5,235 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of pullout behavior of embedded suction anchors in clay

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    As the offshore wind power tends to locate farther from the coast for efficient generation of electricity,\ud the interest of foundation systems of which construction sequence is economical and convenient under deep water\ud circumstance is increasing. Mooring anchor system has been utilized as one of the most popular ways for anchoring of\ud vessels or floating structures, and various types of anchor and mooring system have been investigated for large\ud structures under diverse loading condition. In this paper, the pullout behavior of the modified embedded suction anchor\ud (ESA) is studied using numerical analysis. The behavior of the embedded suction anchor is simulated using finite\ud element method, and Adaptive Meshing (AM) technique approach incorporated in Abaqus/Explicit is applied to\ud simulate the large deformation of soil caused by continuous pullout of anchor. The three dimensional modeling is\ud performed to duplicate the round body shape with flanges of the embedded suction anchor. The anchor is assumed as\ud rigid body and clay is considered as a linear elastic-perfectly plastic soil model with a Tresca yield criterion. The\ud pullout capacities after different initial rotations show similar results with the maximum horizontal pullout capacity and\ud the load inclination of 30?? or 40?? at the bottom point of the ESA has an advantage in that reduced pullout load can rotate\ud the ESA

    Azimuthal distributions of radial momentum and velocity in relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    Azimuthal distributions of radial (transverse) momentum, mean radial momentum, and mean radial velocity of final state particles are suggested for relativistic heavy ion collisions. Using transport model AMPT with string melting, these distributions for Au + Au collisions at 200 GeV are presented and studied. It is demonstrated that the distribution of total radial momentum is more sensitive to the anisotropic expansion, as the anisotropies of final state particles and their associated transverse momentums are both counted in the measure. The mean radial velocity distribution is compared with the radial {\deg}ow velocity. The thermal motion contributes an isotropic constant to mean radial velocity

    Josephson effects in MgB2 meta masked ion damage junctions

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    Ion beam damage combined with nanoscale focused ion beam direct milling was used to create manufacturable SNS type Josephson junctions in 100 nm thick MgB2_{2} with TC_{C} of 38 K. The junctions show non-hysteretic current - voltage characteristics between 36 and 4.2 K. Experimental evidence for the dc and ac Josephson effects in MgB2_{2} metal masked ion damage junctions are presented. This technique is particularly useful for prototyping devices due to its simplicity and flexibility of fabrication and has a great potential for high-density integration.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, RevTeX4, submitted to AP

    Genetic diversity and differentiation among Korean-Holstein, Hanwoo, and Uganda-Holstein breeds

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    The aim of this research was to assess genetic diversity of Korean-Holstein, Korean Hanwoo, and Ugandan-Holstein dairy cattle. DNA was extracted from either blood or hair of Korean-Holstein (n=74), Korean-Hanwoo (n=75) and Ugandan-Holstein (N=77) using AccuPrep® PCR purification kit. The DNA samples were amplified by multiplex polymerase chain reaction, using GeneTrackTM Hanwoo genotyping kit and assayed using ABI genetic analyser 3130XL. Number of alleles, expected heterozygosity (He), observed heterozygosity (Ho), and the polymorphism information content (PIC) were estimated from 10 microsatellite loci in the three breeds. In addition, F-statistics for each of the 10 microsatellites in the three cattle breeds were estimated using fstat version computer program. GENETIX (v.4.02) was used to perform factorial correspondence analysis (FCA) from the allele frequencies and multi-locus clustering was done using STRUCTURE analyses. A total of 124 alleles were detected. The number of alleles per locus varied from eight (TGLA126) to 22 (TGLA122), with an overall mean of 12.2. Expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.617 (SPS115) to 0.854 (TGLA53) and averaged 0.761. Observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.6 (SPS115) to 0.859 (TGLA53); and averaged 0.761. The mean PIC was 0.723; and means of the F-statistics FIT, FST and FIS were 0.077, 0.076 and 0.001 respectively. Although FCA revealed clear differentiation of Uganda-Holstein, Korean-Holstein, and Hanwoo, clustering assignments showed genetic admixture between Ugandan dairy cattle (Uganda-Holstein) and Hanwoo. In conclusion, the allelic variation present at the 10 loci was sufficient to categorize these cattle into distinct breed groups. Keywords: dairy cattle, genetic differentiation, F-statistics, heterozygosity, microsatellit

    Air-spun PLA nanofibers modified with reductively-sheddable hydrophilic surfaces for vascular tissue engineering : synthesis and surface modification

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    Polylactide (PLA) is a class of promising biomaterials that hold great promise for various biological and biomedical applications, particularly in the field of vascular tissue engineering where it can be used as a fibrous mesh to coat the inside of vascular prostheses. However, its hydrophobic surface providing nonspecific interactions and its limited ability to further modifications are challenges that need to be overcome. Here, the development of new air-spun PLA nanofibers modified with hydrophilic surfaces exhibiting reduction response is reported. Surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization allows for grafting pendant oligo(ethylene oxide)-containing polymethacrylate (POEOMA) from PLA air-spun fibers labeled with disulfide linkages. The resulting PLA-ss-POEOMA fibers exhibit enhanced thermal stability and improved surface properties, as well as thiol-responsive shedding of hydrophilic POEOMA by the cleavage of its disulfide linkages in response to reductive reactions, thus tuning the surface properties

    Traumatic Tricuspid Regurgitation Following Cardiac Massage

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    We report a 66-yr-old male patient who developed tricuspid regurgitation secondary to internal cardiac massage. After uneventful off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery, the subject experienced cardiac arrest in the intensive care unit. External cardiac massage was initiated and internal cardiac massage was performed eventually. A transesophageal echocardiography revealed avulsion of the anterior papillary muscle and chordae to the anterior leaflet after successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Emergency repair of the papillary muscle was performed under cardiopulmonary bypass

    Pharmacological and Nonpharmacological Treatments for Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

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    Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is one of the most prevalent chronic complications of diabetes. The lifetime prevalence of DPN is thought to be >50%, and 15%–25% of patients with diabetes experience neuropathic pain, referred to as “painful DPN.” Appropriate treatment of painful DPN is important because this pain contributes to a poor quality of life by causing sleep disturbance, anxiety, and depression. The basic principle for the management of painful DPN is to control hyperglycemia and other modifiable risk factors, but these may be insufficient for preventing or improving DPN. Because there is no promising diseasemodifying medication for DPN, the pain itself needs to be managed when treating painful DPN. Drugs for neuropathic pain, such as gabapentinoids, serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, alpha-lipoic acid, sodium channel blockers, and topical capsaicin, are used for the management of painful DPN. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved pregabalin, duloxetine, tapentadol, and the 8% capsaicin patch as drugs for the treatment of painful DPN. Recently, spinal cord stimulation using electrical stimulation is approved by the FDA for the treatment for painful DPN. This review describes the currently available pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments for painful DPN