15 research outputs found

    Paying For Environmental Services: A Proposal For The Chico Mendes Extractivist Reserve [pagando Pelos Serviços Ambientais: Uma Proposta Para A Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendes]

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    It is known that the process of economical occupation, in the last forty years, it was extremely harmful to the environment and the traditional populations of the Amazon region, still persisting today the immense difficulties of reproduction of the families inside the forest. One of the principal challenges in the search of a Sustainable Development is the promotion of the economical development of the productive units, starting from the non timber forest products (NTFP), and, consequently, of the social reproduction of that population. It is aimed at in the present study to propose a feasible alternative of payment for the environmental services (PSA) promoted by the communities extrativistas, there is more than one century. For so much, it is looked for, initially, to accomplish a socioeconomic evaluation of the rural family production in Extractive Reserve (RESEX) Chico Mendes, in Xapuri-AC, in the sense of offering a coherent proposal with the needs of the studied families. It is used for so much own and specific methodology, for intermissions of measures and indicators of resulted economical, evaluating the evolution of the economical development of the last nine years in the area. The results indicate the decrease of the generation of income of products originating from of the NTFPs, demonstrating the difficulties of reproduction of that system and of the families, besides enhancing the invigoration of activities predatory of the forest, as it is the case of the extensive livestock, still accomplished in a rudimentary way. In the face of the levels of family reproduction, is calculated that the necessary minimum value for PSA would be US13/ha,evidencinganecessaryvalueand,atthesametime,moreappropriatefronttothepropositionsoftheaverageliterature,thatesteemsvaluesforthesameservicesaroundUS 13/ha, evidencing a necessary value and, at the same time, more appropriate front to the propositions of the average literature, that esteems values for the same services around US 50/ha.403489498Aaker, D.A., Managing Assets And Skills: The key to a sustainable competitive advantage (1989) California Management Review, 31 (2), pp. 91-106. , http://www.periodicos.capes.gov.br, winter. Disponível emAllegretti, M.H., Extractive Reserves: A proposal for forest development Amazon (1989) Pará Desenvolvimento, 25, pp. 3-29. , Extrativismo vegetal e reservas extrativistas, Belém, jan./dez. (in PortugueseBatista, A.V.C., (1995) Extractive Reserves: Origin, Defence and Questioning, , Monografia de graduação, UFAC, Rio, Branco, Acre. (in Portuguese, with abstract in EnglishCavalcanti, F.C.S., (2002) Environmental Policy in the Amazon: A Study On the Extractive Reserves, p. 240. , Tese de Doutoramento em Economia, IE/UNICAMP, Campinas, in Portuguese, with abstract in EnglishChandler, G.N., Hanks, S.H., Market Attractiveness, Resource-Based Capabilities, Venture Strategies, and Venture Performance (1994) Journal of Business Venturing, 9, pp. 331-349. , http://www.periodicos.capes.gov.br, Disponível emOur Common Future, p. 1991. , CMMAD, Editora da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, 2. ed., Rio de Janeiro, in PortugueseCosta, F.O.S., (1995) Extractive Reserve - Sustainable Development and Quality of Life, p. 156. , Dissertação de Mestrado em Economia, UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, in Portuguese, with abstract in EnglishFasiaben, M.C.R., Estimated contribution of funds for a System of Payment for Environmental Services in the Brazilian Amazon (2007) Anais Do VII Encontro Da Sociedade Brasileira De Economia Ecológica, , Fortaleza. (in Portuguese)Fearnside, P.M., Amazon Forest maintenance as a source of environmental services (2008) Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciências, 80 (1). , http://biodiversidadeacreana.blogspot.com/2008/03/amazon-forestmaintenance-as-source-of.html, Rio de Janeiro. Disponível em(2008) Financing National Forest Fund, , http://www.fonafifo.com/paginas_espanol/servicios_ambientales/servicios_ambientales.htm, Fonafifo, Disponível. em, in SpanishGusmao, A.V.P., (2008) Global Environmental Problems and Compensation For Environmental Services As An Alternative For Protection of Social Capital and Ecological, , http://jus2.uol.com.br/doutrina/texto.asp?id=6341, Disponível em, in PortugueseHomma, A.K.O., (1993) Plant Extractivism in the Amazon: Limitations and Opportunities, p. 202. , EMBRAPA-SPI, Brasília, in PortugueseMaciel, R.C.G., (2003) Islands High Productivity: Innovation Essential For the Maintenance of Rubber Tappers in the Extractive Reserves, p. 88. , Dissertação de Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Econômico, Espaço e Meio Ambiente, IE/UNICAMP, Campinas, In Portuguese, with abstract in EnglishMaciel, R.C.G., Reydon, B.P., Islands High Productivity: Innovation in the Amazon environment (2003) Anais Do XLI Congresso Brasileiro De Economia E Sociologia Rural, , Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais. (in Portuguese)Mota, A., (2008) Amazon Launches Climate Change Law and Announces Payment of Bolsa Floresta, , http://www.agenciabrasil.gov.br/noticias/2007/06/05/materia.2007-06-05.3012774626/view, Disponível em, in PortugueseNegret, F., (2008) Brazil - Compensation For Environmental Services to Family Farmers, , http://www.adital.com.br/site/noticia.asp?lang=PT&cod=28063, Disponível em, in PortuguesePearce, D.W., Pearce, C.G.T., The value of forest ecosystems (2001) Convention On Biological Diversity, , FebruaryRêgo, J.F., Amazon: From extractivism to neoextractivism (1999) Ciência Hoje, 25 (147), pp. 62-65. , Rio de Janeiro, In Portuguese(2003) Economic Analysis of Production Systems In Rural Family In the Region of Vale Do Acre - 1996/1997, p. 80. , Rêgo, J. F.Costa Filho, O. S.Braga, R. A. R. (Eds.), UFAC/SEBRAE/The Ford Foundation, Rio Branco, AcreSachs, I., (1986) Ecodevelopment: Grow Without Destroying, , Vértice, São Paulo. (in Portuguese)(1995) Extractive Reserves, , UICN, UICN, Gland, Suiça e Cambridge, Reino Unido. (in Portuguese

    Tendências atuais da pesquisa Brasileira em Educação Física: parte 1: uma análise a partir de periódicos nacionais

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    Após poucos séculos de existência, a disciplina de Educação Física (EF) convive, de um lado, com a tradicional valorização de aspectos biológicos e médicos e, de outro, com a recente valorização de aspectos sócio-culturais, políticos e filosóficos. Estes parecem promover uma ruptura com a concepção tradicional de corpo, concepção "biologizada", da EF. Neste contexto, iniciamos um amplo estudo sobre as tendências atuais da pesquisa brasileira em EF. Por meio de uma abordagem bibliométrica, neste trabalho apresentamos uma análise das comunicações científicas em EF, veiculadas em quatro periódicos nacionais, no período de 2000 a 2005. O objetivo central foi caracterizar um recorte da pesquisa contemporânea brasileira em EF, publicada nestes periódicos, incluindo-se na análise as questões acerca das temáticas de maior interesse dos pesquisadores. O estudo seguiu duas etapas principais: a) coleta e organização dos dados e b) categorização e análises quantitativa e qualitativa. As 595 publicações analisadas classificaram-se em 20 áreas do conhecimento sendo fisiologia a de maior incidência (n = 376). Publicações com enfoque em áreas mais humanísticas e/ou sociais, como a filosofia, a história, a sociologia do esporte, a psicologia aplicada à educação física e ao esporte, a didática, também são encontradas, porém, são ainda minoria. Estes resultados apontam a predominância da concepção biologizada da pesquisa em EF no universo do estudo. As razões podem ser variadas, incluindo o perfil dos periódicos analisados.After few centuries of its foundation, the discipline of Physical Education (PE) resides with a dichotomic approach: on the one hand, the tradition of its medical and biological aspects and on the other hand, socio-cultural, political and philosophical issues are highlighted. This seems to disrupt the historical concept of "the biologized body". Within this context, we have started an investigation of trends in Brazilian research on PE. Using a bibliometric approach, in the present paper we analyze scientific publications from four Portuguese-language journals, in the 2001-2005 period. Our aim is identify with of the two concepts prevail in Brazilian current research on EP. The following steps were taken: a) data-gathering and categorization; and b) quantitative and qualitative analyses. We found that 431 (72.43%) out of 595 of the publications analyzed were from the biological sciences. More specifically, 376 (63.19%) were from physiology. These results point to the prevalence of a broad biological approach to PE, in which anatomical, biochemical, biophysical, and medical aspects at large are prevalent. Although our data does not allow us to give a complete picture of research trends in PE in Brazil, they suggest that PE's current research in the country is still biologically-oriented, revealing its strong historical concept

    Análise estrutural e considerações sobre a dinâmica sucessional de dois fragmentos florestais semideciduais do Jardim Botânico Municipal de Bauru, SP, Brasil Structural analysis and considerations on the successional dynamic of two semideciduous forest fragments at the Municipal Botanical Garden of Bauru, SP, Brazil

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    Parâmetros fitossociológicos, como freqüência de classes de altura e de diâmetro, são muito utilizados em inferências sobre sucessão secundária em fitocenoses. Indivíduos abustivo-arbóreos com no mínimo 1,5 m de altura e fuste a 1,3 m, foram amostrados em 2.600 m² de floresta estacional semidecidual do Jardim Botânico Municipal de Bauru (JBMB). Informações sobre as freqüências de classes de diâmetro das cinco espécies com maior índice de valor de importância (Ocotea pulchella, Protium heptaphyllum, Copaifera langsdorffii, Platypodium elegans e Trichilia pallida) e a classificação sucessional das populações mais numerosas também foram analisadas para inferências sobre as características sucessionais da comunidade estudada. As freqüências de classes de diâmetro de Vochysia tucanorum, espécie típica de savana, também foi estudada. As informações obtidas permitiram considerar que a floresta do JBMB encontra-se em estádio sucessional intermediário, e que, embora tenha sofrido com a ação do fogo no passado, algumas dessas populações estão conseguindo renovar-se.<br>Phytosociological parameters, as the frequency of height and diameter classes, are commonly used to make inferences about secondary succession in given phytocenoses. Shrub and tree individuals higher than 1.5 m and with a bole length of at least 1.3 m were sampled in 2,600 m2 of semideciduous seasonal forest in the Municipal Botanical Garden of Bauru (JBMB). Information on the diameter class frequencies of five species with the highest Importance Value Index (Ocotea pulchella, Protium heptaphyllum, Copaifera langsdorffii, Platypodium elegans and Trichilia pallida) and the more numerous species' successional classification were analyzed to make inferences about the successional features of the studied community. The diameter class frequencies of savannic species Vochysia tucanorum were also studied. The information obtained allowed to consider that the forest of the JBMB is at an intermediate successional stage, and that, although it used to be periodically burnt, some of its populations are able to renew themselves