22 research outputs found

    A new Eulerian iceberg module for climate studies: Formulation and application to the investigation of the sensitivity of the AMOC to iceberg calving

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    Although it is well known that icebergs play an important role especially for the simulation of glacial climate, e.g. Heinrich events, standard climate models, as used in the Climate Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP), do not contain iceberg modules. Existing iceberg modules are formulated in the Lagrangian framework, optimal for tracking individual icebergs. How- ever, in climate modelling, the key aspect of icebergs is the effect of their melting on the ocean. Therefore, a new formulation of an iceberg module in the Eulerian framework is presented. The module is introduced into the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM), allowing to sim- ulate the effect of icebergs on the climate and feedbacks between them. The new iceberg module is tested in a set of simulations with the ice- berg module coupled to the ocean component of MPI-ESM with prescribed observed iceberg calving fluxes. These simulations allow to validate the model against observed iceberg distributions. The sensitivity of the ice- berg module against several model parameters is tested, and an optimal set of parameters, focusing on the iceberg meltwater flux as key variable, is determined. The effect of icebergs on the simulation of iceberg discharge events is investigated in a set of simulations with the full MPI-ESM-Iceberg set-up. The experiments aim at determining the thresholds of the Atlantic Merid- ional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) against a prescribed hosing. In a setting with slowly varying forcing, different types of hosing are compared. In addition to a direct simulation of iceberg calving through the Hudson Strait, two freshwater hosing experiments are performed: a direct point source hosing in the Labrador Sea off the Hudson Strait and a latitude belt hosing between 50◦ and 70◦N. For pre-industrial climate conditions, the results show that the sensitivity of the AMOC to the type of hosing is considerable. The threshold for an abrupt AMOC weakening in the latitude belt hosing is approximately four times lower than in the point source hosing in the Labrador Sea. The threshold for the iceberg experiment lies approximately in the middle of the values for the two freshwater hosing experiments. A similar set of experiments under climate conditions representative for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; 21000 year before present) was performed to investigate the effect of the background climate on the aforementioned results. For this climate state, the simulated mechanism of the formation of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) is different as compared to pre- industrial conditions. In the LGM simulations, NADW is formed in the Arctic and the Nordic Seas due to brine release from sea ice. This makes the AMOC more resilient against the iceberg/freshwater hosing and no abrupt transitions between a strong and a weak AMOC are simulated. The spread between the different types of hosing in the cold LGM climate is much smaller than for pre-industrial climate. Further experiments were performed to investigate the effect of latent heat of icebergs on the AMOC sensitivity. While the effect of the latent heat is much smaller than the direct effect of the iceberg meltwater flux, it has a significant impact on the AMOC. Due to the latent heat of icebergs, the uppermost layers of the ocean, where melt takes place, cool. This reduces the iceberg melt and prolongs the lifetime of icebergs, allowing them to travel further away from the source region. This enhances iceberg melt in the north-eastern North Atlantic where it effects the deep water formation. The cooling occurring is a consequence of the strong hosing, and the resulting weak AMOC has a qualitatively similar effect on the distribution of the iceberg meltwater flux. In a long-term transient simulation with the MPI-ESM-Iceberg set-up that is coupled to an ice sheet and solid earth models, the Eulerian iceberg module demonstrates its ability to simulate Heinrich events and resulting changes in iceberg meltwater distribution. The pattern of iceberg meltwater flux compares well with the reconstructed distribution of ice rafted debris from deep-sea sediment cores in the North Atlantic. To sum up, a computationally cheap way to introduce icebergs in a standard ESM has been presented, and its suitability for long-term simulations has been demonstrated. The results presented in this thesis emphasize that for hosing experiments and long-term transient simulations of glacial and deglacial climate, a direct simulation of icebergs is necessary. Obwohl es allgemein bekannt ist, dass Eisberge eine wichtige Rolle für die Simulation des Glazialklimas spielen (z.B. bei Heinrich Events), wird deren Effekt in den Klimamodellen des Climate Model Intercomparison Projects (CMIP) ignoriert. Die bisher existierenden Eisbergmodule sind im Lagrangeschen Referenzsystem formuliert. Dieses Referenzsystem ist ideal zum Verfolgen von individuellen Eisbergen. Der Haupteffekt von Eis- bergen auf das Klimasystem ist jedoch das Hinzufügen von Frischwasser durch Schmelzen. In dieser Arbeit, präsentiere ich ein neues Eisbergmodul im Eulerschen Referenzsystem. Dieses Eisbergmodul wird dem Max Planck Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM) hinzugefügt und erlaubt es nun, den Effekt von Eisbergen auf das Klima und Rückkopplungseffekte zwis- chen diesen beiden Komponenten zu untersuchen. Das neue Modul wird in einer Reihe von gekoppelten Simulationen mit dem MPI-OM Ozeanmodell mit vorgeschriebenen beobachteten Eisbergkalbungsflüssen getestet. Diese Simulationen erlauben es, das neue Model mit beobachteten Eis- bergverteilungen zu vergleichen. Weiterhin wird die Sensitivität des Eisbergmoduls gegenüber der Wahl mehrerer Modelparameter getestet. Hierbei wird ein Satz optimaler Modelparameter mit dem Fokus auf einen plausiblen Eisbergschmelzwasserfluss ermittelt. Der Effekt von Eisbergen im Zuge starker Eisbergkalbungsereignisse(z.B. Heinrichereignisse) wird in einer Reihe von Simulationen mit dem kompletten MPI-ESM-Eisberg Setup untersucht. In diesem Satz von Experimenten werden kritische Grenzwerte der Sensitivität der Atlantischen Meridionalen Umwälzzirkulation (AMOC) fgegenüber Frischwasserzufuhr bestimmt. Daher wird die Frischwasserzufuhr in allen Experimenten langsam verän- dert, wobei verschiedene Methoden der Frischwasserzufuhr miteinander verglichen werden. Zusätzlich zu einer Simulation, in der die Frischwasserzufuhr durch Eisberge in der Hudsonstrasse erfolgt, werden noch zwei weit- ere Methoden der Frischwasserzufuhr untersucht. Zum Einen eine Punk- tquelle in der Labradorsee in der Nähe der Hudsonstra¨sse und zum Anderen ein konstanter Frischwassereintrag zwischen 50 und 70 Grad Nord. Die Ergebnisse für vorindustrielle Klimabedingungen zeigen, dass die Sensitiv- ität der AMOC sehr stark von der Methode der Frischwasserzufuhr abhängt. Der Grenzwert für eine abrupte Abschwächung der AMOC in dem Experiment mit einem konstanten Frischwassereintrag zwischen 50 und 70 Grad Nord ist viermal niedriger als für das Experiment mit der Punktquelle in der Labradorsee. Der Grenzwert für das Eisbergexperiment liegt ungefähr in der Mitte der beiden anderen Frischwasserzufuhrexperimente. Eine Reihe ähnlicher Experimente mit Klimabedingungen repräsentativ für das Letzte Glaziale Maximum (LGM, vor 21,000 Jahren) wurde durchgeführt um den Effekt des Hintergrundklimas auf die vorherigen Resultate zu untersuchen. Der Mechanimus der nordatlantischen Tiefenwasserbil- dung (NADW) ist deutlich unterschiedlich im Vergleich zum vorindustriellen Experiment. Unter LGM Bedingungen, findet die Bildung von NADW im arktischen Mittelmeer und im europäischen Nordmeer statt aufgrund von Salzlakenfreisetzung während der Meereisbildung. Dieser Prozess führt dazu, dass die AMOC in diesen Eperimenten widerstandsfähiger gegenüber Frischwasserzufuhr ist und kein abrupter Zusammenbruch der AMOC auftritt. Der Unterschied zwischen den verschiedenen Methoden der Frischwasserzufuhr ist auch deutlich geringer als unter vorindustriellen Klimabedingungen. Eine Reihe weiterer Experimente wurde durchgeführt um den Effekt der Wärme des Eisbergschmelzens und dessen Auswirkung auf die AMOC zu untersuchen. Obwohl der Effekt der latenten Wärme deutlich geringer ist als der direkte Effekt des Eisbergschmelzwasserflusses, spielt er doch eine wichtige Rolle für die AMOC. An dem Ort, an dem die Eisberge schmelzen, führt die latenten Wärme der Eisberge zu einer Abkühlung der obersten Ozeanschichten. Dieser Prozess reduziert die Schmelzrate und verlängert zugleich die Lebenszeit der Eisberge, die weiter weg von ihrem Entstehungsgebiet getrieben werden können. Der Transport über eine größere Entfernung führt zu einem verstärkten Schmelzen von Eisbergen in dem östlichen und nördlichen Teil des Nordatlantiks, wo es Einfluss auf die Tiefenwasserbildung nimmt. Ein Abkühlen als Konsequenz der starken Frischwasserzufuhr und einer daraus resultiertenden schwachen AMOC hat einen ähnlichen Effekt. In einer langen transienten Simulation (ca. 40,000 Jahre) mit dem MPI- ESM-Eisberg Setup und interaktiven Eisschild- und Geodynamikmodell konnte getestet werden, ob das Eisbergmodul Heinrichereignisse und damit in Verbindung stehende Eisbergkalbungsereignisse erfolgreich simulieren kann. Die Eisbergverteilung in der Simulation liefert hierbei gute Vergleichswerte mit aus marinen Sedeimentbohrkernen abgeleiteten Eisbergverteilungen aus dem Nordatlantik. Zusammenfassend wurde in dieser Arbeit ein effizientes und schnelles Eisbergmodul in ein bestehes Erdsystemmodell implementiert. Die Effizienz des Moduls erlaubt es lange (>40,000 Jahre) Simulationen durchzuführen. Die hier vorgestellten Resultate heben die Wichtigkeit der Methode der Frischwasserzufuhr hervor und betonen die Notwendigkeit der expliziten Modellierung von Eisbergen für Kalbungsexperimente und lange Simulationen mit glazialem Klima


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    Цель. Статья посвящена развитию личностной готовности будущего педагога к инновационной деятельности. Данная проблема в настоящее время стала особо актуальной в связи с реформированием профессионального образования и его ориентированием на инновации.Метод или методология проведения работы. Теоретический анализ литературы по проблеме исследования, проектирование программы развития личностной готовности будущего педагога к инновационной деятельности в процессе изучения психологических дисциплин.Результаты. Разработанная в ходе исследования программа способствует развитию у будущих педагогов личностных качеств, необходимых для эффективной реализации инновационной деятельности.Область применения результатов. Результаты исследования могут быть полезны преподавателям вузов и использоваться в процессе разработки и проведения психологических дисциплин; специалистами различных организаций для формирования кадровой политики и подбора персонала.Purpose. The article is devoted to the development of the personal readiness of the future teacher for innovative activities. This problem has now become particularly relevant in connection with the reform of vocational education and its orientation towards innovation.Methodology. Theoretical analysis of literature on the problem of research, designing a program for developing the personal readiness of the future teacher for innovative activities in the process of studying psychological disciplines.Results. The program developed during the research contributes to the development by the future teachers of innovative psychological and pedagogical technologies and the development of personal qualities necessary for the effective implementation of innovative activities.Results implications. The program developed in the course of the research contributes to the development of the personal qualities necessary for effective implementation of innovative activity in future educators

    Automated digitization of radial charts

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    Radial charts were commonly used in the industry to allow retrospective assessment of technological parameters. Today it is relevant to digitize the obtained data in order to simplify the automation of technological processes. Digitization of radial charts by means of standard methods is carried out with the help of human labor at significant time costs. The article proposes an automated method for digitizing radial charts using software, developed in the LabVIEW programming environment. The results of processing radial charts are displayed on the screen in numerical and graphical form, and can also be exported to a file (for example, to Notepad or MS Excel). The presented technique can be applied to images obtained on a color or black-and-white scanner, which minimizes geometric distortions, associated with the conversion of a paper document into electronic form, and ensures recognition quality of the clear plot line with an average relative error of up to 3 %. In case of ink fading or perspective photos of the diagram, the value of relative error can reach 8 %, as a result of which additional manual correction of the data will be required


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    In the early 19th century, with the arrival of foreigners, there began the development of the Province of the Don Cossack Host. It was provided by favourable factors: vast areas of uninhabited land, low cost of land and low rent. In the second half of the 19th century the colo-nization of the Don Cossack Host became more intensive. It is the Germans, both offi cials and entrepreneurs and ordinary colonists who played an important role in this. In the article the author tries to show the degree of infl uence of the Germans on the socio-economic and cultural development of the Don Cossack Host in the 19th - early 20th century. On the basis of the scientifi c literature and archival materials, there are analyzed the activities of the Germans of different status and class: from the Ataman of the Don Cossack Host to an at-torney at law. The author describes the role played by the offi cials of the German nationality in establishing economic and cultural life in the Don lands. It is found that they were the initiators of the opening of schools, newspapers, parks, as well as educational institutions. In addition, attention is paid to the fact that the area was inhabited by German colonists engaged mainly in the agricultural or industrial entrepreneurship. They were able to develop their activities through the use of modern advanced technology, sound economic policies, the availability of transport infrastructure and sources of raw materials, as well as the initial absence of fi erce competition. The author concludes that despite their German origin, all of them considered themselves Russian subjects and made efforts for the prosperity of the region in which they found themselves due to various circumstances

    Distribution, typology and assessment of degraded soils Piedmont Plains Zhetysu Ridge, Kazakhstan

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    Identification of land degradation is essential to check the problem and to implement the remedial measures needed. The study area falls under parts of foothill plains Zhetysu Ridge, Kazakhstan, that is an arid region in climate. Recent data on the status of study area refer to the 80s of the last century, and the intensive use of them led to a significant anthropogenic transformation. This study was carried out in 2015-2016 as part of a project aimed to study features and causes of land degradation in foothill plains Zhetysu Ridge, Kazakhstan. Under the conditions of rainfed soil degradation manifests itself in the development of erosion processes, agro depletion of soils, reducing the productivity of agriculture. The use of land for irrigation often accompanied by secondary salinization. In this regard, at present there is need to assess current state of the soil, with the identification of changes in their properties as a result of the impact of various anthropogenic factors and creation of new electronic soil maps and applied the powerful capabilities of advanced remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) techniques to identify the geomorphological units and degradation risk assessment. Satellite imagery in addition to the field and laboratory studies to identify salinity-induced soil degradation was adopted in this study. Morphological, chemical and physical characteristics of soils in degraded sites in foothill plains Zhetysu Ridge, Kazakhstan, were depicted. The main results of a thorough evaluation of soil degradation in foothill plains Zhetysu Ridge, Kazakhstan, are presented. The data revealed that extent of salinity-induced degradation was generally related to some physical properties of soil, uncontrolled livestock grazing and previous soil management practices. These results are useful as the basis for designing soil conservation and restoration programs, as a base line for evaluating the performance of conservation programs and for assessing the impact of other soil-related activities (e.g. agriculture and livestock rising)

    The organization of labour immigrants from Czechoslovakia in Frolov district of the Lower-Volga region in the 1920 and 1930s

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    Based on unpublished archival sources, this article considers the history and development of industrial organizations of labour immigrants from Czechoslovakia on the territory of the Lower Volga region in the 1920 and 1930s. The activities of the “Agricultural commune of Czechoslovak emigres” and the handicraft “Association of Czechoslovak Emigrants” illustrate how Soviet legislation was applied to labour immigration, how party authorities and economic bodies related to the two immigrant units, and how foreign workers adapted to the conditions in the USSR. Despite the many difficulties that labour immigrants had to overcome, their activities on the territory of Stalingrad province constitute a successful example of international workers’ cooperation in the USSR. The authors demonstrate that the production associations of labour immigrants from Czechoslovakia made a significant contribution to the strengthening and development of the economic complex of Frolov district in the Lower Volga region during the period under review. Through the efforts of the Czechoslovak citizens, shoe production and tanning were organized for the first time on industrial level. Later a metal plant emerged on the basis of the “Krasny Vagranschik” artel created by immigrants from Czechoslovakia. The experience of state regulation on labour immigration in the USSR can be successfully used in modern Russia’s practice of international cooperation


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    В связи с предстоящим внедрением в учебный процесс по физической культуре физкультурно-спортивного комплекса «Готов к труду и обороне» по предлагаемой тестовой программе было проведено тестирование студентов вуза в двух возрастных группах. Основными задачами исследования являлись оценка текущего уровня двигательной подготовленности студентов и проведение ретроспективного анализа результатов тестирования по комплексам ГТЗО (2008 г.) и ГТО (2013 г.) с целью выявления имеющихся тенденций в структуре двигательного развития студенческой молодежи. Результаты выявили снижение уровня развития физических качеств у современной популяции студентов.The testing of university students was carried out on the suggested testing programme in two age-specific groups in connection with forthcoming introduction of sport complex “Ready for Work and Defense” in the educational process on the subject of physical training. The main objectives of this research were to estimate the current level of motor preparedness of students and to carry out the retrospective analysis of test results in “Ready to Work and the Defense of the Fatherland” complex (2008) and in “Ready for Work and Defense” complex (2013) in order to identify current trends in the structure of motor development of student youth. The results revealed a reduction in the level of development of physical qualities in modern student population

    Experience of Distance Learning of Medical Science Disciplines as a Result of the Global Pandemic COVID-19 in Ukraine and South Africa

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    Aim: This study discusses the historical background of distance learning and its pros and cons from the perspective of students and teachers. This study aimed to conduct a comparison of the effectiveness of distance learning during the quarantine period at Kharkiv National Medical University (KNMU), and the national lockdown at the University of Cape Town (UCT).Material and Methods: A survey was used to investigate student’s perspectives about distance education. An online survey consisting of 19 questions was conducted on Google Forms platform among 395 students at KNMU and among 124 students of UCT obtained from Vula site statistics. Individuals’ learning progress during histological and anatomical classes using different methods such as virtual aggregators of slides and 3D programs were also observed.Results: At KNMU, most students (72.2%, n=285) agreed that the main advantages of distance education were the extra time they had to prepare for classes and revise study materials whereas the major challenge they faced while having distance education was the lack of clinical approach to patients (69.1%, n=273). At UCT, students found that the most helpful aspect of distance learning was pre-recorded lecture videos (66.9%, n=83).Conclusion: The pandemic has shown that distance learning is possible, but the question remains: has it proved to be efficient, and is it an inseparable part of the education system today? The role of distance education in the twenty-first century can be summarized as distance education programs catching huge popularity in the educational world with having and spreading discussable sides