12 research outputs found

    Anesthesia Management in Tracheobronchial Anomaly Case Detected During Tracheotomy: A Case Report

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    Tracheobronchial anomalies (TBA) are abnormal airway pathologies that originate from the primary branching site of the tracheobronchial tree, and their prevalence is 0.1-0.2%. The tracheal bronchus and accessory cardiac bronchus are among the most common TBAs. Although these anomalies are usually asymptomatic, they manifest as respiratory tract infections, hemoptysis, atelectasis, and respiratory distress. Appropriate identification and detection of these anomalies are vital in anesthesia management. Accidental canulation of a tracheal bronchus with an anomaly can prevent ventilation of all other bronchopulmonary segments, and due to potential hyperinflation, pneumothorax secondary to alveolar rupture may develop. In this case presentation, we shared our anesthesia method applied to a child with a tracheobronchial anomaly that was coincidentally detected during a tracheotomy

    YÜT Kullanılan Olgularda 2. Gün ve 3. Gün Embriyo Transferi Sonuçlarının Retrospektif Olarak Karşılaştırılması

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    Amaç: Yardımcı üreme tekniği kullanılan hastalarda embriyo transferi geleneksel olarak embriyonun 2-8 hücre olduğu klivaj evresinde, oosit toplanmasından 2 gün sonra yapılır. Transferin bir gün geciktirilmesi implantasyon başarısını arttırabileceği gibi endometriyaldiferansiyasyonun gelişmesine de olanak tanıyabilir ve daha iyi gebelik sonuçları ile ilişkili olabilir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmada Ocak 2005 ile Şubat 2013 arasında, Dokuz Eylül Tüp Bebek Merkezinde ICSI ile IVF uygulanan 1793 hastanın verileri tarandı. Bu hastalardan 86sı verilerin eksik olması nedeniyle çalışmaya alınmadı. Rekküren gebelik kaybı olan olgular (n=32) ve HSGde uterin kavitede anormallik tespit edilmiş olan olgular (n=20) çalışmadan dışlandı. Çalışmaya toplam 1655 hasta dahil edildi. Bulgular: Her iki grup arasında yaş, infertilite nedeni ve bazal hormon düzeyleri arasında anlamlı fark saptanmadı. Tedaviye başlama günündeki antralfollikül sayısı 2. gün ve 3. gün transfer uygulanan hastalar arasında anlamlı olarak farklı idi (3.2vs 4.2, p<0.001). Ortalama toplanan oosit sayısı, total elde edilen embriyo sayısı ve fertilizasyon oranı anlamlı olarak 3. gün transfer uygulanan grupta yüksek saptandı (p<0.001). 2. gün ve 3. gün transfer uygulanan hastalarda implantasyon oranı (%33.7vs %48.4) ve klinik gebelik oranı (%21.3 vs %36.3) istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu (p<0.001). Canlı doğum oranları karşılaştırıldığında 3. gün transfer yapılan grupta, 2. gün transfer yapılan gruba göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı yüksek saptandı (%32.7vs % 18, p<0.001). Sonuç: Çalışmamız sonucu 3. gün embriyo transferi yapılan hastalarda gebelik sonuçlarının, 2. gün embriyo transferi yapılan hastalara göre anlamlı olarak daha iyi olduğunu saptadık.Aim: In ART cycles, embryo is transferred at clivagestageconventionally, whenembryocontains 2-8 cells. Onedaydelay at transfer maylead endometrial differentiation and improveimplantationrates and pregnancyoutcomes. Material and Methods: Inthisstudy, 1793 patients data who were treated with IVF and ICSI at Dokuz Eyl&uuml;l IVF Center between January 2003 and February 2013 was evaluated retrospectively. 86 patients with missing data, 32 patients with reccurent pregnancy loss and 20 patients with abnormal HSG results were excluded. 1655 patients were included to the study. Results: Age, cause of infertility and basal hormone levels were not significantly different between day 2 and day 3 transfer groups. Antral follicule count was significantly higher in day 3 transfer group (3.2vs 4.2, p&lt;0.001). Retrieve doocyte number, total embryo number and fertilization rate weresignificantly higher in day 3 transfer group (p&lt;0.001). Differences inimplantationrate (%33.7 vs %48.4) and clinical pregnancy rate (%21.3 vs %36.3) between day 2 and day 3 transfer groups were statistically significant (p&lt;0.001). Live birth rate was statistically higher in day 3 transfer group (%32.7vs % 18, p&lt;0.001). Conclusion: Cycle and pregnancy out comes were significantly better in day 3 transfer grou

    Cardiac Functions and Peripheral Arterial Stiffness in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS:Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) patients have been described as having subclinical cardiac and vascular damage; nevertheless, research data is contradictory. We aimed to assess global cardiac functions, peripheral arterial stiffness (AS), and the relationships between echocardiographic and AS measurements in patients with PCOS.MATERIALS AND METHODS:We enrolled 42 consecutive PCOS patients and 32 age- and body mass index (BMI)-matched healthy controls. All participants underwent a comprehensive two-dimensional echocardiographic examination. Applanation tonometry was utilized to determine peripheral AS [carotid-radial pulse wave velocity (PWV) and augmentation index (AIx)] in each participant. In addition, we evaluated the correlation between AS and echocardiographic parameters.RESULTS:The PCOS and control groups had similar ages and BMIs. Right ventricular (RV) and left ventricular (LV) diameters, LV mass, and LV ejection fraction were similar between the groups. Considering the pulse wave and tissue Doppler parameters of the cardiac functions, the LV septal S’, LV Tei index, RV S’, RV Tei index, and E/E’ ratio were comparable between the two groups. Peripheral AS parameters including, PWV and AIx were higher in those patients with PCOS [19.3±12.5 vs. 12.5±9.6; p=0.01 and 5 (4.7-5.5) vs. 4.4 (4.2-4.8); p=0.0001, respectively]. AS parameters were not correlated with echocardiographic parameters.CONCLUSION:Despite normal echocardiographic LV and RV functions, women with PCOS had increased AS. There was no correlation between echocardiographic and AS parameters in these patients.Keywords:&nbsp;Diastolic and systolic right ventricular functions, diastolic and systolic left ventricular functions, peripheral arterial stiffness, polycystic ovary syndrome</p

    Early Diagnostic Markers for Detection of Acute Kidney Injury in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients

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    Objectives: Acute kidney injury is a relatively frequent complication of allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplant, resulting in increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Early diagnosis and management of acute kidney injury is of great importance for prevention of poor outcomes in these transplant recipients

    Early Diagnostic Markers for Detection of Acute Kidney Injury in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients.

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    Acute kidney injury is a relatively frequent complication of allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplant, resulting in increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Early diagnosis and management of acute kidney injury is of great importance for prevention of poor outcomes in these transplant recipients

    Preliminary Report on the 2021 Fieldwork at Phoenix

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    Situé dans la partie sud-ouest de la péninsule de Bozburun (Marmaris), le site an- tique de Phoenix a fait l'objet d'une première campagne de prospection archéologique multidisciplinaire durant le mois de septembre 2021. Les travaux sur le terrain avaient pour objectif de mieux connaître l'espace urbain du site en général, ainsi que certaines structures en particulier, comme le temple d'Apollon transformé en église, l'acropole et les nécropoles parsemées de nombreuses terrasses. Parallèlement à nos recherches purement archéologiques, nous avons pu mettre en œuvre un programme d'éducation sur le patrimoine culturel et écologique pour les enfants vivant dans la région. Nous avons également lancé un programme pour documenter l'architecture rurale de la région et nous avons mené des entretiens d'histoire orale avec les personnes âgées du village de Taşlıca.Located in the southwestern part of the Bozburun Peninsula (Marmaris), the ancient site of Phoenix was the subject of a first multidisciplinary archaeological survey campaign in September 2021. The fieldwork aimed to better understand the town planning of the site in general, as well as certain structures in particular such as the temple of Apollo converted into a church, the acropolis, and the necropoleis dotted with numerous terraces. In addition to purely archaeological research, we also carried out a cultural and ecological heritage edu- cation program for children who live in the region. We also started a program to document the area’s rural architecture and conducted oral history interviews with the elderly people of Taşlıca village

    Catalytical decarboxylation of lignites

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    The catalytic effect of the transition metal ions Cr2+, Mn2+, Fe2+, Co2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+ on the decarboxylation of Beypazari lignite was investigated, in terms of the change in calorific values of the decarboxylated lignite samples obtained after the decarboxylation process and activation energies of the decarboxylation processes. The optimum temperature to run the decarboxylation experiments and the optimum concentrations of the metal ion loadings to obtain the highest calorific value coal after decarboxylation reactions were determined. Catalytic activity of Fe2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+ was relatively higher than those of Cr2+, Mn2+ and Co2+ ions in decarboxylation reactions. Activation energies of the decarboxylation reactions using different metal ions were calculated and correlated with increases in the calorific values. Catalytic effect of different metal ions were also related to their d-electron configurations of the ions