12 research outputs found


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    Diary Studies in Organizational Research: An Introduction and Some Practical Recommendations

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    In recent years, researchers in work and organizational psychology have increasingly become interested in short-term processes and everyday experiences of working individuals. Diaries provide the necessary means to examine these processes. Although diary studies have become more popular in recent years, researchers not familiar with this method still find it difficult to get access to the required knowledge. In this paper, we provide an introduction to this method of data collection. Using two diary study examples, we discuss methodological issues researchers face when planning a diary study, examine recent methodological developments, and give practical recommendations. Topics covered include different types of diary studies, the research questions to be examined, compliance and the issue of missing data, sample size, and issues of analyses

    Otfrids Verkündigung

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    In Otfrid of Weissenburg’s Evangelienbuch we can find an underlying concept of fluid transformation of different media. The scene of the annunciation to Mary, told in the chapter Missus est Gabrihel angelus, serves as a starting point for an interpretation focused on salvation history. The angel’s message, the diuri árunti, which leaves the divine sphere in order to enter the human world, always refers to the textual representations of the relevant salvatory events. Both Mary and the recipient of the Evangelienbuch experience consent to the angel’s message and its orientation towards resurrection through their bodies. The way to salvation lies within the passio. Otfrid expresses the hermeneutic procedure through an imagery of physical activities such as drinking refreshing water or tasty wine, as is seen in his account of the marriage of Cana. In terms of the memorial action instructed by the text, the wine symbolizes the blood of Christ collected at the holy cross. Otfrid’s Gospel Book therefore can rather be seen as an oscillating fluidum than an elaborate textus. The imagery of textus refers to the Christian community, as whose humble member Otfrid regards himself

    6. Bibliographie

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