61 research outputs found

    Reflections on culturally responsive teaching: Embedding theory into practices of instructional and behavioral support

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    This paper offers reflections on the embedding of culturally responsive teaching practices into Response-to-Intervention (RtI) and School-wide Positive Behavior Support (SW-PBS) models. These types of systemic change models are increasingly being adopted by schools to address academic achievement and to foster a positive school climate. Moreover, they hold promise for addressing the disproportionality that many students who are culturally and linguistically diverse students experience in our schools. Following a review of the existing literature on systemic change, three guiding principles are offered that demonstrate how culturally responsive teaching can be embedded into models of instructional and behavioral support

    Effective Schoolwide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports: The Key to Dramatic Changes in Student Behavior

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    As education professionals continue to focus on the critical issue of behavior management, a number of schools are turning toward the use of Schoolwide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS). As over a decade of research indicates, SWPBIS provides an effective, evidence-based approach to behavior management utilizing universal screening and the teaching of prosocial behavior across the campus. Reliance on data-based decision making has resulted in dramatic gains in positive student behavior for many schools utilizing a SWPBS program. As explained here, implementation of such a program requires specific but flexible steps that lead to the establishment of a SWPBS program tailored to the particular needs of a school

    L'estat actual i els avenços en el suport conductual positiu a nivell d'escola

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    Public Policy Foundations for Positive Behavioral Interventions, Strategies, and Supports

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    This article examines precedents that justify Congress in creating a preference for positive behavioral interventions, strategies, and supports over other interventions in the 1997 Amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The authors concluded that the IDEA 1997 provisions are warranted by several well-established precedents based in constitutional law, in the right to treatment and the right to education cases, in moral philosophy, and in democratic-government philosophy

    Inclusion of Students with Significant Disabilities in SWPBS Evaluation Tools

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    Students with significant disabilities (intellectual and developmental disabilities) are predominantly educated in separate settings, and tend to have little access to schoolwide positive behavior supports (SWPBS). In this study, we first identified the most commonly cited SWPBS evaluation tools in the literature between 2010 and 2016. The SET, TIC, and BoQ were identified as the most commonly cited. Next, these evaluation tools were analyzed for their purposeful inclusion of students with significant disabilities. Findings revealed the tools emphasize all staff and all students when describing systems and data aspects of SWPBS which have limited direct impact on students, but make allowances, such as “most students” when describing the implementation SWPBS that directly impact students, thus creating loopholes that may inadvertently permit the exclusion of learners with the most significant disabilities from fully participating in, and benefitting from, SWPBS efforts. Implications and recommendations for practitioners and researchers are provided

    Increasing rewards and the impact on student behavior and school -wide discipline: A mixed methods study

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    This mixed method, embedded, correlational study\u27s aim was to make explicit the relationships between changed procedures in one elementary school\u27s PBIS universal program and student behavior as measured by office discipline referrals. A secondary aim was to use student and faculty responses on surveys to interpret participants\u27 reactions to the increases in rewards, recognitions, and self-charting of daily behavior.;The type of data collected consisted of office discipline referrals generated over the course of the study year. Numerical data analysis also incorporated student totals for earned coupons, earned rewards and earned behavior points. Students surveys completed in October and May gauged student reactions to the PBIS changes. Faculty members and administrators completed an online survey in June.;Statistical results indicated limited correlation between student behavior and changes made in the universal program by increasing rewards and daily behavior charting. In contrast, survey results did reflect increased satisfaction with the changed universal PBIS program by faculty and students

    Positive behaviour support in South African Foundation Phase classrooms: Teacher reflections

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    Abstract: The positive behaviour support (PBS) model is a model of response to address challenging behaviours of learners in schools that has proven to be effective in developed countries. Given its human rights and functional contextualism lens, the PBS model is particularly relevant to and of value within the South African context. Aim: Since learner challenging behaviours are a key contributory factor to learner exclusion in schools, an inclusive education module on the PBS model was developed and evaluated for its effectiveness in the South African context. Setting: The study is set within an interpretivist paradigm and utilises a generic qualitative research design..

    Examinando adaptaciones a la intervención Check In Check Out (CICO) en contextos escolares: Una revisión sistemática

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    Behavior is an important aspect of the development of all organisms, since it is an inherent component, shaped by the interaction with the context and that provides characteristics of the behavior of individuals. At present, in school contexts, it is recurrent to observe that students are presenting severe difficulties in their behaviors, for which a series of programs have been created and implemented both to prevent and to support behavioral problems and thus improve performance school climate and academic achievement. One of them is the well-known Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS) model, which consists of three levels of intervention. The purpose of this study was to carry out a review of scientific articles that address the adaptations made to the traditional Check in Check out (CICO) method corresponding to level 2 of PBIS. For this work, the research method that has been carried out corresponds to a documentary analysis of a systematic review type, with an observation technique, where a series of investigations have been compiled that show the types of adaptations and the areas that they address. The results indicate the viability of adaptations to traditional CICO and their great utility before discarding CICO and giving way to level 3 interventions, thus concluding that the CICO method and its adaptations are a good implementation strategy in any school context worldwide.La conducta es un aspecto importante del desarrollo de todos los organismos, ya que es un componente inherente, moldeado por la interacción con el contexto y que entrega características del actuar de los individuos. En la actualidad, en los contextos escolares, es recurrente observar que los estudiantes están presentando severas dificultades en sus conductas, por lo que se han creado e implementado una serie de programas tanto para prevenir como para apoyar los problemas conductuales y de esta forma mejorar el clima escolar y los rendimientos académicos. Uno de ellos es el conocido modelo de Intervención y Apoyo Conductual Positivo (PBIS), el cual consta de tres niveles de intervención. El propósito de este estudio fue realizar una revisión de artículos científicos que abordan las adaptaciones que se le realizan al método tradicional Check in Check out (CICO) correspondiente al nivel 2 de PBIS. Para este trabajo, el método de investigación que se ha llevado a cabo corresponde a un análisis documental de tipo revisión sistemática, con una técnica de observación, en donde se han recopilado una serie de investigaciones que muestran los tipos de adaptaciones y las áreas que éstas abordan. Los resultados indican la viabilidad de las adaptaciones a CICO tradicional y la gran utilidad que presentan éstas antes de descartar CICO y dar paso a las intervenciones de nivel 3, concluyéndose de esta forma que la intervención CICO y sus adaptaciones son una estrategia efectiva de apoyo conductual y que pueden ser implementadas en cualquier contexto escolar a nivel mundial

    IDEA Requirements for Use of PBS: Guidelines for Responsible Agencies

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    Positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBS) is the federal law's preferred strategy for dealing with challenging behaviors of students with disabilities. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires PBS to be considered in all cases of students whose behavior impedes their learning or the learning of others, reflecting IDEA's preference for use of state-of-the-art technology in special education. This article explains the legal ramifications of these requirements for responsible agencies, including schools, school boards, other local educational agencies, and state educational agencies

    Organizational Structures and Processes to Support and Sustain Effective Technical Assistance in a State-wide Multi-Tiered System of Support Initiative

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    Despite the national proliferation of technical assistance as a driver for school reform and as a model for embedded and sustained professional development, very little is known about the organizational structures and processes needed to support technical assistance. The purpose of this paper is to describe a structured needs assessment process whereby three organizational supports were identified by technical assistance providers. The context for the provision of technical assistance was a state-wide multi-tiered system of support initiative that integrated Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports and Response to Intervention. The results of this study are informed conceptually by the Instructional Hierarchy Model and the need to match organizational structures and processes to address the identified needs