158 research outputs found

    The Claim against Principal Debtor before Payment of the Debt guaranteed under the Jordanian Civil Law: Justice to be reviewed

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    This study dealt with the claim against principal debtor before payment of the debt guaranteed, due to the importance of this claim and its impact on developing and improving the credit process. The personal Surety Contract is the way by which the creditor resorts to minimize its risk, i.e. to secure the repayment of a loan if the debtor defaults. For the Guarantor to sign surety contract, it was necessary to provide him a mean to guarantee his right. For this reason, the claim against principal debtor before payment of the debt guaranteed was the effective method to do so. The position of Jordanian legislator was unclear concerning this claim. In fact, the Jordanian legislator has not codified the claim against principal debtor in its public form, because Jordanian legislator made the guarantor and the debtor jointly liable for the debts incurred in accordance with the provision of article (950). The creditor has been given the right to claim the debtor, the guarantor or together in accordance with the provision of article (979). At the same time, Jordanian legislator created special applications for the claim against principal debtor in the content of articles (971) and (972), which in turn led to inconsistency and contradiction in the provisions of the Jordanian Civil Law. This is attributed to the fact that Jordanian legislator derived provisions of the claim against principal debtor from Islamic law and was-at the same time- influenced by Other Arab Laws, which led to inconsistency of its articles with each other. This study was designed to solve this inconsistency. The subject was addressed in three sections: Evaluation of Jordanian position, Justice in codifying the claim in question, and lastly rules of Jordanian Law strengthen the adopting of claim

    The Extended Damage between the Provisions of the Law and the Decisions of the UAE Judiciary

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    This study examines the role of courts to fill the legislative vacuum as to the extended damage inflicted on third party. The current law of UAE Civil Transactions does not provide for the right of innocent party to claim financial damage, nor for moral damage in the event of suffering from non-fatal injury. Does that mean no right of claiming compensation by the innocent party? A question, which has been answered in this study. The study ended with the following results: 1- Under article 293 of UAE Civil Transactions Law, an action for extended moral damage is given for spouses and relatives of the family who suffer from tort only because of the death of the injured. However, this study demonstrated that an action in tort could be brought by a third party who suffered loss through the killing of another or in case of non-fatal injury. 2- The compensation for the extended financial damage includes only the case where the reason for the dependency is legal and legitimate, and excludes the compensation where the reason is inspired by mercy. In other words, compensation for extended financial damage must be limited to persons whom the deceased or injured as covered by the provisions of Article 282 of the Civil Transactions Act. The study was divided into three sections the first devoted to general provisions in extended damage and the second financial extended damage, while the third was for the moral extended damag

    Gap Acceptance Behavior at U - turn Median Openings – Case Study in Jordan

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    U-turns have been considered among the most hazardous locations on highways. The maneuvering of the driver at these locations is quite complex and risky. The behavior of the driver when turning is governed by the gap acceptance concept. In this study, the driver’s gap acceptance behavior at U-turn median openings was studied. 4 U-turn median openings in Irbid City were investigated. Data was collected by video recording. Two models were developed in this study. The first model estimated the time gap accepted by the driver. The second model calculated the turning function, which was used to estimate the probability of accepting gaps. Results showed that male drivers tended to accept shorter gaps than female drivers. Also, younger drivers were more likely to accept shorter gaps than older ones. The waiting time was also found to affect the gap acceptance behavior of the drivers. Drivers tended to accept shorter gaps after longer waiting times

    Synchronization of multihop wireless sensor networks at the application layer

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    Time synchronization is a key issue in wireless sensor networks; timestamping collected data, tasks scheduling, and efficient communications are just some applications. From all the existing techniques to achieve synchronization, those based on precisely time-stamping sync messages are the most accurate. However, working with standard protocols such as Bluetooth or ZigBee usually prevents the user from accessing lower layers and consequently reduces accuracy. A receiver-to-receiver schema improves timestamping performance because it eliminates the largest non-deterministic error at the sender’s side: the medium access time. Nevertheless, utilization of existing methods in multihop networks is not feasible since the amount of extra traffic required is excessive. In this article, we present a method that allows accurate synchronization of large multihop networks, working at the application layer while keeping the message exchange to a minimum. Through an extensive experimental study, we evaluate the protocol’s performance and discuss the factors that influence synchronization accuracy the most.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2006-15617-C0

    A Wildfire Prediction Based on Fuzzy Inference System for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The study of forest fires has been traditionally considered as an important application due to the inherent danger that this entails. This phenomenon takes place in hostile regions of difficult access and large areas. Introduction of new technologies such as Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) has allowed us to monitor such areas. In this paper, an intelligent system for fire prediction based on wireless sensor networks is presented. This system obtains the probability of fire and fire behavior in a particular area. This information allows firefighters to obtain escape paths and determine strategies to fight the fire. A firefighter can access this information with a portable device on every node of the network. The system has been evaluated by simulation analysis and its implementation is being done in a real environment.Junta de Andalucía P07-TIC-02476Junta de Andalucía TIC-570

    Multi-Hop Synchronization at the Application Layer of Wireless and Satellite Networks

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    Time synchronization is a key issue in wireless and satellite networks; time-stamping collected data, tasks scheduling or efficient communications are just some applications. From all the existing techniques to achieve synchronization, those that work at the MAC layer and can precisely timestamp sync messages are the most accurate. However, working with standard protocols, usually prevents the user from accessing lower layers and consequently reduces accuracy. Receiver—receiver schema improves time-stamping performance because it eliminates the biggest non-deterministic error at the sender side; the medium access time. Nevertheless, utilization of these methods in multihop networks usually requires an extra amount of traffic. In this paper we present a method which allows accurate synchronization of large multi-hop networks such as satellite networks working at the application layer while keeping the message exchange to the minimum. Through an exhaustive experimentation, we show the protocol’s performance and analyze the factors that influence synchronization accuracy the most.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2006-15617-C03-0