11 research outputs found

    Diospyros L. (Ebenaceae Guerke) genus in Ukraine: introduction, perspectives of cultivation

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    Basing of literary sources the questions of ecological and geografical origin, introduction and perspectives of cultivation of Diospyros L. species – Diospyros kaki L., D. lotus L., D. virginian – in Ukraine are described. The biomorfological characteristics of species under consideration, its peculiarities of propagation and growing have been presented

    Polyneuropathy: clinical polymorphism and the algorithms of diagnostics

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    The information about epidemiology and clinical polymorphism of neuropathies is summarized on the base of Russian and foreign literature. The algorithm of clinical observation in patients with polyneuropathy is presented

    Osteogenic Potential Reduction in Mesenchymal Stem Cells under Prolonged Simulated Microgravity

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    Increasing the duration of orbital space flights up to 6–12 months and planning interplanetary missions actualizes the need for a better understanding of the mechanisms of osteopenia caused by microgravity. Investigation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that support the tissue homeostasis under microgravity conditions allows a deeper insight into the processes underlying bone loss. The purpose of this study was to investigate the osteogenic potential of MSCs under prolonged simulated microgravity by clinorotation. Using the method of mineralized matrix detection, it has been found that MSCs osteogenic potential decreased after long-term clinorotation. The investigation of major osteogenic gene expression has showed decreased trans­criptional activity in RUNX2, ALPL-1, Col-1, but increased expression of PPARγ. One of the reasons for the decreased osteogenic potential of MSCs may be an increased level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) after 30 days of clinorotation. ROS may affect cellular signaling cascades, such as Wnt, Hedgehog and FOXO pathways, thereby leading to a shift of the differentiation potential to adipogenesis

    Cloud computing for integrated information-analytical system of educational resources

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    Considering the problems of the dissemination of innovative approaches to the use of information and communication technologies, it is hardly possible to ignore the phenomenon of the high-tech educational environment, which is formed both within the educational institution, the region, the education system of individual countries, and globally. In this regard, it is important to identify trends in the development of information and analytical systems of higher education in the context of the emergence of innovative information and communication platforms, in particular, based on cloud computing. The purpose of the present article is to analyze the possibilities of using cloud computing for integrated information and analytical system of educational resources. The article substantiates the relevance of the use of cloud computing in education, as well as considers the features of cloud-oriented educational environment. Based on an expert survey, the level of application of cloud technologies in the implementation of the educational process, the possible structure of a cloud-oriented integrated automated system (IAS) of the university, and the necessary electronic resources for educational purposes as part of an integrated IAS, are determined. © BEIESP

    Protective effect of dinitrosyl iron complexes with glutathione in red blood cell lysis induced by hypochlorous acid

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    Hypochlorous acid (HOCl), one of the major precursors of free radicals in body cells and tissues, is endowed with strong prooxidant activity. In living systems, dinitrosyl iron complexes (DNIC) with glutathione ligands play the role of nitric oxide donors and possess a broad range of biological activities. At micromolar concentrations, DNIC effectively inhibit HOCl-induced lysis of red blood cells (RBCs) and manifest an ability to scavenge alkoxyl and alkylperoxyl radicals generated in the reaction of HOCl with tert-butyl hydroperoxide. DNIC proved to be more effective cytoprotective agents and organic free radical scavengers in comparison with reduced glutathione (GSH). At the same time, the kinetics of HOCl-induced oxidation of glutathione ligands in DNIC is slower than in the case of GSH. HOCl-induced oxidative conversions of thiolate ligands cause modification of DNIC, which manifests itself in inclusion of other ligands. It is suggested that the strong inhibiting effect of DNIC with glutathione on HOCl-induced lysis of RBCs is determined by their antioxidant and regulatory properties

    Generation of two iPSC lines from patient with Mucopolysaccharidosis IV B type and autosomal recessive non-syndromic hearing loss 12

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    We generated two human induced pluripotency stem cell (hiPSC) lines, RCMGi011-A and 11-B, from skin fibroblast from patient with Mucopolysaccharidosis IV B type and autosomal recessive non-syndromic hearing loss 12 using non-integrating, viral CytoTune™-iPS 2.0 Sendai Reprogramming Kit. We verified variant c.808 T > G and insertion in GLB1 gene, as well as two mutations, c.6992 T > C and c.805C > T, in CDH23 gene which lead to autosomal recessive hearing loss type 12. We have demonstrated normal karyotype of hiPSCs and capacity for cell differentiation into three germ layers

    Neutrophil Activation by Mineral Microparticles Coated with Methylglyoxal-Glycated Albumin

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    Hyperglycemia-induced protein glycation and formation of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) plays an important role in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications and pathological biomineralization. Receptors for AGEs (RAGEs) mediate the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) via activation of NADPH-oxidase. It is conceivable that binding of glycated proteins with biomineral particles composed mainly of calcium carbonate and/or phosphate enhances their neutrophil-activating capacity and hence their proinflammatory properties. Our research managed to confirm this hypothesis. Human serum albumin (HSA) was glycated with methylglyoxal (MG), and HSA-MG was adsorbed onto mineral microparticles composed of calcium carbonate nanocrystals (vaterite polymorph, CC) or hydroxyapatite nanowires (CP). As scopoletin fluorescence has shown, H2O2 generation by neutrophils stimulated with HSA-MG was inhibited with diphenyleneiodonium chloride, wortmannin, genistein and EDTA, indicating a key role for NADPH-oxidase, protein tyrosine kinase, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and divalent ions (presumably Ca2+) in HSA-MG-induced neutrophil respiratory burst. Superoxide anion generation assessed by lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence (Luc-CL) was significantly enhanced by free HSA-MG and by both CC-HSA-MG and CP-HSA-MG microparticles. Comparing the concentrations of CC-bound and free HSA-MG, one could see that adsorption enhanced the neutrophil-activating capacity of HSA-MG


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    Aim: To develop evidence-based recommendations for primary care physicians and general practitioners (GP) on choosing the proper management tactics and making valuable & quick diagnostic decisions at outpatient phase for patients with symptoms of dyspepsia, and also reveal possible oncology on time. Summary of recommendations: Approximately 40% of the patients in Russia presenting to primary care with symptoms of dyspepsia. A doctor has to focus on the warning signs, which may require an urgent additional examination & the consultation with a surgeon/onco-surgeon or other specialists if required. With regard to a risk of cancer, a doctor should be more cautious in patients over 45 years of age. Early diagnosis of oncology depends mainly on cautiousness of GP, primary care physicians and their knowledge, future tactics with regard to the patients. From the mandatory diagnostic tests during the first visit, esophagogastroduodenoscopy and H. pylori diagnostics helps to exclude any organic esophagus and stomach pathology, possible oncology. While waiting for endoscopy results, a physician should use the preliminary diagnoses “Uninvestigated Dyspepsia” (ICD-10 К 31.9) (disease of stomach and duodenum, unspecified). After exclusion of all warning signs, therapy of dyspepsia should be in accordance to the order of the Ministry of Health No 248 which gives an option to use proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole or rabeprazole 20 mg daily) in combination with prokinetic (domperidone 30 mg daily). Fixed drug combination of omeprazole 20 mg and modified-release domperidone 30 mg/daily (Omez® DSR) is medically reasonable. Conclusion: The introduction of this recommendation into clinical practice will help clinicians to prevent diagnostic mistakes, unreasonable use of expensive diagnostic examinations and inappropriate treatment leads to improvement in the overall prognosis and quality of life for the patients.Цель. Представить рекомендации диагностики и лечения пациентов с симптомами диспепсии на этапе амбулаторно-поликлинической помощи, обобщающие зарубежный и отечественный опыт ведения данной категории больных. Основная цель рекомендаций - помочь терапевту и врачу общей практики (ВОП) на амбулаторном этапе принять правильное решение о тактике ведения больного, и в максимально короткий срок поставить правильный диагноз, а также вовремя выявить у пациента наличие онкологической патологии. Основные положения. Около 40% обращений пациентов на амбулаторно-поликлиническом приеме в России связано с симптомами диспепсии. Врач, в первую очередь, должен исключить наличие «тревожных признаков», которые требуют незамедлительного дополнительного обследования пациента, привлечения хирурга и/или других специалистов и госпитализации больного. Доктор должен иметь онкологическую настороженность, особенно, при обращении пациентов в возрасте 45 лет и старше, так как ранняя диагностика злокачественных новообразований (ЗНО) зависит главным образом от онкологической настороженности терапевтов, врачей общей практики и их знаний, дальнейшей тактики в отношении больного. Эзофагогастродуоденоскопия и тесты на H. pylori являются обязательными методами исследования на этапе диагностического поиска и позволяют исключить органические заболевания пищевода и желудка, наличие онкологии. До получения результатов эндоскопического исследования следует выставлять предварительный диагноз «Диспепсия Неуточненная» и шифровать под рубрикой МКБ-10 К 31.9 (болезнь желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки неуточненная). После исключения «тревожных признаков» терапия диспепсии проводится согласно Приказу МЗ РФ № 248 и включает назначение ингибиторов протонной помпы (омепразол или рабепразол 20 мг/сут) в комбинации с прокинетиком (домперидон 30 мг/сут). Оправдано применение фиксированной комбинации омепразола 20 мг с домперидоном модифицированного высвобождения 30 мг/сут (Омез® ДСР). Заключение. Внедрение рекомендаций в клиническую практику поможет врачу избежать ошибок при постановке диагноза, применения необоснованных и нередко дорогостоящих методов обследования, нерационального лечения, что позволит улучшить прогноз и качество жизни пациентов


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    Aim: To develop evidence-based recommendations for primary care physicians and general practitioners (GP) on choosing the proper management tactics and making valuable & quick diagnostic decisions at outpatient phase for patients with symptoms of dyspepsia, and also reveal possible oncology on time. Summary of recommendations: Approximately 40% of the patients in Russia presenting to primary care with symptoms of dyspepsia. A doctor has to focus on the warning signs, which may require an urgent additional examination & the consultation with a surgeon/onco-surgeon or other specialists if required. With regard to a risk of cancer, a doctor should be more cautious in patients over 45 years of age. Early diagnosis of oncology depends mainly on cautiousness of GP, primary care physicians and their knowledge, future tactics with regard to the patients. From the mandatory diagnostic tests during the first visit, esophagogastroduodenoscopy and H. pylori diagnostics helps to exclude any organic esophagus and stomach pathology, possible oncology. While waiting for endoscopy results, a physician should use the preliminary diagnoses “Uninvestigated Dyspepsia” (ICD-10 К 31.9) (disease of stomach and duodenum, unspecified). After exclusion of all warning signs, therapy of dyspepsia should be in accordance to the order of the Ministry of Health No 248 which gives an option to use proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole or rabeprazole 20 mg daily) in combination with prokinetic (domperidone 30 mg daily). Fixed drug combination of omeprazole 20 mg and modified-release domperidone 30 mg/daily (Omez® DSR) is medically reasonable. Conclusion: The introduction of this recommendation into clinical practice will help clinicians to prevent diagnostic mistakes, unreasonable use of expensive diagnostic examinations and inappropriate treatment leads to improvement in the overall prognosis and quality of life for the patients.Цель. Представить рекомендации диагностики и лечения пациентов с симптомами диспепсии на этапе амбулаторно-поликлинической помощи, обобщающие зарубежный и отечественный опыт ведения данной категории больных. Основная цель рекомендаций - помочь терапевту и врачу общей практики (ВОП) на амбулаторном этапе принять правильное решение о тактике ведения больного, и в максимально короткий срок поставить правильный диагноз, а также вовремя выявить у пациента наличие онкологической патологии. Основные положения. Около 40% обращений пациентов на амбулаторно-поликлиническом приеме в России связано с симптомами диспепсии. Врач, в первую очередь, должен исключить наличие «тревожных признаков», которые требуют незамедлительного дополнительного обследования пациента, привлечения хирурга и/или других специалистов и госпитализации больного. Доктор должен иметь онкологическую настороженность, особенно, при обращении пациентов в возрасте 45 лет и старше, так как ранняя диагностика злокачественных новообразований (ЗНО) зависит главным образом от онкологической настороженности терапевтов, врачей общей практики и их знаний, дальнейшей тактики в отношении больного. Эзофагогастродуоденоскопия и тесты на H. pylori являются обязательными методами исследования на этапе диагностического поиска и позволяют исключить органические заболевания пищевода и желудка, наличие онкологии. До получения результатов эндоскопического исследования следует выставлять предварительный диагноз «Диспепсия Неуточненная» и шифровать под рубрикой МКБ-10 К 31.9 (болезнь желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки неуточненная). После исключения «тревожных признаков» терапия диспепсии проводится согласно Приказу МЗ РФ № 248 и включает назначение ингибиторов протонной помпы (омепразол или рабепразол 20 мг/сут) в комбинации с прокинетиком (домперидон 30 мг/сут). Оправдано применение фиксированной комбинации омепразола 20 мг с домперидоном модифицированного высвобождения 30 мг/сут (Омез® ДСР). Заключение. Внедрение рекомендаций в клиническую практику поможет врачу избежать ошибок при постановке диагноза, применения необоснованных и нередко дорогостоящих методов обследования, нерационального лечения, что позволит улучшить прогноз и качество жизни пациентов