49 research outputs found

    Noncovalent Modification Strategy with Achiral Phosphoric Acid Diesters for Designing a Chiral Brønsted Base Organocatalyst

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    A strategy for designing chiral Brønsted base organocatalysts through noncovalent modification of a chiral dibasic molecule with an achiral phosphoric acid diester is introduced for the first time. Such a molecular modification concept utilizing acid-base interactions may facilitate the on-demand design of asymmetric organocatalysts, as preliminarily demonstrated in this work

    Post‐transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorders After Liver Transplantation: A Retrospective Cohort Study Including 1954 Transplants

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    Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLDs) are life-threatening neoplasms after organ transplantation. Because of their rarity and multiple grades of malignancy, the incidence, outcomes, and clinicopathological features affecting patient survival after liver transplantation (LT) remain unclear. We reviewed 1954 LTs in 1849 recipients (1990-2020), including 886 pediatric (<18 years of age) and 963 adult recipients. The following clinicopathological factors were studied: age, sex, liver etiologies, malignancy grades, Epstein-Barr virus status, performance status (PS), Ann Arbor stage, international prognostic index, and histopathological diagnosis. Of 1849 recipients, 79 PTLD lesions (4.3%) were identified in 70 patients (3.8%). After excluding 3 autopsy cases incidentally found, 67 (45 pediatric [5.1%] and 22 adult [2.3%]) patients were finally enrolled. Comorbid PTLDs significantly worsened recipient survival compared with non-complicated cases (P < 0.001). The 3-year, 5-year, and 10-year overall survival rates after PTLD diagnosis were 74%, 66%, and 58%, respectively. The incidence of PTLDs after LT (LT-PTLDs) was significantly higher (P < 0.001) with earlier onset (P = 0.002) in children, whereas patient survival was significantly worse in adults (P = 0.002). Univariate and multivariate analyses identified the following 3 prognostic factors: age at PTLD diagnosis ≥18 years (hazard ratio [HR], 11.2; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.63-47.4; P = 0.001), PS ≥2 at diagnosis (HR, 6.77; 95% CI, 1.56-29.3; P = 0.01), and monomorphic type (HR, 6.78; 95% CI, 1.40-32.9; P = 0.02). A prognostic index, the “LT-PTLD score, ” that consists of these 3 factors effectively stratified patient survival and progression-free survival (P = 0.003 and <0.001, respectively). In conclusion, comorbid PTLDs significantly worsened patient survival after LT. Age ≥18 years and PS ≥2 at PTLD diagnosis, and monomorphic type are independent prognostic factors, and the LT-PTLD score that consists of these 3 factors may distinguish high-risk cases and guide adequate interventions

    ワガクニ ト オウベイ ノ ホウキ ト ガッカイショキテイ ニ ミル ドウブツフクシ ヘノ ハイリョ

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    欧米および我が国における諸学会の動物福祉関連倫理規定の導入状況と特徴を調査するとともに,日英の関連法規を比較した。我が国の動物県連法規が努力目標をかかげているだけなのに対し,英国の法規では,しばしば数値基準が導入されており,免許・資格・登録制度や査察制度が充実していて,実効的であった。英国の条文がしばしば動物は守られるべきというように動物を主語に書かれているのに対し,我が国の条文では人は何をすべきといった書き方が中心であった。投稿規定に動物の取扱いに関する倫理規定を有する学会の割合は,欧米諸国で52%であるのに対し我が国では36%と低く,とりわけ野生動物関連学会における整備が遅れていた。我が国でも2000年代からは倫理的記載を導入する学会が増加しており,規定の方向性については欧米と大差なかったが,後者においては内容がずっと具体的かつ詳細であった。This study aims at clarifying the characteristics and nature of animal welfare-related ethical codes of academic societies in Europe and the U.S. and Japan. Related laws of U.K. and Japan were also compared. Many animal-related laws in U.K. indicated numerical standards for animal welfare, but those of Japan mentioned only non-binding targets. While legal regulations in Japan mostly mentioned non-binding targets, those in U.K. were more numerical and concrete, including licensing, qualification, registration and inspection systems. The subjects of law sentences in U.K. were mainly animals (e.g. animals be protected. . . .), while those of Japan\u27s mainly mentioned observance items for humans (e.g. a person should do. . . .). The ratio of academic societies that had ethical codes in contribution rules of their journals were 52% in Europe and the U.S., and 36% in Japan. The ratio of wildlife-related societies was 26%, being lowest in Japan. In Japan introduction of ethical codes started to increase after 2003. But societies in Europe and the U.S. had more rich and detailed contents

    Neural basis of stimulus-angle-dependent motor control of wind-elicited walking behavior in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus.

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    Crickets exhibit oriented walking behavior in response to air-current stimuli. Because crickets move in the opposite direction from the stimulus source, this behavior is considered to represent 'escape behavior' from an approaching predator. However, details of the stimulus-angle-dependent control of locomotion during the immediate phase, and the neural basis underlying the directional motor control of this behavior remain unclear. In this study, we used a spherical-treadmill system to measure locomotory parameters including trajectory, turn angle and velocity during the immediate phase of responses to air-puff stimuli applied from various angles. Both walking direction and turn angle were correlated with stimulus angle, but their relationships followed different rules. A shorter stimulus also induced directionally-controlled walking, but reduced the yaw rotation in stimulus-angle-dependent turning. These results suggest that neural control of the turn angle requires different sensory information than that required for oriented walking. Hemi-severance of the ventral nerve cords containing descending axons from the cephalic to the prothoracic ganglion abolished stimulus-angle-dependent control, indicating that this control required descending signals from the brain. Furthermore, we selectively ablated identified ascending giant interneurons (GIs) in vivo to examine their functional roles in wind-elicited walking. Ablation of GI8-1 diminished control of the turn angle and decreased walking distance in the initial response. Meanwhile, GI9-1b ablation had no discernible effect on stimulus-angle-dependent control or walking distance, but delayed the reaction time. These results suggest that the ascending signals conveyed by GI8-1 are required for turn-angle control and maintenance of walking behavior, and that GI9-1b is responsible for rapid initiation of walking. It is possible that individual types of GIs separately supply the sensory signals required to control wind-elicited walking

    Effects of single-GI ablation on stimulus-angle dependencies of walking direction and turn angle.

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    <p>Left drawings show morphology of GI8-1 (upper) and GI9-1b within TAG. A, Plots of walking direction (A1) and turn angle (A2) against stimulus angle in GI8-1-ablated crickets. Red dots and lines represent ablated sample (N = 6) and gray ones represent controls (N = 8). The approximate lines are given by (ablated) and (control). Distributions of the turn angles in A2 were given by (ablated) and (control). Ablation of GI8-1 had no effect on stimulus-angle dependency of walking direction, but did affect turn angle. Plots of walking direction (B1) and turn angle (B2) against stimulus angle in GI9-1b-ablated crickets. Blue dots and lines represent ablated sample (N = 3) and gray ones represent controls. The approximate lines were given by (ablated) and (control). Distributions of the turn angles were approximated by (ablated) and (control). The stimulus-angle dependencies of walking direction and turn angle were not significantly affected by GI9-1b ablation.</p

    Effects of nerve-cord ablation on walking distance and response latency.

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    <p>Columns and error bars indicate mean ± S.E.M. of all data for each experimental condition. A, Walking distance in animals with various patterns of nerve-cord ablation. Bilateral ablation (ambi-cut) of connective nerve cord between SOG and PTG reduced walking distance. B, Response latency in animals with various patterns of nerve-cord ablation. Fourth AG and TAG hemi-cut had no effects, while hemi- and ambi-cut of the nerve cord at SOG-PTG reduced response latency.</p