68 research outputs found

    Experimental Studies on the Concentrations of Subjectively Equivalent Irritation for Odorants

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    Discussion of non-olfactory “irritation”, which is caused by the excitement of the trigeminal nerve, has important implications for odor pollution. The main purpose of this study is to work out the mechanisms for the generation of non-olfactory irritation, and the sensory characteristics of the perceived irritation. Concentrations of subjectively equivalent irritation (CE) of 16 odorous compounds were measured by the sensory test. The relations between the CE and the physicochemical properties of the compounds were shown and discussed. It was found that the CE of dissociated compounds is much lower than that of undissociated compounds. And among the dissociated compounds, the acidic ones have a lower CE than the basic compounds. The CE of acrolein, which is an unsaturated compound, was the lowest among all the compounds used in this experiment. The delay time, i.e. time until the sensation of irritation after inhaling, was longer for acrolein gas than for other gases. Therefore, the mechanism for generating sensory irritation by the acrolein gas may be different from that of other gases. From analysis on the basis of relation to some physicochemical properties, it was concluded that the electrophilic reactivity of the acrolein molecule may be related to the generation of sensory irritation. In the case of dissociated compounds, the CE is related to the dissociation constants of the compounds. In other words, the larger the acidic and basic dissociation constants (Ka and Kb) are, the lower the CE becomes. Key Words : Sensory test, Odorous irritant, Concentration for subjectively equivalent irritation, Physicochemical properties, Dissociation constan

    Comparison of Two Different Intensive Care Unit Systems for Severely Ill Children in Japan: Data from the JaRPAC Registry

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    The importance of centralizing treatment services for severely ill children has been well established, but such entralization remains difficult in Japan. We aimed to compare the trauma and illness severity and mortality of children admitted to two common types of ICUs for children. According to the type of management and disposition of the medical provider, we classified ICUs as pediatric ICUs [PICUs] or general ICUs, and analyzed differences in endogenous and exogenous illness settings between them. Overall, 1,333 pediatric patients were included, with 1,143 patients admitted to PICUs and 190 patients to general ICUs. The Pediatric Cerebral Performance Category score (PCPC) at discharge was significantly lower in the PICU group (adjusted OR: 0.45; 95%CI: 0.23-0.88). Death and unfavorable neurological outcomes occurred less often in the PICU group (adjusted OR: 0.29; 95%CI: 0.14-0.60). However, when limited to exogenous illness, PCPC scores (adjusted OR: 0.38; 95%CI: 0.07-1.99) or death/unfavorable outcomes (adjusted OR: 0.72; 95%CI: 0.08-6.34) did not differ between the groups. PCPC deterioration and overall sequelae/death rates were lower in PICUs for children with endogenous illnesses, although the outcomes of exogenous illness were similar between the 2 unit types. Further studies on the necessity of centralization are warranted


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    The purpose of this study was to examine the teaching hours and teaching area of health lesson by teacher trainees of health and physical education in teaching practicum. The subjects were senior students who finished a teaching practicum of health and physical education during spring terms 2001, 2002 and 2004. They responded to a questionnaire presented following completion of the teaching practicum. The number of responses was 282 (86.5%) in 2001, 309 (84.4%) in 2002, and 293 (89.3%) in 2004. 1) Approximately ten percent of all teacher trainees didn\u27t experience health lessons and more than half of junior high school trainees didn\u27t experience health lessons in both 2001 and 2004. 2) Average teaching hours of health lessons was more than 4 hours for high school trainees and less than 3 hours for junior high school trainees both in 2002 and 2004. 3) The "unit" taught most frequently by high school trainees was "Today\u27s society and health" (60.9% in 2002, 60.3% in 2004), and next "Health throughout one\u27s life" (42.1% in 2002, 40.2% in 2004). The "unit" taught most frequently by junior high school trainees was "Development of physical function and psychological health" (63. 6%) in 2002 and "Development of physical function and psychological health" (29.0%) and "Protection against injury" (29.0%) in 2004. 4) Concerning teaching materials, at high schools "Smoking and health" (approximately 40%) and "Drinking and health" (approximately 30%) were chosen most frequently in both 2001 and 2004. In addition, materials concerning sexual education (approximately 30%) were also chosen widely in both 2002 and 2004


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    The purpose of this study was to examine teaching contents for "Exercise to promote physical fitness" etc. in physical education classes of junior and senior high schools, where the subjects conducted a teaching practicum. The subjects were senior students who finished a teaching practicum of health and physical education during the spring term of 2002. They responded to a questionnaire presented following completion of the teaching practicum. The number of responses was 320 (87.4%). The findings were as follows: 1) Teaching contents for "Warm-up and cool-down exercise" containing elements of "Exercise to enhance physical fitness" such as "gymnastics" and "resistance training," were practiced in many schools. 2) Concerning "Karadahogushi (Relaxing and healing) exercise" "Stretching," "Games," "Gymnastics" and "Leapfrogging" were practiced often. However, approximately 30 percent answered "not practiced." More over, approximately 60 percent did not answer. 3) Concerning "Exercise to enhance physical fitness," "Resistance-training," "Leapfrogging" and "Running" were popular. In addition, there were game-type contents such as "Rock-paper-scissors while hand crafting," "long rope jumping" and "pushing sumo." However, approximately 20 percent answered "not practiced," while approximately 50 percent did not answer. 4) "Leapfrogging" should be noted not only as an "Exercise to enhance physical fitness" but also as a "Karadahogushi (Relaxing and healing) exercise.


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    We surveyed the smoking habits of teacher trainees, their opinions on anti-smoking measures at university, and the prohibition of smoking in schools where teaching practicum was conducted, and etc. The subjects were 328 senior students who finished a teaching practicum of health and physical education during spring term 2004. A total of 299 students (191 men and 108 women) responded to a questionnaire presented following the completion of their teaching practicum (response : 91.2%). The prevalence of current daily smoking among male students was 25.0% and female students 4.5%, respectively. Of male students, 31.9% answered that they would quit smoking within 2 or 3 years. More than half of the students answered that prohibition of smoking in school was effective when they conducted their teaching practicum. Concerning no smoking during teaching practicum, 67.6% answered positively and 6.0% answered negatively. Similarly, concerning drug education against tobacco and restrictions of smoking within the university, 68.6% commented positively and 10.0% answered negatively

    Biodistribution and Pharmacokinetics of O-Palmitoyl Tilisolol, a Lipophilic Prodrug of Tilisolol, after Intravenous Administration in Rats

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    The purpose of this study was to modify the biodistribution and pharmacokinetics of tilisolol, a β-blocker, using the palmitoyl prodrug approach. After intravenous administration of tilisolol and O-palmitoyl tilisolol in rats, drug concentrations were determined in blood, bile, urine, and several tissues. The concentration-time profiles of tilisolol and O-palmitoyl tilisolol were analyzed pharmacokinetically. The blood concentrations of O-palmitoyl tilisolol after intravenous administration of O-palmitoyl tilisolol were about 10-fold higher than those of tilisolol after intravenous administration of tilisolol. The biliary excretion rates of O-palmitoyl tilisolol and tilisolol after intravenous administration of O-palmitoyl tilisolol were about 10- to 100-fold larger than those of tilisolol after intravenous administration of tilisolol. In addition, the hepatic uptake clearance of O-palmitoyl tilisolol after intravenous administration of O-palmitoyl tilisolol was 3.6-fold higher than that of tilisolol after the intravenous administration of tilisolol. In the in vitro experiments, it was demonstrated that the distribution ratios between blood cells and plasma (blood/plasma) of O-palmitoyl tilisolol and tilisolol was 95.7 and 55.5%, respectively. These findings suggest that O-palmitoyl tilisolol exists as a binding form with biological components, especially blood cells, in systemic circulation. In conclusion, the palmitoyl prodrug approach is useful as a drug delivery system to deliver the parent drug to the liver