12 research outputs found

    Technological parks as a mechanism for the implementation of innovation policy of the state

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    The article presents the concept of technopark, his primary purposes and tasks. The indicators of technopark’s activity in Ukraine are analyzed. Urgency of creation of technological parks for maintenance of a sustainable development of economy of Ukraine is proved. Key words: technological park, innovation activity, investments, investor, high technological production, export potential.У статті розглянуто поняття технопарку, його основні цілі та задачі. Проаналізовані показники діяльності технопарків в Україні. Обґрунтована актуальність створення технологічних парків для забезпечення стійкого розвитку економіки України. Ключові слова: технологічний парк, інноваційна діяльність, інвестиції, інвестор, високотехнологічна продукція, експортніи потенціал.В статье рассмотрено понятие технопарка, его основные цели и задачи. Проанализированы показатели деятельности технопарков в Украине. Обоснована актуальность создания технологических парков для обеспечения устойчивого развития экономики Украины. Ключевые слова: технологический парк, инновационная деятельность, инвестиции, инвестор, высокотехнологическая продукция, экспортный потенциал

    First observations of oblique ionospheric sounding chirp signal in Mexico

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    The results of the first experiment of oblique ionospheric sounding (OIS) chirp signal reception in Mexico are reported. Maximal and Lowest Observed Frequencies variations were studied under the quiet Space Weather conditions. The diurnal ionospheric variations by OIS signal confirm the results based on GNSS data in the Mexican region. The best HF radio propagation conditions along the considered path are during morning and daytime hours. The multi-hop propagation is frequent. The interlayer propagation modes are present at nighttime

    Ionosphere dynamics over Europe and western Asia during magnetospheric substorms 1998-99

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    The temporal and spatial behaviour of the ionospheric parameters foF2 and h'F during isolated substorms are examined using data from ionospheric stations distributed across Europe and western Asia. The main purpose is finding the forerunners of the substorm disturbances and a possible prediction of these disturbances. During the period from March 1998 to March 1999, 41 isolated substorms with intensities I = 60 - 400 nT were identified and studied. The study separated occasions when the local magnetometers were affected by the eastward electrojet (positive substorms) from those influenced by the westward electrojet (negative substorms). ne deviations of the ionospheric parameters from their monthly medians (DeltafoF2 and Deltah'F) have been used to determine the variations through the substorm. Substorm effects occurred simultaneously ( 6 h before substorm onset, To, reaching a maximum 2-3 h before T-o A second maximum occurs 1-2 h after the end of the substorm. The Deltah'F values 3-4 h before To have a small minimum but then increase to a maximum at To. There is a second maximum at the end of the expansion phase before deltah'F drops to a minimum 2-3 h after ending the expansion phase. For positive substorms, the timing of the first maximum of the deltafoF2 and deltah'F values depends on the substorm length - if it is longer, the position is closer to To. The effects on the ionosphere are significant: DeltafoF2 and Deltah'F reach 2-3 MHz (deltafoF2 = 50-70% from median value) and 50-70 km (8 h'F = 20-30% from median value), respectively. Regular patterns of occurrence ahead of the first substorm signature on the magnetometer offer an excellent possibility to improve short-term forecasting of radio wave propagation conditions

    Clinical significance of HIF-1α hypoxia adaptation marker in pregnant women with initial forms of venous disease

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    Aim: to study the activity of the HIF-1α (hypoxia-inducible factor-1α) hypoxia marker in pregnant women with phlebopathy and its relationship with placenta morphological changes and perinatal complications. Materials and Methods. 70 women with phlebopathy were dynamically examined during pregnancy. The main group consisted of 30 patients with newborns showing signs of hypoxia; the control group consisted of 40 women with healthy children. All women underwent ultrasound examinations of the lower extremity veins and pelvis by assessing vascular patency, state of venous valves, and intensity of platelet sludge. Expression of the HIF-1α transcription factor at gestational age of 18-20 and 36 weeks was performed by using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results. Altered functional state of the veins was found in all pregnant women from the main group, which was accompanied by formation of varying degree platelet sludge in the area of the venous valves in the majority of women, as well as signs of endothelial dysfunction and venous hypoxia highlighted with HIF1-α gene expression upregulated by 2.18-fold. No changes in such parameters were observed in control group. Conclusion. The transcription factor HIF1-α can be considered as a marker of unfavorable perinatal outcomes in pregnant women with signs of phlebopathy

    Expression of endothelium dysfunction markers in pregnant women with chronic vein disease

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    © 2020, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved. Introduction. Venous endothelial dysfunction is a key factor in venous insufficiency, which is especially important during pregnancy. Objective: to identify the relationship between the expression of markers of venous endothelial dysfunction and perinatal outcomes in women with chronic venous diseases (CVD). Materials and methods: in the dynamics of pregnancy, 70 women with erased form of CVD were examined. The main (I) group consisted of 30 patients whose newborns showed signs of hypoxia, and the control (II) group consisted of 40 women with healthy children. All patients underwent ultrasound examinations of the veins of the lower extremities and pelvis with an assessment of vascular patency, the condition of the vein valves, and the phenomenon of platelet sludge. The expression of the CUPRA 1, PPBP, and HIF1 genes at 18—20 and 36 weeks was performed using real-time PCR with commercial probes and primers (applied Biosystems) on a CFX96 amplifier (Bioradiation, USA). Results. A violation of the functional condition of the veins have all the pregnant women of the main group, which was accompanied by the formation of a sludge of platelets of various degrees in venous valves at the most, signs of endothelial dysfunction and venous hypoxia — slowing gene expression of hypoxia HIF1A was 1.4 fold increase in the expression of cell adhesion molecules ICAM-1 1.39 and protrombinovogo protein RRVR in 1.6 times — at all. The women in the control group did not have any abnormalities. Conclusion. The transcription factor HIF1, the cell adhesion molecule ICAM-1, and the prothrombocytic basic protein PPBP can be considered markers of adverse perinatal outcomes in pregnant women with signs of phlebopathy