157 research outputs found

    Towards matter-wave experiments with biomolecules : generation and detection of neutral biomolecular beams

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    The thesis aimed to identify chemical modifications for biomolecules such as peptides and proteins to make these amenable for matter‐wave interference experiments. Crucial for matter‐wave interference experiments are charge neutral biomolecular beams, which had previously only been successfully formed for small peptides in a limited number of studies. Accordingly, a main focus of the thesis was set on the formation of such beams in close collaboration with M. Arndt's group in Vienna. A second difficulty arises from the fact that neutral molecules are not detectable with common mass spectrometer detectors, i.e. electron multipliers. Consequently the ionization of neutral protein beams in high vacuum was a second central point of the presented studies. Various methods and approaches were investigated whereby the contribution of the author was concentrated on the design, synthesis and expression of the constructs for interrogation in matterwave experiments

    Auguste Ghiesbreght’s natural history explorations in Oaxaca and other parts of Mexico until 1854

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    The authors review the zoological and botanical collections by Auguste Ghiesbreght from “Oaxaca” and other areas between 1838 and 1854. Taxonomically relevant are, for instance, the holotype of the Racer Coryphodon oaxaca Jan (Coluber constrictor L.), one of various amphibian and reptile species (coll. Ghiesbreght) not on record for Oaxaca, or a number of birds from southern Mexico implicitly attributed to Ghiesbreght but in fact gathered by other collectors. Zoological items and a plethora of plants from “Oaxaca” (coll. 1841–1854) encompassing many type specimens were obtained elsewhere, in particular the inland Gulf region between Hidalgo and the Orizaba Range. These results entail consequences regarding type localities or distribution, and possibly systematics, in different animal groups and botanical fields.Los autores revisan las colecciones de historia natural hechas por Auguste Ghiesbreght de “Oaxaca” y otras ĂĄreas entre 1838 y 1854. EspecĂ­menes de relevancia taxonĂłmica son por ejemplo el holotipo de la ‘corredora’ Coryphodon oaxaca Jan (Coluber constrictor L.), una entre varias especies de anfibios y reptiles (col. Ghiesbreght) no registradas en el Estado de Oaxaca, o bien algunas aves de MĂ©xico meridional atribuidas implĂ­citamente a Ghiesbreght pero en realidad recolectadas por otros naturalistas. Material zoolĂłgico y una multitud de plantas de “Oaxaca” (col. 1841–1854) incluyendo muchos especĂ­menes tipo provienen de otras partes y particularmente de las regiones interiores del Golfo de MĂ©xico desde Hidalgo hasta el ĂĄrea del Pico de Orizaba. Estos resultados tienen consecuencias respecto a localidades tipo, distribuciĂłn y posiblemente la sistemĂĄtica en diferentes grupos de animales y campos de la botĂĄnica

    Polarization determination for the studies of the eta meson production

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    The dynamics of η\eta meson production and the interaction of η\eta mesons with nucleons can be studied using the p⃗p→ppη\vec{p}p\rightarrow pp\eta reaction via measurements of the analyzing power AyA_{y}. To this end, we have performed a measurement of the p⃗p→ppη\vec{p}p\rightarrow pp\eta reaction using the large acceptance and φ\varphi symmetric WASA-at-COSY detector, for beam momenta of 2026 MeV/c and 2188 MeV/c

    Studies of systematic uncertainties of polarization estimation for experiments with the WASA detector at COSY

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    In November 2010, the azimuthally symmetric WASA detector and the polarized proton beam of COSY have been used to collect a high statistics sample of p⃗p→ppη\vec{p}p \rightarrow pp\eta reactions in order to determine the analyzing power as a function of the invariant mass spectra of the two-particle subsystems. Here, we show studies of the influence of the beam and target characteristics such as location and direction on the determination of degree of the polarization

    Production and interaction of the eta meson with nucleons and nuclei

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    We report on the status of the search for eta-mesic nuclei and the studies of the interaction of the eta meson with nucleons. Recently we have completed the analysis of the new WASA-at-COSY data on the production of the eta meson with polarized proton beam. New results on the analyzing power for the pp->ppeta reaction with more than an order of magnitude improved precision shed a new light on the production mechanism of the eta meson in nucleon-nucleon collisions. Also, the latest results of the search for eta-mesic nuclei are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, presented at 14th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction KRAK\'OW, POLAND (MESON 2016), accepted for publication in EP

    Study of the η\eta-meson production with polarized proton beam

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    The pp→ppηpp \rightarrow pp\eta reaction was investigated at excess energies of 15 MeV and 72 MeV using the azimuthally symmetric WASA detector and a polarized proton beam of the Cooler Synchrotron COSY. The aim of the studies is the determination of partial wave contributions to the production process of the η\eta meson in nucleon–nucleon collisions. Here, we present preliminary results of the extraction of the position of the interaction region with respect to the WASA detector and preliminary results on the degree of polarization of the COSY proton beam used in the experiment


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    Einleitung Die vorliegende Bibliographie umfasst die Werke der Periode Juli 1984 bis Juli 1985. Sie betreffen in erster Linie die Beziehungen der Schweiz zur Dritten Welt (1. Teil). Wir haben jedoch auch eine Reihe von Werken ĂŒber die Wirtschaft und Politik der EntwicklungslĂ€nder ausgewĂ€hlt, die in der Schweiz herausgebracht oder von Schweizern veröffentlicht wurden und die uns wichtig erscheinen (2. Teil). Da nicht alle bestehenden Werke angefĂŒhrt werden können, geben wir in einem Abschnitt ..

    Winterzwiebeln: Anbau IP oder Bio

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    Bei der Sorte Radar fĂŒhrt das Stecken von «grossen» Steckzwiebeln zu einem höheren Ertrag in beiden Anbausystemen, IP und Bio. Auch wird der Anteil an grossen und Metzgerzwiebeln gesteigert, besonders ausgeprĂ€gt unter IP-Bedingungen. Dies ging einher mit einer leichten Zunahme (<6%) der Schossneigung bei «grossen» Steckzwiebeln und frĂŒhem Stecktermin
