61 research outputs found

    Covert Genetic Selections to Optimize Phenotypes

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    In many high complexity systems (cells, organisms, institutions, societies, economies, etc.), it is unclear which components should be regulated to affect overall performance. To identify and prioritize molecular targets which impact cellular phenotypes, we have developed a selection procedure (β€œSPI”–single promoting/inhibiting target identification) which monitors the abundance of ectopic cDNAs. We have used this approach to identify growth regulators. For this purpose, complex pools of S. cerevisiae cDNA transformants were established and we quantitated the evolution of the spectrum of cDNAs which was initially present. These data emphasized the importance of translation initiation and ER-Golgi traffic for growth. SPI provides functional insight into the stability of cellular phenotypes under circumstances in which established genetic approaches cannot be implemented. It provides a functional β€œsynthetic genetic signature” for each state of the cell (i.e. genotype and environment) by surveying complex genetic libraries, and does not require specialized arrays of cDNAs/shRNAs, deletion strains, direct assessment of clonal growth or even a conditional phenotype. Moreover, it establishes a hierarchy of importance of those targets which can contribute, either positively or negatively, to modify the prevailing phenotype. Extensions of these proof-of-principle experiments to other cell types should provide a novel and powerful approach to analyze multiple aspects of the basic biology of yeast and animal cells as well as clinically-relevant issues

    The activation of Proteinase-Activated Receptor-1 (PAR1) mediates gastric cancer cell proliferation and invasion

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In addition to regulating platelet function, the G protein-coupled sub-family member Proteinase-activated receptor-1 (PAR1) has a proposed role in the development of various cancers, but its exact role and mechanism of action in the invasion, metastasis, and proliferation process in gastric cancer have yet to be completely elucidated. Here, we analyzed the relationship between PAR1 activation, proliferation, invasion, and the signaling pathways downstream of PAR1 activation in gastric cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We established a PAR1 stably transfected MKN45 human gastric cancer cell line (MKN45/PAR1) and performed cell proliferation and invasion assays employing this cell line and MKN28 cell line exposed to PAR1 agonists (Ξ±-thrombin and TFLLR-NH<sub>2</sub>). We also quantified NF-ΞΊB activation by electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) and the level of Tenascin-C (TN-C) expression in conditioned medium by ELISA of MKN45/PAR1 following administration of Ξ±-thrombin. A high molecular weight concentrate was derived from the resultant conditioned medium and subsequent cultures of MKN45/PAR1 and MKN28 were exposed to the resultant concentrate either in the presence or absence of TN-C-neutralizing antibody. Lysates of these subsequent cells were probed to quantify levels of phospholyrated Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR).</p> <p>Result</p> <p>PAR1 in both PAR1/MKN45 and MKN28 was activated by PAR1 agonists, resulting in cell proliferation and matrigel invasion. We have shown that activation of NF-ΞΊB and EGFR phosphorylation initially were triggered by the activation of PAR1 with Ξ±-thrombin. Quantitative PCR and Western blot assay revealed up-regulation of mRNA and protein expression of NF-ΞΊB target genes, especially TN-C, a potential EGFR activator. The suppressed level of phosphorylated EGFR, observed in cells exposed to concentrate of conditioned medium in the presence of TN-C-neutralizing antibody, identifies TN-C as a putative autocrine stimulatory factor of EGFR possibly involved in the sustained PAR1 activation responses observed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data indicate that in gastric carcinoma cells, PAR1 activation can trigger an array of responses that would promote tumor cell growth and invasion. Over expression of NF-ΞΊB, EGFR, and TN-C, are among the effects of PAR1 activation and TN-C induces EGFR activation in an autocrine manner. Thus, PAR1 is a potentially important therapeutic target for the treatment of gastric cancer.</p

    A Context-Specific Role for Retinoblastoma Protein-Dependent Negative Growth Control in Suppressing Mammary Tumorigenesis

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    The ability to respond to anti-growth signals is critical to maintain tissue homeostasis and loss of this negative growth control safeguard is considered a hallmark of cancer. Negative growth regulation generally occurs during the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle, yet the redundancy and complexity among components of this regulatory network has made it difficult to discern how negative growth cues protect cells from aberrant proliferation.The retinoblastoma protein (pRB) acts as the final barrier to prevent cells from entering into the cell cycle. By introducing subtle changes in the endogenous mouse Rb1 gene (Rb1(Ξ”L)), we have previously shown that interactions at the LXCXE binding cleft are necessary for the proper response to anti-growth signals such as DNA damage and TGF-Ξ², with minimal effects on overall development. This disrupts the balance of pro- and anti-growth signals in mammary epithelium of Rb1(Ξ”L/Ξ”L) mice. Here we show that Rb1(Ξ”L/Ξ”L) mice are more prone to mammary tumors in the Wap-p53(R172H) transgenic background indicating that negative growth regulation is important for tumor suppression in these mice. In contrast, the same defect in anti-growth control has no impact on Neu-induced mammary tumorigenesis.Our work demonstrates that negative growth control by pRB acts as a crucial barrier against oncogenic transformation. Strikingly, our data also reveals that this tumor suppressive effect is context-dependent

    Mast cell tryptase stimulates myoblast proliferation; a mechanism relying on protease-activated receptor-2 and cyclooxygenase-2

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mast cells contribute to tissue repair in fibrous tissues by stimulating proliferation of fibroblasts through the release of tryptase which activates protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR-2). The possibility that a tryptase/PAR-2 signaling pathway exists in skeletal muscle cell has never been investigated. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether tryptase can stimulate myoblast proliferation and determine the downstream cascade.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Proliferation of L6 rat skeletal myoblasts stimulated with PAR-2 agonists (tryptase, trypsin and SLIGKV) was assessed. The specificity of the tryptase effect was evaluated with a specific inhibitor, APC-366. Western blot analyses were used to evaluate the expression and functionality of PAR-2 receptor and to assess the expression of COX-2. COX-2 activity was evaluated with a commercial activity assay kit and by measurement of PGF<sub>2</sub>Ξ± production. Proliferation assays were also performed in presence of different prostaglandins (PGs).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Tryptase increased L6 myoblast proliferation by 35% above control group and this effect was completely inhibited by APC-366. We confirmed the expression of PAR-2 receptor <it>in vivo </it>in skeletal muscle cells and in satellite cells and <it>in vitro </it>in L6 cells, where PAR-2 was found to be functional. Trypsin and SLIGKV increased L6 cells proliferation by 76% and 26% above control, respectively. COX-2 activity was increased following stimulation with PAR-2 agonist but its expression remained unchanged. Inhibition of COX-2 activity by NS-398 abolished the stimulation of cell proliferation induced by tryptase and trypsin. Finally, 15-deoxy-Ξ”-<sup>12,14</sup>-prostaglandin J<sub>2 </sub>(15Ξ”-PGJ<sub>2</sub>), a product of COX-2-derived prostaglandin D<sub>2</sub>, stimulated myoblast proliferation, but not PGE<sub>2 </sub>and PGF<sub>2</sub>Ξ±.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Taken together, our data show that tryptase can stimulate myoblast proliferation and this effect is part of a signaling cascade dependent on PAR-2 activation and on the downstream activation of COX-2.</p

    p53 Plays a Role in Mesenchymal Differentiation Programs, in a Cell Fate Dependent Manner

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    Background: The tumor suppressor p53 is an important regulator that controls various cellular networks, including cell differentiation. Interestingly, some studies suggest that p53 facilitates cell differentiation, whereas others claim that it suppresses differentiation. Therefore, it is critical to evaluate whether this inconsistency represents an authentic differential p53 activity manifested in the various differentiation programs. Methodology/Principal Findings: To clarify this important issue, we conducted a comparative study of several mesenchymal differentiation programs. The effects of p53 knockdown or enhanced activity were analyzed in mouse and human mesenchymal cells, representing various stages of several differentiation programs. We found that p53 downregulated the expression of master differentiation-inducing transcription factors, thereby inhibiting osteogenic, adipogenic and smooth muscle differentiation of multiple mesenchymal cell types. In contrast, p53 is essential for skeletal muscle differentiation and osteogenic re-programming of skeletal muscle committed cells. Conclusions: These comparative studies suggest that, depending on the specific cell type and the specific differentiatio

    Necdin, a p53-Target Gene, Is an Inhibitor of p53-Mediated Growth Arrest

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    In vitro, cellular immortalization and transformation define a model for multistep carcinogenesis and current ongoing challenges include the identification of specific molecular events associated with steps along this oncogenic pathway. Here, using NIH3T3 cells, we identified transcriptionally related events associated with the expression of Polyomavirus Large-T antigen (PyLT), a potent viral oncogene. We propose that a subset of these alterations in gene expression may be related to the early events that contribute to carcinogenesis. The proposed tumor suppressor Necdin, known to be regulated by p53, was within a group of genes that was consistently upregulated in the presence of PyLT. While Necdin is induced following p53 activation with different genotoxic stresses, Necdin induction by PyLT did not involve p53 activation or the Rb-binding site of PyLT. Necdin depletion by shRNA conferred a proliferative advantage to NIH3T3 and PyLT-expressing NIH3T3 (NIHLT) cells. In contrast, our results demonstrate that although overexpression of Necdin induced a growth arrest in NIH3T3 and NIHLT cells, a growing population rapidly emerged from these arrested cells. This population no longer showed significant proliferation defects despite high Necdin expression. Moreover, we established that Necdin is a negative regulator of p53-mediated growth arrest induced by nutlin-3, suggesting that Necdin upregulation could contribute to the bypass of a p53-response in p53 wild type tumors. To support this, we characterized Necdin expression in low malignant potential ovarian cancer (LMP) where p53 mutations rarely occur. Elevated levels of Necdin expression were observed in LMP when compared to aggressive serous ovarian cancers. We propose that in some contexts, the constitutive expression of Necdin could contribute to cancer promotion by delaying appropriate p53 responses and potentially promote genomic instability

    Role of protease-activated receptor-2 in inflammation, and its possible implications as a putative mediator of periodontitis

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    Proteinase-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) belongs to a novel subfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors with seven-transmembrane domains. This receptor is widely distributed throughout the body and seems to be importantly involved in inflammatory processes. PAR2 can be activated by serine proteases such as trypsin, mast cell tryptase, and bacterial proteases, such as gingipain produced by Porphyromonas gingivalis. This review describes the current stage of knowledge of the possible mechanisms that link PAR2 activation with periodontal disease, and proposes future therapeutic strategies to modulate the host response in the treatment of periodontitis
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