4 research outputs found

    Typology and status of cattle farms using artificial insemination in Burkina Faso

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    The aim of the study was to assess the challenges and prospects of cattle artificial insemination (AI) in Burkina Faso. Data were collected from 50 farms in the peri-urban area of Bobo-Dioulasso. The results show that AI is used by 40.4% of the respondents and 42.1% of them use both strategies (natural and induced estrus) of AI improvement to optimize their chance of success. These producers are gradually moving towards AI over natural estrus which they describe as better. The average cost of AI with state AI services was XOF 12 500 for natural estrus and XOF 17 500 for induced estrus, and about XOF 30 000 to 50 000 with private AI providers. The success rate of AI was 32.5%. The use of AI had a significant positive effect on milk production. Producers stated that AI was a good method of improving cattle production. Three groups of producers emerged based on their level of AI practice. Several constraints limit AI adoption. It is important to reconsider the opinions of farmers who are the first to be concerned in the implementation of the new innovation strategies of animal production, in order to achieve the goals of food and nutritional self-sufficiency. Keywords: Artificial insemination, Biotechnology, Cattle, Rate of adoption, Typolog

    Diversité floristique des formations végétales urbaines au Sud du Bénin (Afrique de l’Ouest)

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    Trees in urban areas have become an essential element for sustainable environment. However, in some African cities, the emphasis is often not placed on this forest heritage. The present study carried out in the districts of Abomey-Calavi, Allada and Cotonou in southern Benin aimed to assess the diversity of trees in public and private green spaces for the improvement of the urban environment. The method of itinerant surveys was used to identify the plant species found in the alignment trees, the green public squares and the concessions of these cities. During the study, the dendrometric and geographical parameters of trees with dbh ? 15 cm were collected. The diversity index, biological types and phytogeographic affinity of the species were analyzed. The results showed a floristic richness composed of 61 plant species distributed in 56 genus and 30 families. Leguminosae (33.3%), Arecaceae (16.0 %), Combretaceae (10.0%) are the dominant families. Shannon's diversity index and Pielou's equitability index are respectively between 2.92 to 3.03 bits and 0.65 to 0.67 bits. Mesophanerophytes are also abundant (57.0%). The relative abundance of pantropical species over other phytogeographic types confirms the loss of local biodiversity in our urban environments. The present study constitutes an important awareness for the preservation of green spaces in these cities. Keywords: urban biodiversity, urban green space, biological types, phytogeographic types, BeninL’arbre en milieu urbain est devenu dorénavant un élément essentiel pour un environnement vivable et durable. Mais, dans certaines villes africaines, l'accent n'est souvent pas mis sur ce patrimoine forestier. La présente étude réalisée dans les villes d’Abomey-Calavi, Allada et Cotonou situées au Sud du Bénin a pour but d’évaluer la diversité des arbres dans les espaces verts publics et privés pour l’amélioration de l’environnement urbain. La méthode de relevés itinérants a permis de recenser les espèces végétales que comportent les arbres d’alignement, les places publiques végétalisées et les concessions de ces villes. Au cours de l’inventaire, les paramètres dendrométriques et géographiques des individus de dbh ? 15 cm ont été notés. Les indices de diversité, les types biologiques et l’affinité phytogéographique des espèces ont été analysés. Les résultats obtenus ont montré une richesse floristique composée de 61 espèces végétales réparties dans 56 genres et 30 familles. Les Leguminosae (33,3 %), les Arecaceae (16,0 %), les Combretaceae (10,0%) sont les familles dominantes. Les indices de diversité de Shannon et l’équitabilité de Piélou sont compris respectivement entre 2,92 à 3,03 bits et 0,65 à 0,67. On note par ailleurs une abondance des mésophanérophytes (57,0%). L’abondance relative des espèces pantropicales sur les autres types phytogéographiques confirme la perte de la biodiversité locale dans nos milieux urbains. La présente étude constitue une importante sensibilisation pour le maintien des espaces verts dans ces villes. Mots clés: biodiversité urbaine, espace vert urbain, types biologiques, types phytogéographiques, Béni

    Impact of Crossbreeding Sahelian x Anglo-Nubian Goats on Growth Performance and Morphobiometric Characteristics of Kids in the Sahelian Zone

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    Goat genetic resources are one of the main agropastoral resources of West African countries. They play a key role in the fight against poverty and food insecurity. However, the productivity of these resources remains low on most farms. The aim of the study was to improve the growth performance of goats by crossbreeding Sahelian goat (SG) with Anglo-Nubian (AN) crossbred. Thus, the experiment carried out from 2010 to 2016, involved three genetic types of goats (SG, ½AN and ¾AN) raised in a semi-intensive system. In addition to grazing, the herds were supplemented with concentrates (cottonseed cake and wheat bran). Birth weight at 12 and 24 months of age and morphobiometric measurements were collected and analyzed using R 4.0.5 software. The average birth weights of ½AN (2.65±0.54 kg) and ¾AN (2.53±0.55 kg) kids were higher (p < 0.05) than those of SG (2.39±0.5 kg). Also, at 24 months of age, the adults of ½AN (43.3± 13.6 kg) and ¾AN (37.130±8.6 kg) crossbreds were heavier (p < 0.001) than those of SG (26.7±4.4 kg). Ultimately, the resulting crossbreds have very promising potential that can be used to strengthen meat production in the Sahelian zone

    Crop-livestock synergies and by-products recycling: major factors for agroecology in West African agro-sylvo-pastoral systems

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    International audienceIn Western Africa, agro-sylvo-pastoral systems are dominant and food demand is booming. To meet this demand, many farmers intensify the production with industrial inputs (mineral fertilizers, feeds, pesticides, herbicides). However, the price of these inputs is rocketing. To face this issue, some farmers reconsider crops, livestock, and tree synergies and by-product recycling to increase their production sustainably at a lower cost. The study aimed to characterize the diversity of Koumbia’s farming systems and to assess farming systems’ technical performance in an agroecological perspective. We surveyed 391 farms in the county of Koumbia (Burkina Faso). Considering 15 agricultural practices (4 on by-products recycling, 4 on soil protection, 4 on industrial inputs limitation, 2 on smart use of natural resources, and 1 on cropping diversification), a multivariate analysis (PCA+HAC) combined to an agroecology (Ae) scoring system (−15 to +15) based on 15 specific indicators (one/practice), we highlighted 3 agroecological farming systems clusters. These clusters are distributed along a gradient of agroecology intensity (Ae+: high degree of Ae, Ae+/−: medium degree, and Ae−: poor degree). Ae+ farms (Ae score: +3.0) group 17% of the farms, Ae+/− (Ae score: −4.5) group 58% of the farms, and Ae− (Ae score: −10.5) group 25% of the farms. Ae+ raise more livestock and recycle a higher rate of crop-livestock by-products in fodder, organic manure, and mulch. These recycling practices are facilitated by better levels of equipment for transportation and storage and soil water and crop residue conservation measures, including maintenance of the wooded park on the cultivated fields. This set of practices, which close better the agricultural system, produces a systemic effect which has a positive impact on yields and on the whole ecosystem. Our findings outline for the first time that crop-livestock synergies and by-product recycling are major factors of agroecological transition in agro-sylvo-pastoral systems