55 research outputs found

    Um ano após a crise: os impactos nas negociações internacionais

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    The article evaluates the experts' prognostics to international trade and international negotiations in the beginning of the economic crisis and compares it with actual data. In the general trend the prognostics were correct, but they do not fit well to the details of actual behavior of countries regarding protectionism and trade flux as well.O artigo avalia os prognósticos dos especialistas no começo da crise econômica em relação ao comércio internacional e negociações internacionais e compara esses prognósticos com o que aconteceu de fato. Em geral, os prognósticos estavam corretos, porém a realidade se mostrou mais nuançada em relação ao comportamento esperado dos países e dos fluxos comerciais

    O uso do role-play no ensino de negociações internacionais

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    There are few studies dedicated to giving an account of the major gains in pedagogical terms of the teaching of International Relations and Negotiations. What is widely prevalent, among the works available, are qualitative reports of procedures and applications of simulations and/or tests of the current hypotheses in the literature. Comparative evaluations of the experience of simulations, taking as a base a large number of applications, is not common in gender studies. The objective of this article is to fill in this gap, taking as a base the experience supported by the USP undergraduate administration office, with the Pró-Ensino Program.Poucos são os trabalhos dedicados a promover um balanço sobre os principais ganhos do uso de simulações, em termos pedagógicos, no ensino de Relações e Negociações Internacionais. Prevalecem amplamente, dentre os trabalhos disponíveis, relatos qualitativos sobre procedimentos e aplicações das simulações e/ou teste de hipóteses correntes na literatura. A avaliação comparada da experiência de simulações, tomando por base um grande número de aplicações, não é comum entre os estudos do gênero. Este artigo tem por objetivo preencher esta lacuna tomando por base a experiência de ensino nesta área, apoiada pela Pró-Reitoria de Graduação da USP, com o Programa Pró-Ensino

    The Bigger, the Better: Coalitions in the GATT/WTO

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    What does it take to make a coalition successful? Bigger coalitions are more likely to be successful because the GATT/WTO is a consensus-based institution and countries are informally penalized if they isolate themselves. Through a Bayesian statistical analysis, the article corroborates the above hypothesis. To further investigate the research question, qualitative case studies of the G-10 in the Uruguay Round and the Public Health Coalition in the Doha Round are conducted. These cases show that the more convincing the framing of a position, the better are the chances of coalitions keeping a large number of followers and supporters, thereby affecting their odds of success. By building a unique database and applying a new research design to the topic, the study rigorously tests theories about coalitions that had previously only been proposed but not empirically analyzed

    Curso: Técnicas de Negociação no Setor Público

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    Programa do curso contendo objetivo, ementa, metodologia de ensino e avaliação de aprendizagem. Plano de aula, referências bibliográficas e currículo dos professores. Slides referentes às aulas de 1 a 3.Programa do Curso, 3 p.Apresentação em slides, 131 p.Gestão EstratégicaGestão PúblicaLideranç

    Programmed Cell Death-Related Proteases in Plants

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    From an ancient Greek term related to the “leavening of bread” (en, in; zyme, leaven), an enzyme can be defined as a substance showing the properties of a catalyst that is produced as a result of cellular activity. Every proteinaceous enzyme that performs hydrolysis of peptide bonds is appropriately termed “protease” (peptidase). All of them share aspects of catalytic strategy, but with some variation. As a result, the proteases are grouped into six different catalytic families: serine, threonine, cysteine, aspartic, glutamic and metallopeptidases (http://merops.sanger.ac.uk/). The larger families (cysteine, serine, aspartic and metallopeptidases) have a wide range of distribution on living organism groups, and are also present in the “controversial” viruses. As a well‐represented family, the cysteine proteases play important roles in events such as signalling pathways, programmed cell death (PCD), nutrient mobilization, protein maturing, hormone synthesis and degradation. In the past two decades, an increased interest was driven to the study of the programmed cell death (PCD), mainly after the discovery of caspase‐related proteins and caspase‐like activities in organisms not metazoan. Caspases are cysteine proteases that cleave their substrate after aspartate residues and are part of signalling cascades of the apoptotic PCD process (also in inflammatory process), unique of metazoan. The caspase‐related proteins are named paracaspases and metacaspases. Paracaspases are found on metazoan and Dictyostelium, whereas the metacaspases are present on plants, fungi and groups of protozoan. On plants, PCD has features that are distinct from that of animals and is an important pathway on developmental events, defensive and stress response (biotic and abiotic). All these events have their own particularities, but the participation of proteases seems to be universal with those responsible for caspase‐like activities and metacaspases having an increasing number of reports that put them as important for plant PCD. In this chapter, we tackle important aspects of the proteases, in special that involved in plant PDC, as well as their specific regulators. Aspects of function, catalytic mechanisms and interaction with ligands will be on focus