634 research outputs found

    Gardens of Vranyczany’s Manor Houses in Hrvatsko Zagorje in the Age of Historicism

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    The Vranyczany-Dobrinović family (short: Vranyczany) is an aristocratic family that rose to power in Croatia in the second half of the 19th century. Members of the family possessed five manor houses surrounded by gardens with historicist features from the late 19th and early 20th century. All five are located in the hilly region of Hrvatsko Zagorje, which boasts the highest density of castles and manor houses in Croatia, built in continuity from the 17th until the beginning of the 20th century. The aim is to determine the features of the gardens of the explored castles, on the basis of photographs from the beginning of the 20th century as well as cartographic sources. A wealth of photographic documents from the beginning of the 20th century shows carefully landscaped and kept gardens and parks, with a full life flourishing in them. Vranyczany’s manor houses’ gardens are based on the Biedermeier and romantic tradition of garden culture. Towards the end of the 19th century, many gardeners trained in Vienna, Prague and other Central European cities, lived in Zagreb and the surrounding area. They passed down ideas related to the historicist garden culture and competed in artistic and horticultural gardening

    Specifičnosti u radu medicinske sestre u rehabilitaciji osoba s ozljedom kralješnične moždine

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    Ozljeda kralješnične moždine kompleksna je ozljeda koja djelomično ili potpuno ometa komunikaciju između mozga i periferije tijela, a može rezultirati promjenom normalne autonomne, motorne i senzorne funkcije. U liječenju i rehabilitaciji nakon ozljede kralješnične moždine sudjeluje multidisciplinarni tim stručnjaka koji zdravstvenu skrb provodi prema individualnim potrebama bolesnika. Nezaobilazan dio multidisciplinarnog tima je medicinska sestra koja planira i provodi zdravstvenu njegu. Sestrinska uloga u rehabilitaciji sastavni je dio cjelokupne skrbi i uključuje vještine usmjerene prevenciji, održavanju funkcija i oporavku. S obzirom na specifičnosti potreba pacijenata s ozljedom kralješnične moždine za zdravstvenom njegom, njega mora biti na najvišoj razini. Vrlo važan segment rada medicinske sestre u procesu rehabilitacije predstavlja učenje i podučavanje pacijenata i obitelji. Tijekom rehabilitacije važno je da se bolesniku pruži mogućnost da upozna svoje tijelo u promijenjenim uvjetima funkcioniranja nakon ozljede. Ozljeda kralješnične moždine je ozljeda koju je teško liječiti. Cjelokupan tretman bolesnika s ozljedom kralješnične moždine provodi se u spinalnim centrima. Glavni ciljevi rehabilitacije osoba s ozljedom kralješnične moždine su smanjivanje štetnih posljedica neurološkog oštećenja i unapređenje funkcijskih sposobnosti, povratak bolesnika u stvarni život s osjećajem korisnosti za sebe, obitelj i okolinu te održavanje fizičkog i mentalnog zdravlja bolesnika uz prevenciju komplikacija. Tijekom rehabilitacije uči se kako živjeti s nesposobnosti u vlastitoj okolini, a za dostignuće toga cilja djelatnici multidisciplinarnog tima moraju dobro poznavati način života osobe prije bolesti, obiteljsku i financijsku situaciju te zajednicu u kojoj osoba živi ili će živjeti nakon provedene rehabilitacije

    Effects Of Oestrus Synchronization Protocols And Artificial Insemination Techniques On Conception Rates Of Boer Crossbred Does In Malaysia

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    A total of 83 Boer crossbred does weight between 14 - 44 kg were randomly selected and allocated into 2 groups. The first group of does (34) were divided into two subgroups: Group A (n = 21 does) and Group B (n = 13 does). All does in Group A (GA) were synchronized using CIDR containing 0.3 g progesterone for 17 days and injection of 50 μg PGF2α and 250 IU of eCG at CIDR removal. Does in Group B (GB) were synchronized using CIDR containing 0.3 g progesterone for 17 days and injection of 50 μg PGF2α without eCG at CIDR removal. All does in GA and GB were naturally mated using two bucks. Oestrus response, time and number of mating were recorded at 24-72h after CIDR removal. The does were observed twice daily at 7 am and 5 pm for two hours for three days. In the second group, 49 does were allocated into three subgroups G1 (n=20), G2 (n=14) and G3 (n= 15). All does were synchronized using CIDR for 17 days. At CIDR removal all does were injected intramuscularly with 50 μg PGF2α and different doses of 100, 200 and 250 IU of eCG for G1, G2 and G3 respectively. At 48-56 h after CIDR removal all does were inseminated with 0.25 ml frozen semen contains 25 ×106 sperm/straw by different artificial insemination techniques using the transcervical (TC), intracervical (IC), intravagina (IV), or intrauterine (IU). Result of the study showed that oestrus responses were 100 % and 53.85 % for GA (CIDR with eCG) and GB (CIDR without eCG) respectively. There were significant difference (p<0.05) in oestrus responses between the two groups. Shortest oestrus responses were observed in GA, followed by GB. Conception rates for the groups GA and GB were 24% (5/21) and 38.5% (5/13) respectively. There were significant difference (p<0.05) in the conception rates of GA and GB. Conception rates using four AI techniques were 0% for G1 and G2. In G3 the conception rate were 40%, 25%, 0% and 0% following TC, IC, IV and IU AI techniques respectively. There were significant difference (p<0.05) in the conception rate among the three groups with different concentration of eCG, there were no significant difference in the conception rate among the different methods of AI used in all groups. For group G3 the conception rates by artificial insemination technique using TC is better than the IC, IV and IU techniques. This study suggested that the synchronization protocol of CIDR with eCG for 17 days were found better than CIDR without eCG. TC technique is preferred than IU using frozen semen in crossbred Boer does that were synchronized using CIDR for 17 days and injected with 250 IU of eCG and 50 μg PGF2α at CIDR removal

    Novi akteri ruralnog razvoja – LEADER program i proces projektifikacije u ruralnim područjima Hrvatske

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    LEADER has often been praised as a successful approach to rural development, although its implementation is not without scholarly critiques. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of how LEADER, now in its initial phase in Croatia, operates within the shifting local power relations in rural areas. We focus on questions concerning the social background of the new LEADER project class, financing, the influence of local politics and the trust and involvement of the local population. Since factors contributing to success and failure of EU programmes have often been attributed to their localization into a specific territorial context, among other things, we use a regional and typological approach in selecting 10 LAGs for conducting in-depth semi-structured interviews. The results indicate that, in relation to the local territorial context, the differentiation between the internal and external project classes might be useful as an analytical tool. Furthermore, we have confirmed that there might be pitfalls in using financial criteria as the only instrument of assessment for evaluation which disregards whether the projects implemented are inclusive and responsive to the needs of the whole of local populace - which runs contrary to the basic tenets of LEADER. Finally, the role of local politics has been specifically identified in two diametrical territorial contexts (rural periphery, and more dynamic developed areas).LEADER se često ističe kao uspješan primjer programa ruralnog razvoja, iako se brojna znanstvena istraživanja istovremeno i kritički osvrću na njegovu implementaciju. Cilj ovog članka pridonijeti je razumijevanju djelovanja lokalnih akcijskih grupa (LAG-ova) u Hrvatskoj u inicijalnoj fazi službene implementacije LEADER-a i u uvjetima stvaranja novih odnosa moći u ruralnim područjima. Naglasak je na socijalnim obilježjima nove projektne klase povezane s LEADER-om, pitanjima financiranja, utjecaja lokalne politike, povjerenja i uključenosti lokalne zajednice. Metodološki okvir rada predstavlja geografski i tipološki pristup ruralnim područjima Hrvatske, kako bi LAG-ovi odabrani u uzorak odražavali demogeografsku, gospodarsku i socijalnu raznovrsnost ruralne Hrvatske. S predstavnicima izabranih LAG-ova provedeni su dubinski polustrukturirani intervjui. Rezultati upućuju da je u kontekstu povezanosti s lokalnim područjem djelovanja, u analitičkom smislu, podjela projektne klase na vanjsku i unutarnju mogući novi način njezina promatranja. Nadalje, iako se financijski indikatori uspješnosti projekta (iskorištenost sredstava) često koriste kao jedini ili vodeći kriteriji vrednovanja, istraživanje je pokazalo da se samo njima ne može utvrditi vjerodostojnost primjene načela LEADER-a, odnosno odgovor na najvažnije potrebe lokalnih zajednica. Utjecaj lokalne politike posebno je bio izražen u dvama suprotnim prostornim kontekstima: bio je vrlo izražen u slučaju primjera ruralne periferije i gotovo ga nema u slučaju demografski dinamičnijih i ekonomski razvijenijih ruralnih područja

    Les facteurs influençant la mise en place d’un système de contrôle interne : essai d’élaboration d’un modèle théorique

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    Dans l’objectif d’assurer l’efficacité et l’efficience des opérations, la fiabilité de l’information financière et la conformité aux lois et règlementations, l’entreprise se trouve dans l’obligation de mettre en place un système de contrôle interne sophistiqué. Néanmoins, plusieurs cadres de référence supposent qu’un système de contrôle interne qui s’avère efficace dans un contexte ne le sera pas nécessairement dans un autre. De ce fait, la mise en place d’un système de contrôle interne suscite d’emblée une analyse profonde des facteurs qui lui sont contingents. Dans le cadre de cet article, nous tentons, à travers une étude théorique, d’identifier les principaux facteurs de contingence susceptibles d’affecter la mise en place du système de contrôle interne. En ce sens, nous allons présenter dans la première partie la théorie de la contingence et sa place dans les recherches en sciences de gestion. Dans la deuxième partie, nous allons essayer de mettre l’accent sur les facteurs de contingence susceptibles d’influencer la mise en place d’un système de contrôle interne. Les facteurs de contingence retenus dans notre recherche touchent surtout au secteur d’activité de l’entreprise, sa taille, son âge, le dynamisme de son environnement et le type de formation du dirigeant

    Validity of the SF-36 Health Survey as an outcome measure for trials in people with spinal cord injury

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    The SF-36 was interviewer-administered to 305 subjects at recruitment. Feasibility, content validity and internal consistency were assessed. We tested a priori hypotheses about discriminative, convergent and divergent validity. Interviewer-assisted administration was feasible. The content validity of several domains (Physical Function, Role Physical, Social Function and Role Emotional) was compromised by the irrelevance of some items and response options. Resultant ceiling and floor effects may limit the SF-36?s ability to detect changes over time. The SF-36 was able to discriminate differences between people with: tetraplegia versus paraplegia (in the Physical Function and Physical Composite scores); injuries that were recent ( 4 years) (in the Vitality, Social Function and Mental Health domain and Mental Composite scores), and who were employed versus unemployed (in the Physical Function, Social Function, Mental Health and Mental Composite scores). It was not able to discriminate between groups dichotomised by age, injury completeness or gender. The convergent and divergent validity of all SF-36 domains was as in other populations, except for correlations involving the Physical Function scale which were poor. Internal consistency was similar to that in other populations (Cronbach?s alpha from 0.75 to 0.92); the SF-36 has sufficient precision for population-based and clinical research in spinal cord injury. The SF-36 is useful for comparing the health status of people with spinal cord injury to that of other populations, but supplementation with a disease-specific health status measure may be necessary for trials of interventions in people with spinal cord injuries.Quality of life, outcome measures, sf-36

    Research into interchanging views in western and eastern garden art culture

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    Dvije su osnovne teme članka: u prvoj se govori o utjecaju zapadnjačke i istočnjačke kulture na vrtnu umjetnost Hrvatske, a u drugoj se upozorava na sličnosti i razlike u parkovnoj kompoziciji zapadnjačkih i istočnjačkih vrtova na temelju brojnih povijesnih i suvremenih primjera. U vrtovima zapadnjačke civilizacije naći ćemo brojna obilježja i elemente koje pripisujemo kineskim i japanskim vrtovima. Samo su neki od tih elemenata u vrtovima Zapada nastali pod utjecajem kineskog vrta, a većina njih izvorna su obilježja i europskih vrtova. Dokaz je to da su mnogi elementi kompozicije vrta trajni i uvijek prisutni u vrtnoj umjetnosti neovisno o prostoru i vremenu njegova nastanka.The article has two main topics: the first is about the influence of Western and Eastern cultures on Croatian garden art, the second about similarities and differences in Western and Eastern garden design, with many historical and contemporary examples. Gardens of the Western civilization contain many features and elements ascribed to Chinese and Japanese gardens. Only some of them emerged in the West under Chinese influence, most are authentically European. This proves that many elements of garden art are always present, independently of when and where the garden was laid out

    Regulations and Planning of the Cottage Area in Zagreb, 1857-1940

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    Analizom planova i propisa grada Zagreba iz druge polovice 19. i prve polovice 20. stoljeća dokazuje se da su zagrebački ljetnikovci potaknuli izgradnju sjevernih dijelova grada te da je donošenje propisa za njihovu izgradnju prvi put reguliralo izgradnju na sjevernim brježuljkastim obroncima. S ljetnikovcima Zagreb dobiva prepoznatljivo gradsko stanovanje koje u daljnjem razvoju prodire i u ostale prostore zagrebačkoga sjevera.An analysis of plans and urban planning regulations on the city of Zagreb from the 2/2 of the 19th and 1/2 of the 20th century shows that Zagreb cottages enticed construction activities in the north parts of the city and that the regulations on their construction controlled for the first time architectural projects in these areas. Cottages gave Zagreb recognizable housing which later spread to other areas of the north part of the city

    Pejsažne površine unutar utvrđenih srednjovjekovno-renesansnih gradova; Tipologija, vrjednovanje i unaprijeđenje

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    The research was focused on determining the types of landscape areas within the fortifications of medieval-Renaissance towns based on the use and the criteria for their valorisation and enhancement. Twenty-six Mediterranean and west European towns were analysed. Nine types of landscape areas and seven valorisation criteria have been determined. Three current approaches to the use of landscape areas within the town walls have been recognised.Istraživani su tipovi pejsažnih površina prema namjeni (korištenju) i kriteriji za njihovo vrjednovanje. Na temelju dostupnih kartografskih izvora istraženo je 26 europskih gradova na području Mediterana i zapadne Europe. Utvrđeno je devet tipova pejsažnih površina i sedam kriterija za njihovo vrjednovanje. Prepoznata su tri postojeća modela korištenja pejsažnih površina unutar povijesnih jezgri gradova