14 research outputs found

    Long-lasting geomagnetically induced currents and harmonic distortion observed in New Zealand during the 07-08 September 2017 Disturbed Period

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    Several periods of Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GIC) were detected in the Halfway Bush substation in Dunedin, South Island, New Zealand, as a result of intense geomagnetic storm activity during 06 to 09 September 2017. Unprecedented data coverage from a unique combination of instrumentation is analyzed, i.e., measurements of GIC on the single phase bank transformer T4 located within the substation, nearby magnetic field perturbation measurements, very low frequency (VLF) wideband measurements detecting the presence of power system harmonics, and high‐voltage harmonic distortion measurements. Two solar wind shocks occurred within 25 hours, generating four distinct periods of GIC. Two of the GIC events were associated with the arrival of the shocks themselves. These generated large but short‐lived GIC effects that resulted in no observable harmonic generation. Nearby and more distant magnetometers showed good agreement in measuring these global‐scale magnetic field perturbations. However, two subsequent longer‐lasting GIC periods, up to 30 minutes in duration, generated harmonics detected by the VLF receiver systems, when GIC levels continuously exceeded 15 A in T4. Nearby and more distant magnetometers showed differences in their measurements of the magnetic field perturbations at these times, suggesting the influence of small‐scale ionospheric current structures close to Dunedin. VLF receiver systems picked up harmonics from the substation, up to the 30th harmonic, consistent with observed high‐voltage increases in even harmonic distortion, along with small decreases in odd harmonic distortion

    Quarter-wave modes of standing Alfvén waves detected by cross-phase analysis

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    We have examined the diurnal variation of the local field line eigenfrequency at L ~ 2.6 using cross-phase analysis of Sub-Auroral Magnetometer Network and Magnetometers Along the Eastern Atlantic Seaboard for Undergraduate Research and Education ground magnetometer array data. On several days the eigenfrequency was remarkably low near the dawn terminator, when one end of the field line was sunlit and the other end was in darkness. Later in the morning the eigenfrequency gradually increased to the normal daytime value. This type of diurnal eigenfrequency variation was found in both European and American meridians and in several seasons (March, June, and December). By modeling this situation we show that the extraordinarily low eigenfrequency events appeared when the ionospheric Pedersen conductance was strongly asymmetric between both ends of the field line, leading to the formation of quarter-wavelength-mode standing waves that revert to half-wavelength modes as the dawn terminator passes both conjugate points. Ground-based magnetometer measurements of local toroidal field line eigenfrequencies are often inverted to infer plasma mass density in the magnetosphere by assuming half-wavelength-mode standing field line oscillations. However, the mode structure and hence field line eigenfrequency also depend on the ionospheric conductance. In particular, we find that there is a threshold of interhemispheric conductance ratio for the quarter-wavelength mode to be established. Our results therefore show that cross-phase techniques can detect quarter-wavelength-mode waves, where the inferred mass density would be overestimated

    Hydrogen Absorption Reactions of Hydrogen Storage Alloy LaNi<sub>5</sub> under High Pressure

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    Hydrogen can be stored in the interstitial sites of the lattices of intermetallic compounds. To date, intermetallic compound LaNi5 or related LaNi5-based alloys are known to be practical hydrogen storage materials owing to their higher volumetric hydrogen densities, making them a compact hydrogen storage method and allowing stable reversible hydrogen absorption and desorption reactions to take place at room temperature below 1.0 MPa. By contrast, gravimetric hydrogen density is required for key improvements (e.g., gravimetric hydrogen density of LaNi5: 1.38 mass%). Although hydrogen storage materials have typically been evaluated for their hydrogen storage properties below 10 MPa, reactions between hydrogen and materials can be facilitated above 1 GPa because the chemical potential of hydrogen dramatically increases at a higher pressure. This indicates that high-pressure experiments above 1 GPa could clarify the latent hydrogen absorption reactions below 10 MPa and potentially explore new hydride phases. In this study, we investigated the hydrogen absorption reaction of LaNi5 above 1 GPa at room temperature to understand their potential hydrogen storage capacities. The high-pressure experiments on LaNi5 with and without an internal hydrogen source (BH3NH3) were performed using a multi-anvil-type high-pressure apparatus, and the reactions were observed using in situ synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction with an energy dispersive method. The results showed that 2.07 mass% hydrogen was absorbed by LaNi5 at 6 GPa. Considering the unit cell volume expansion, the estimated hydrogen storage capacity could be 1.5 times higher than that obtained from hydrogen absorption reaction below 1.0 MPa at 303 K. Thus, 33% of the available interstitial sites in LaNi5 remained unoccupied by hydrogen atoms under conventional conditions. Although the hydrogen-absorbed LaNi5Hx (x 5Hx began decomposing into NiH, and the formation of a new phase was observed at 873 K and 10 GPa. The new phase was indexed to a hexagonal or trigonal unit cell with a ≈ 4.44 Å and c ≈ 8.44 Å. Further, the newly-formed phase was speculated to be a new hydride phase because the Bragg peak positions and unit cell parameters were inconsistent with those reported for the La-Ni intermetallic compounds and La-Ni hydride phases

    Geomagnetically Induced Currents and Harmonic Distortion: Storm‐time Observations from New Zealand

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    Large geomagnetic storms are a known space weather hazard to power transmission networks due to the effects of Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs). However, research in this area has been hampered by a lack of GIC observations. Previous studies have noted that New Zealand is unusually fortunate in having a comparatively dense, high quality, set of GIC measurements, spanning >60 transformers in >20 substations. However, due to operational reasons these observations are clustered in the mid and lower South Island. In this paper we analyze space weather‐induced GIC impact patterns over the entire country by using a different set of sensors that monitor levels of harmonic distortion, with even and odd harmonics measured separately. GICs lead to half cycle transformer saturation and is one of the few ways in which even harmonics are produced in a well run power transmission network. We make use of harmonic distortion measurements at 377 circuit breakers made at 126 separate locations. Focusing on the intense geomagnetic storm activity during 06 to 09 September 2017, we show how the even harmonic distortion observations provide a useful new picture of GIC‐stressed transformers. These observations demonstrate how GIC effects can be monitored by using even harmonic distortion in locations where no GIC measurements are present (for example, the most of the North Island). We understand harmonic distortion measurements are fairly common in electrical networks and could provide a new tool for Space Weather researchers

    The ARASE (ERG) magnetic field investigation

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    The fluxgate magnetometer for the Arase (ERG) spacecraft mission was built to investigate particle acceleration processes in the inner magnetosphere. Precise measurements of the field intensity and direction are essential in studying the motion of particles, the properties of waves interacting with the particles, and magnetic field variations induced by electric currents. By observing temporal field variations, we will more deeply understand magnetohydrodynamic and electromagnetic ion-cyclotron waves in the ultra-low-frequency range, which can cause production and loss of relativistic electrons and ring-current particles. The hardware and software designs of the Magnetic Field Experiment (MGF) were optimized to meet the requirements for studying these phenomena. The MGF makes measurements at a sampling rate of 256 vectors/s, and the data are averaged onboard to fit the telemetry budget. The magnetometer switches the dynamic range between ± 8000 and ± 60, 000 nT, depending on the local magnetic field intensity. The experiment is calibrated by preflight tests and through analysis of in-orbit data. MGF data are edited into files with a common data file format, archived on a data server, and made available to the science community. Magnetic field observation by the MGF will significantly improve our knowledge of the growth and decay of radiation belts and ring currents, as well as the dynamics of geospace storms

    Plasma refilling rates for L = 2.3-3.8 flux tubes

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    Measurements of the eigenfrequency of geomagnetic field lines can provide information on the plasma mass density near the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere. Data from an extended meridional array of ground magnetometers therefore allow the radial density distribution, and its temporal variation, to be remotely monitored. Using cross-phase analysis of magnetometer array data, we determined the equatorial mass density during three moderate geomagnetic storms in March 2004 and June and April 2001. In each case the field line eigenfrequency increased markedly, corresponding to reductions in mass density and indicating that the plasmapause moved earthward and these flux tubes were depleted. We then measured the rate at which these flux tubes were refilled to prestorm levels. This took 2–3 days for L = 2.3 flux tubes, 3 days at L = 2.6, and over 4 days for L > 3.3. Plasmaspheric refilling progressed with a clear diurnal variation associated with linearly increasing plasma density in the daytime and decreasing plasma density at nighttime. The daytime increases in plasma mass density related to refilling rates ranging from ~250 to ~13 amu cm⁻³ h⁻¹ over L = 2.3–3.8. The resultant upward plasma flux at the 1000 km level was in the range 0.9–5.2 × 10⁸ amu cm⁻² s⁻¹. We also determined the daily averaged refilling rate to be ~420 amu cm⁻³ d⁻¹ at L = 2.9–3.1, including the nighttime downward flux. By comparison with Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration–EUV and VLF whistler data we were able to estimate the plasma composition and found the O⁺ proportion was of order 3%–7% at L = 2.3 and 6%–13% at L = 3.0

    Natto consumption suppresses atherosclerotic plaque progression in LDL receptor-deficient mice transplanted with iRFP-expressing hematopoietic cells

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    Abstract Natto, known for its high vitamin K content, has been demonstrated to suppress atherosclerosis in large-scale clinical trials through a yet-unknown mechanism. In this study, we used a previously reported mouse model, transplanting the bone marrow of mice expressing infra-red fluorescent protein (iRFP) into LDLR-deficient mice, allowing unique and non-invasive observation of foam cells expressing iRFP in atherosclerotic lesions. Using 3 natto strains, we meticulously examined the effects of varying vitamin K levels on atherosclerosis in these mice. Notably, high vitamin K natto significantly reduced aortic staining and iRFP fluorescence, indicative of decreased atherosclerosis. Furthermore, mice administered natto showed changes in gut microbiota, including an increase in natto bacteria within the cecum, and a significant reduction in serum CCL2 expression. In experiments with LPS-stimulated macrophages, adding natto decreased CCL2 expression and increased anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 expression. This suggests that natto inhibits atherosclerosis through suppression of intestinal inflammation and reduced CCL2 expression in macrophages