6 research outputs found

    Second order linear differential equations with analytic uncertainties: stochastic analysis via the computation of the probability density function

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    [EN] This paper concerns the analysis of random second order linear differential equations. Usually, solving these equations consists of computing the first statistics of the response process, and that task has been an essential goal in the literature. A more ambitious objective is the computation of the solution probability density function. We present advances on these two aspects in the case of general random non-autonomous second order linear differential equations with analytic data processes. The Frobenius method is employed to obtain the stochastic solution in the form of a mean square convergent power series. We demonstrate that the convergence requires the boundedness of the random input coefficients. Further, the mean square error of the Frobenius method is proved to decrease exponentially with the number of terms in the series, although not uniformly in time. Regarding the probability density function of the solution at a given time, which is the focus of the paper, we rely on the law of total probability to express it in closed-form as an expectation. For the computation of this expectation, a sequence of approximating density functions is constructed by reducing the dimensionality of the problem using the truncated power series of the fundamental set. We prove several theoretical results regarding the pointwise convergence of the sequence of density functions and the convergence in total variation. The pointwise convergence turns out to be exponential under a Lipschitz hypothesis. As the density functions are expressed in terms of expectations, we propose a crude Monte Carlo sampling algorithm for their estimation. This algorithm is implemented and applied on several numerical examples designed to illustrate the theoretical findings of the paper. After that, the efficiency of the algorithm is improved by employing the control variates method. Numerical examples corroborate the variance reduction of the Monte Carlo approach. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work is supported by the Spanish "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad'' grant MTM2017-89664-P. Marc Jornet acknowledges the doctorate scholarship granted by PAID, Spain, as well as "Ayudas para movilidad de estudiantes de doctorado de la Universitat Politecnica de Valencia para estancias en 2019'', Spain, for financing his research stay at CMAP. Julia Calatayud acknowledges "Fundacio Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer'', "Institut d'Estudis Catalans'' and the award from "Borses Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer 2019'', Spain for funding her research stay at CMAP. All authors are also grateful to Inria (Centre de Saclay, DeFi Team), which hosted Marc Jornet and Julia Calatayud during their research stays at Ecole Polytechnique. The authors thank the reviewers for the valuable comments and suggestions, which have greatly enriched the quality of the paper.Jornet, M.; Calatayud, J.; Le Maître, O.; Cortés, J. (2020). Second order linear differential equations with analytic uncertainties: stochastic analysis via the computation of the probability density function. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 374:1-20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cam.2020.112770S120374Strand, J. . (1970). Random ordinary differential equations. Journal of Differential Equations, 7(3), 538-553. doi:10.1016/0022-0396(70)90100-2Villafuerte, L., Braumann, C. A., Cortés, J.-C., & Jódar, L. (2010). Random differential operational calculus: Theory and applications. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 59(1), 115-125. doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2009.08.061Liu, W. K., Belytschko, T., & Mani, A. (1986). Probabilistic finite elements for nonlinear structural dynamics. 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Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 12(3), 1123-1140. doi:10.1007/s00009-014-0452-8Cortés, J.-C., Jódar, L., Camacho, F., & Villafuerte, L. (2010). Random Airy type differential equations: Mean square exact and numerical solutions. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 60(5), 1237-1244. doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2010.05.046Calatayud, J., Cortés, J.-C., & Jornet, M. (2019). Improving the Approximation of the First- and Second-Order Statistics of the Response Stochastic Process to the Random Legendre Differential Equation. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 16(3). doi:10.1007/s00009-019-1338-6Calatayud, J., Cortés, J. C., & Jornet, M. (2018). Computational uncertainty quantification for random non-autonomous second order linear differential equations via adapted gPC: a comparative case study with random Fröbenius method and Monte Carlo simulation. Open Mathematics, 16(1), 1651-1666. doi:10.1515/math-2018-0134Khudair, A. R., Haddad, S. A. M., & Khalaf, S. L. (2016). 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    Efficient calculation of uncertainty quantification

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    We consider Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) by expanding the solution in so-called generalized Polynomial Chaos expansions. In these expansions the solution is decomposed into a series with orthogonal polynomials in which the parameter dependency becomes an argument of the orthogonal polynomial basis functions. The time and space dependency remains in the coefficients. In UQ two main approaches are in use: Stochastic Collocation (SC) and Stochastic Galerkin (SG). Practice shows that in many cases SC is more efficient for similar accuracy as obtained by SG. In SC the coefficients in the expansion are approximated by quadrature and thus lead to a large series of deterministic simulations for several parameters. We consider strategies to efficiently perform this sequence of deterministic simulations within SC

    Parameterized Model Order Reduction

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    This Chapter introduces parameterized, or parametric, Model Order Reduction (pMOR). The Sections are offered in a prefered order for reading, but can be read independently. Section 5.1, written by Jorge Fernández Villena, L. Miguel Silveira, Wil H.A. Schilders, Gabriela Ciuprina, Daniel Ioan and Sebastian Kula, overviews the basic principles for pMOR. Due to higher integration and increasing frequency-based effects, large, full Electromagnetic Models (EM) are needed for accurate prediction of the real behavior of integrated passives and interconnects. Furthermore, these structures are subject to parametric effects due to small variations of the geometric and physical properties of the inherent materials and manufacturing process. Accuracy requirements lead to huge models, which are expensive to simulate and this cost is increased when parameters and their effects are taken into account. This Section introduces the framework of pMOR, which aims at generating reduced models for systems depending on a set of parameters