DNA restrictionā€“modification (R/M) systems are important agents in limiting the transmission of mobile genetic elements responsible for spreading bacterial resistance to antibiotics. EcoKI, a Type I R/M enzyme from Escherichia coli, acts by methylation- and sequence-specific recognition, leading to either methylation of DNA or translocation and cutting at a random site, often hundreds of base pairs away. Consisting of one specificity subunit, two modification subunits, and two DNA translocase/endonuclease subunits, EcoKI is inhibited by the T7 phage antirestriction protein ocr, a DNA mimic. We present a 3D density map generated by negative-stain electron microscopy and single particle analysis of the central core of the restriction complex, the M.EcoKI M2S1 methyltransferase, bound to ocr. We also present complete atomic models of M.EcoKI in complex with ocr and its cognate DNA giving a clear picture of the overall clamp-like operation of the enzyme. The model is consistent with a large body of experimental data on EcoKI published over 40 years

    AI-based structure prediction empowers integrative structural analysis of human nuclear pores

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    Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) mediate nucleocytoplasmic transport. Their intricate 120-megadalton architecture remains incompletely understood. Here, we report a 70-megadalton model of the humanNPC scaffold with explicit membrane and in multiple conformational states. We combined artificial intelligence (AI)ā€“based structure prediction with in situ and in cellulo cryoā€“electron tomography and integrative modeling. We show that linker nucleoporins spatially organize the scaffold within and across subcomplexes to establish the higher-order structure. Microsecond-long molecular dynamics simulationssuggest that the scaffold is not required to stabilize the inner and outer nuclear membrane fusion but rather widens the central pore. Our work exemplifies how AI-based modeling can be integrated within situ structural biology to understand subcellular architecture across spatial organization levels

    A RecB-family nuclease motif in the Type I restriction endonuclease EcoR124I

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    The Type I restriction-modification enzyme EcoR124I is an ATP-dependent endonuclease that uses dsDNA translocation to locate and cleave distant non-specific DNA sites. Bioinformatic analysis of the HsdR subunits of EcoR124I and related Type I enzymes showed that in addition to the principal PD-(E/D)xK Motifs, I, II and III, a QxxxY motif is also present that is characteristic of RecB-family nucleases. The QxxxY motif resides immediately C-terminal to Motif III within a region of predicted Ī±-helix. Using mutagenesis, we examined the role of the Q and Y residues in DNA binding, translocation and cleavage. Roles for the QxxxY motif in coordinating the catalytic residues or in stabilizing the nuclease domain on the DNA are discussed

    The fragment structure of a putative HsdR subunit of a type I restriction enzyme from Vibrio vulnificus YJ016: implications for DNA restriction and translocation activity

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    Among four types of bacterial restriction enzymes that cleave a foreign DNA depending on its methylation status, type I enzymes composed of three subunits are interesting because of their unique DNA cleavage and translocation mechanisms performed by the restriction subunit (HsdR). The elucidated N-terminal fragment structure of a putative HsdR subunit from Vibrio vulnificus YJ016 reveals three globular domains. The nucleolytic core within an N-terminal nuclease domain (NTD) is composed of one basic and three acidic residues, which include a metal-binding site. An ATP hydrolase (ATPase) site at the interface of two RecA-like domains (RDs) is located close to the probable DNA-binding site for translocation, which is far from the NTD nucleolytic core. Comparison of relative domain arrangements with other functionally related ATP and/or DNA complex structures suggests a possible translocation and restriction mechanism of the HsdR subunit. Furthermore, careful analysis of its sequence and structure implies that a linker helix connecting two RDs and an extended region within the nuclease domain may play a central role in switching the DNA translocation into the restriction activity

    Functional Analysis of MmeI from Methanol Utilizer Methylophilus methylotrophus, a Subtype IIC Restriction-Modification Enzyme Related to Type I Enzymesā–æ

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    MmeI from Methylophilus methylotrophus belongs to the type II restriction-modification enzymes. It recognizes an asymmetric DNA sequence, 5ā€²-TCCRAC-3ā€² (R indicates G or A), and cuts both strands at fixed positions downstream of the specific site. This particular feature has been exploited in transcript profiling of complex genomes (using serial analysis of gene expression technology). We have shown previously that the endonucleolytic activity of MmeI is strongly dependent on the presence of S-adenosyl-l-methionine (J. Nakonieczna, J. W. Zmijewski, B. Banecki, and A. J. Podhajska, Mol. Biotechnol. 37:127-135, 2007), which puts MmeI in subtype IIG. The same cofactor is used by MmeI as a methyl group donor for modification of an adenine in the upper strand of the recognition site to N6-methyladenine. Both enzymatic activities reside in a single polypeptide (919 amino acids [aa]), which puts MmeI also in subtype IIC of the restriction-modification systems. Based on a molecular model, generated with the use of bioinformatic tools and validated by site-directed mutagenesis, we were able to localize three functional domains in the structure of the MmeI enzyme: (i) the N-terminal portion containing the endonucleolytic domain with the catalytic Mg2+-binding motif D70-X9-EXK82, characteristic for the PD-(D/E)XK superfamily of nucleases; (ii) a central portion (aa 310 to 610) containing nine sequence motifs conserved among N6-adenine Ī³-class DNA methyltransferases; (iii) the C-terminal portion (aa 610 to 919) containing a putative target recognition domain. Interestingly, all three domains showed highest similarity to the corresponding elements of type I enzymes rather than to classical type II enzymes. We have found that MmeI variants deficient in restriction activity (D70A, E80A, and K82A) can bind and methylate specific nucleotide sequence. This suggests that domains of MmeI responsible for DNA restriction and modification can act independently. Moreover, we have shown that a single amino acid residue substitution within the putative target recognition domain (S807A) resulted in a MmeI variant with a higher endonucleolytic activity than the wild-type enzyme