4,278 research outputs found

    Social capital and collusion: the case of merchant guilds

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    Merchant guilds have been portrayed as ‘social networks’ that generated beneficial ‘social capital’ by sustaining shared norms, effectively transmitting information, and successfully undertaking collective action. This social capital, it is claimed, benefited society as a whole by enabling rulers to commit to providing a secure trading environment for alien merchants. But was this really the case? We develop a new model of the emergence, rise and eventual decline of European merchant guilds which explores the collusive relationship between rulers and guilds, and calls into question the prevailing positive view of merchant guilds. We then confront the model’s predictions with the available historical data. The empirical evidence strongly support our model and refutes existing theories. Our findings show that merchant guilds used their social capital for socially harmful as well as beneficial ends

    The effect of planetary migration on the corotation resonance

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    The migration of a planet through a gaseous disc causes the locations of their resonant interactions to drift and can alter the torques exerted between the planet and the disc. We analyse the time-dependent dynamics of a non-coorbital corotation resonance under these circumstances. The ratio of the resonant torque in a steady state to the value given by Goldreich & Tremaine (1979) depends essentially on two dimensionless quantities: a dimensionless turbulent diffusion time-scale and a dimensionless radial drift speed. When the drift speed is comparable to the libration speed and the viscosity is small, the torque can become much larger than the unsaturated value in the absence of migration, but is still proportional to the large-scale vortensity gradient in the disc. Fluid that is trapped in the resonance and drifts with it acquires a vortensity anomaly relative to its surroundings. If the anomaly is limited by viscous diffusion in a steady state, the resulting torque is inversely proportional to the viscosity, although a long time may be required to achieve this state. A further, viscosity-independent, contribution to the torque comes from fluid that streams through the resonant region. In other cases, torque oscillations occur before the steady value is achieved. We discuss the significance of these results for the evolution of eccentricity in protoplanetary systems. We also describe the possible application of these findings to the coorbital region and the concept of runaway (or type III) migration. [Abridged]Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, to be published in MNRA

    The evolution of a warped disc around a Kerr black hole

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    We consider the evolution of a warped disc around a Kerr black hole, under conditions such that the warp propagates in a wavelike manner. This occurs when the dimensionless effective viscosity, alpha, that damps the warp is less than the characteristic angular semi-thickness, H/R, of the disc. We adopt linearized equations that are valid for warps of sufficiently small amplitude in a Newtonian disc, but also account for the apsidal and nodal precession that occur in the Kerr metric. Through analytical and time-dependent studies, we confirm the results of Demianski & Ivanov, and of Ivanov & Illarionov, that such a disc takes on a characteristic warped shape. The inner part of the disc is not necessarily aligned with the equator of the hole, even in the presence of dissipation. We draw attention to the fact that this might have important implications for the directionality of jets emanating from discs around rotating black holes.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, to be published in MNRA

    Perceived characteristics of the environment associated with active travel: development and testing of a new scale

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    Background Environmental characteristics may be associated with patterns of physical activity. However, the development of instruments to measure perceived characteristics of the local environment is still at a comparatively early stage, and published instruments are not necessarily suitable for application in all settings. We therefore developed and established the test-retest reliability of a new scale for use in a study of the correlates of active travel and overall physical activity in deprived urban neighbourhoods in Glasgow, Scotland. Methods We developed and piloted a 14-item scale based on seven constructs identified from the literature (aesthetics, green space, access to amenities, convenience of routes, traffic, road safety and personal safety). We administered the scale to all participants in a random postal survey (n = 1322) and readministered the scale to a subset of original respondents (n = 125) six months later. We used principal components analysis and Varimax rotation to identify three principal components (factors) and derived summary scores for subscales based on these factors. We examined the internal consistency of these subscales using Cronbach's alpha and examined the test-retest reliability of the individual items, the subscale summary scores and an overall summary neighbourhood score using a combination of correlation coefficients and Cohen's kappa with and without weighting. Results Public transport and proximity to shops were the items most likely to be rated positively, whereas traffic volume, traffic noise and road safety for cyclists were most likely to be rated negatively. Three principal components – 'safe and pleasant surroundings', 'low traffic' and 'convenience for walking' – together explained 45% of the total variance. The test-retest reliability of individual items was comparable with that of items in other published scales (intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) 0.34–0.70; weighted Cohen's kappa 0.24–0.59). The overall summary neighbourhood score had acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha 0.72) and test-retest reliability (ICC 0.73). Conclusion This new scale contributes to the development of a growing set of tools for investigating the role of perceived environmental characteristics in explaining or mediating patterns of active travel and physical activity

    Evaluating health effects of transport interventions: methodologic case study

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    Background: There is little evidence about the effects of environmental interventions on population levels of physical activity. Major transport projects may promote or discourage physical activity in the form of walking and cycling, but researching the health effects of such “natural experiments” in transport policy or infrastructure is challenging. Methods: Case study of attempts in 2004–2005 to evaluate the effects of two major transport projects in Scotland: an urban congestion charging scheme in Edinburgh, and a new urban motorway (freeway) in Glasgow. Results: These interventions are typical of many major transport projects. They are unique to their context. They cannot easily be separated from the other components of the wider policies within which they occur. When, where, and how they are implemented are political decisions over which researchers have no control. Baseline data collection required for longitudinal studies may need to be planned before the intervention is certain to take place. There is no simple way of defining a population or area exposed to the intervention or of defining control groups. Changes in quantitative measures of health-related behavior may be difficult to detect. Conclusions: Major transport projects have clear potential to influence population health, but it is difficult to define the interventions, categorize exposure, or measure outcomes in ways that are likely to be seen as credible in the field of public health intervention research. A final study design is proposed in which multiple methods and spatial levels of analysis are combined in a longitudinal quasi-experimental study

    Magnetorotational-type instability in Couette-Taylor flow of a viscoelastic polymer liquid

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    We describe an instability of viscoelastic Couette-Taylor flow that is directly analogous to the magnetorotational instability (MRI) in astrophysical magnetohydrodynamics, with polymer molecules playing the role of magnetic field lines. By determining the conditions required for the onset of instability and the properties of the preferred modes, we distinguish it from the centrifugal and elastic instabilities studied previously. Experimental demonstration and investigation should be much easier for the viscoelastic instability than for the MRI in a liquid metal. The analogy holds with the case of a predominantly toroidal magnetic field such as is expected in an accretion disk and it may be possible to access a turbulent regime in which many modes are unstable.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Physical Review Letter

    Development of a scanning electron mirror microscope

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    Scanning electron mirrors microscope design and developmen