14,793 research outputs found

    Latitudinal variation of the solar photospheric intensity

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    We have examined images from the Precision Solar Photometric Telescope (PSPT) at the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (MLSO) in search of latitudinal variation in the solar photospheric intensity. Along with the expected brightening of the solar activity belts, we have found a weak enhancement of the mean continuum intensity at polar latitudes (continuum intensity enhancement 0.10.2\sim0.1 - 0.2% corresponding to a brightness temperature enhancement of 2.5K\sim2.5{\rm K}). This appears to be thermal in origin and not due to a polar accumulation of weak magnetic elements, with both the continuum and CaIIK intensity distributions shifted towards higher values with little change in shape from their mid-latitude distributions. Since the enhancement is of low spatial frequency and of very small amplitude it is difficult to separate from systematic instrumental and processing errors. We provide a thorough discussion of these and conclude that the measurement captures real solar latitudinal intensity variations.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figs, accepted in Ap

    Geometry of Discrete Quantum Computing

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    Conventional quantum computing entails a geometry based on the description of an n-qubit state using 2^{n} infinite precision complex numbers denoting a vector in a Hilbert space. Such numbers are in general uncomputable using any real-world resources, and, if we have the idea of physical law as some kind of computational algorithm of the universe, we would be compelled to alter our descriptions of physics to be consistent with computable numbers. Our purpose here is to examine the geometric implications of using finite fields Fp and finite complexified fields Fp^2 (based on primes p congruent to 3 mod{4}) as the basis for computations in a theory of discrete quantum computing, which would therefore become a computable theory. Because the states of a discrete n-qubit system are in principle enumerable, we are able to determine the proportions of entangled and unentangled states. In particular, we extend the Hopf fibration that defines the irreducible state space of conventional continuous n-qubit theories (which is the complex projective space CP{2^{n}-1}) to an analogous discrete geometry in which the Hopf circle for any n is found to be a discrete set of p+1 points. The tally of unit-length n-qubit states is given, and reduced via the generalized Hopf fibration to DCP{2^{n}-1}, the discrete analog of the complex projective space, which has p^{2^{n}-1} (p-1)\prod_{k=1}^{n-1} (p^{2^{k}}+1) irreducible states. Using a measure of entanglement, the purity, we explore the entanglement features of discrete quantum states and find that the n-qubit states based on the complexified field Fp^2 have p^{n} (p-1)^{n} unentangled states (the product of the tally for a single qubit) with purity 1, and they have p^{n+1}(p-1)(p+1)^{n-1} maximally entangled states with purity zero.Comment: 24 page

    Ellerman bombs and UV bursts: transient events in chromospheric current sheets

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    Ellerman bombs (EBs) and UV bursts are both brightenings related to flux emergence regions and specifically to magnetic flux of opposite polarity that meet in the photosphere. These two reconnection-related phenomena, nominally formed far apart, occasionally occur in the same location and at the same time, thus challenging our understanding of reconnection and heating of the lower solar atmosphere. We consider the formation of an active region, including long fibrils and hot and dense coronal plasma. The emergence of a untwisted magnetic flux sheet, injected 2.52.5~Mm below the photosphere, is studied as it pierces the photosphere and interacts with the preexisting ambient field. Specifically, we aim to study whether EBs and UV bursts are generated as a result of such flux emergence and examine their physical relationship. The Bifrost radiative magnetohydrodynamics code was used to model flux emerging into a model atmosphere that contained a fairly strong ambient field, constraining the emerging field to a limited volume wherein multiple reconnection events occur as the field breaks through the photosphere and expands into the outer atmosphere. Synthetic spectra of the different reconnection events were computed using the 1.51.5D RH code and the fully 3D MULTI3D code. The formation of UV bursts and EBs at intensities and with line profiles that are highly reminiscent of observed spectra are understood to be a result of the reconnection of emerging flux with itself in a long-lasting current sheet that extends over several scale heights through the chromosphere. Synthetic diagnostics suggest that there are no compelling reasons to assume that UV bursts occur in the photosphere. Instead, EBs and UV bursts are occasionally formed at opposite ends of a long current sheet that resides in an extended bubble of cool gas.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted by A&

    Monopoles and the Emergence of Black Hole Entropy

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    One of the remarkable features of black holes is that they possess a thermodynamic description, even though they do not appear to be statistical systems. We use self-gravitating magnetic monopole solutions as tools for understanding the emergence of this description as one goes from an ordinary spacetime to one containing a black hole. We describe how causally distinct regions emerge as a monopole solution develops a horizon. We define an entropy that is naturally associated with these regions and that has a clear connection with the Hawking-Bekenstein entropy in the critical black hole limit.Comment: 6 pages, one figure RevTe

    First observations and magnitude measurement of Starlink's Darksat

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    Measure the Sloan g' magnitudes of the Starlink's STARLINK-1130 (Darksat) and 1113 LEO communication satellites and determine the effectiveness of the Darksat darkening treatment at 475.4\,nm. Two observations of the Starlink's Darksat LEO communication satellite were conducted on 2020/02/08 and 2020/03/06 using a Sloan r' and g' filter respectively. While a second satellite, STARLINK-1113 was observed on 2020/03/06 using a Sloan g' filter. The initial observation on 2020/02/08 was a test observation when Darksat was still manoeuvring to its nominal orbit and orientation. Based on the successful test observation, the first main observation was conducted on 2020/03/06 along with an observation of the second Starlink satellite. The calibration, image processing and analysis of the Darksat Sloan g' image gives an estimated Sloan g' magnitude of 7.46±0.047.46\pm0.04 at a range of 976.50\,km. For STARLINK-1113 an estimated Sloan g' magnitude of 6.59±0.056.59\pm0.05 at a range of 941.62\,km was found. When scaled to a range of 550\,km and corrected for the solar and observer phase angles, a reduction by a factor of two is seen in the reflected solar flux between Darksat and STARLINK-1113. The data and results presented in this work, show that the special darkening coating used by Starlink for Darksat has darkened the Sloan g' magnitude by 0.77±0.050.77\pm0.05\,mag, when the range is equal to a nominal orbital height (550\,km). This result will serve members of the astronomical community modelling the satellite mega-constellations, to ascertain their true impact on both the amateur and professional astronomical communities. Concurrent and further observations are planned to cover the full optical and NIR spectrum, from an ensemble of instruments, telescopes and observatories.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letters. 5 pages, 2 figures and 4 table

    Hierarchical mean-field approach to the J1J_1-J2J_2 Heisenberg model on a square lattice

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    We study the quantum phase diagram and excitation spectrum of the frustrated J1J_1-J2J_2 spin-1/2 Heisenberg Hamiltonian. A hierarchical mean-field approach, at the heart of which lies the idea of identifying {\it relevant} degrees of freedom, is developed. Thus, by performing educated, manifestly symmetry preserving mean-field approximations, we unveil fundamental properties of the system. We then compare various coverings of the square lattice with plaquettes, dimers and other degrees of freedom, and show that only the {\it symmetric plaquette} covering, which reproduces the original Bravais lattice, leads to the known phase diagram. The intermediate quantum paramagnetic phase is shown to be a (singlet) {\it plaquette crystal}, connected with the neighboring N\'eel phase by a continuous phase transition. We also introduce fluctuations around the hierarchical mean-field solutions, and demonstrate that in the paramagnetic phase the ground and first excited states are separated by a finite gap, which closes in the N\'eel and columnar phases. Our results suggest that the quantum phase transition between N\'eel and paramagnetic phases can be properly described within the Ginzburg-Landau-Wilson paradigm.Comment: LaTeX 2e, 14 pages, 17 figure

    Conceptual design of the enhanced coolant purification systems for the European HCLL and HCPB test blanket modules

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    The Coolant Purification Systems (CPSs) is one of the most relevant ancillary systems of European Helium Cooled Lead Lithium (HCLL) and Helium Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) Test Blanket Modules (TBMs) which are currently in the preliminary design phase in view of their installation and operation in ITER. The CPS implements mainly two functions: the extraction and concentration of the tritium permeated from the TBM modules into the primary cooling circuit and the chemistry control of helium primary coolant. During the HCLL and HCPB-TBSs (Test Blanket Systems) Conceptual Design Review (CDR) in 2015 it was recognized the need of reducing the tritium permeation into the Port Cell #16 of ITER. To achieve this and, then, to lower the tritium partial pressure in the Helium Cooling Systems in normal operation, the helium flow-rate treated by each CPS has been increased of almost one order of magnitude. In 2017, to satisfy the CDR outcomes and the new design requirements requested by Fusion for Energy (F4E, the European Domestic Agency for ITER), ENEA performed a preliminary design of the “enhanced” CPSs. This paper presents the current design of the “enhanced” CPSs, focusing on design requirements, assumptions, selection of technologies and preliminary components sizing