29,920 research outputs found

    Coherence and incoherence in extended broad band triplet interaction

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    In the present analysis we study the transition from coherent to incoherent dynamics in a nonlinear triplet of broad band combs of waves. Expanding the analysis of previous works, this paper investigates what happens when the band of available modes is much larger than that of the initial narrower combs within which the nonlinear interaction is not subjected to selection rules involving wave momenta. Here selection rules are present and active, and we examine how and when coherence can be defined.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Death by starvation in May-Leonard models

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    We consider the dynamics of spatial stochastic May-Leonard models with mutual predation interactions of equal strength between any two individuals of different species. Using two-dimensional simulations, with two and three pecies, we investigate the dynamical impact of the death of individuals after a given threshold number of successive unsuccessful predation attempts. We find that the death of these individuals can have a strong impact on the dynamics of population networks and provide a crucial contribution to the preservation of coexistence.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Phase transitions in dependence of apex predator decaying ratio in a cyclic dominant system

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    Cyclic dominant systems, like rock-paper-scissors game, are frequently used to explain biodiversity in nature, where mobility, reproduction and intransitive competition are on stage to provide the coexistence of competitors. A significantly new situation emerges if we introduce an apex predator who can superior all members of the mentioned three-species system. In the latter case the evolution may terminate into three qualitatively different destinations depending on the apex predator decaying ratio qq. In particular, the whole population goes extinct or all four species survive or only the original three-species system remains alive as we vary the control parameter. These solutions are separated by a discontinuous and a continuous phase transitions at critical qq values. Our results highlight that cyclic dominant competition can offer a stable way to survive even in a predator-prey-like system that can be maintained for large interval of critical parameter values.Comment: version to appear in EPL. 7 pages, 7 figure

    Invasion controlled pattern formation in a generalized multi-species predator-prey system

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    Rock-scissors-paper game, as the simplest model of intransitive relation between competing agents, is a frequently quoted model to explain the stable diversity of competitors in the race of surviving. When increasing the number of competitors we may face a novel situation because beside the mentioned unidirectional predator-prey-like dominance a balanced or peer relation can emerge between some competitors. By utilizing this possibility in the present work we generalize a four-state predator-prey type model where we establish two groups of species labeled by even and odd numbers. In particular, we introduce different invasion probabilities between and within these groups, which results in a tunable intensity of bidirectional invasion among peer species. Our study reveals an exceptional richness of pattern formations where five quantitatively different phases are observed by varying solely the strength of the mentioned inner invasion. The related transition points can be identified with the help of appropriate order parameters based on the spatial autocorrelation decay, on the fraction of empty sites, and on the variance of the species density. Furthermore, the application of diverse, alliance-specific inner invasion rates for different groups may result in the extinction of the pair of species where this inner invasion is moderate. These observations highlight that beyond the well-known and intensively studied cyclic dominance there is an additional source of complexity of pattern formation that has not been explored earlier.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures. To appear in PR

    Nematic liquid crystal dynamics under applied electric fields

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    In this paper we investigate the dynamics of liquid crystal textures in a two-dimensional nematic under applied electric fields, using numerical simulations performed using a publicly available LIquid CRystal Algorithm (LICRA) developed by the authors. We consider both positive and negative dielectric anisotropies and two different possibilities for the orientation of the electric field (parallel and perpendicular to the two-dimensional lattice). We determine the effect of an applied electric field pulse on the evolution of the characteristic length scale and other properties of the liquid crystal texture network. In particular, we show that different types of defects are produced after the electric field is switched on, depending on the orientation of the electric field and the sign of the dielectric anisotropy.Comment: 7 pages, 12 figure

    Water activity in lamellar stacks of lipid bilayers: "Hydration forces" revisited

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    Water activity and its relationship with interactions stabilising lamellar stacks of mixed lipid bilayers in their fluid state are investigated by means of osmotic pressure measurements coupled with small-angle x-ray scattering. The (electrically-neutral) bilayers are composed of a mixture in various proportions of lecithin, a zwitterionic phospholipid, and Simulsol, a non-ionic cosurfactant with an ethoxylated polar head. For highly dehydrated samples the osmotic pressure profile always exhibits the "classical" exponential decay as hydration increases but, depending on Simulsol to lecithin ratio, it becomes either of the "bound" or "unbound" types for more water-swollen systems. A simple thermodynamic model is used for interpreting the results without resorting to the celebrated but elusive "hydration forces"Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in The European Physical Journal
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