212 research outputs found

    The Spin-Orbit Evolution of GJ 667C System: The Effect of Composition and Other Planet's Perturbations

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    Potentially habitable planets within the habitable zone of M-dwarfs are affected by tidal interaction. We studied the tidal evolution in GJ 667C using a numerical code we call TIDEV. We reviewed the problem of the dynamical evolution focusing on the effects that a rheological treatment, different compositions and the inclusion of orbital perturbations, have on the spin-down time and the probability to be trapped in a low spin-orbit resonance. Composition have a strong effect on the spin-down time, changing, in some cases, by almost a factor of 2 with respect to the value estimated for a reference Earth-like model. We calculated the time to reach a low resonance value (3:2) for the configuration of 6 planets. Capture probabilities are affected when assuming different compositions and eccentricities variations. We chose planets b and c to evaluate the probabilities of capture in resonances below 5:2 for two compositions: Earth-like and Waterworld planets. We found that perturbations, although having a secular effect on eccentricities, have a low impact on capture probabilities and noth- ing on spin-down times. The implications of the eccentricity variations and actual habitability of the GJ 667C system are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS - V

    Decoherence effects in quantum nondemolition measurement induced entanglement between Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We study the robustness of quantum nondemolition (QND) measurement-induced entanglement between Bose-Einstein Condensates (BECs). We consider an experimental scheme where two BECs are placed in the paths of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, and a QND interaction creates entanglement between coherent light and the atoms. We analyze the two dominant channels of decoherence, atomic dephasing and photon loss on the entangled states produced by this scheme. We calculate the effect of dephasing on the variance and expectation values of the spin operators, entanglement, and correlation criteria. Our analysis does not use the Holstein-Primakoff approximation and is capable of modeling long light-atom interaction times, producing non-Gaussian states beyond the two-mode squeezed states. In the presence of dephasing, the entangled states are robust in the macroscopic limit as long as the dimensionless interaction time is less than 1/N 1/\sqrt{N}, where N N is the number of atoms in the BEC. For photon loss, the entangled states generated by long interaction times show remarkable robustness that makes the scheme promising for various quantum information applications

    Repair Processes, between State Reparation and Community Recovery

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    RESUMEN: Este artículo analiza las experiencias en torno al daño y la reparación de la comunidad ubicada en la vereda Palmirita del municipio de Cocorná, oriente del departamento de Antioquia (del noroeste de Colombia), que padeció múltiples violencias de los grupos armados, guerrilla, paramili-tares y Ejército. Para el análisis se tuvo en cuenta tanto referentes teó-ricos y legales como a la comunidad. El análisis muestra que el proceso administrativo y jurídico denominado reparación integral, tal como se lleva a cabo, se contrapone en unas ocasiones y en otras se queda corto frente a la visión y expectativas de la comunidad sobre su proceso de reparación, la cual busca recuperar sus espacios relacionales y vitales perdidos por el desplazamiento y otros hechos victimizantes ocurridos en el marco del conflicto armado colombiano. Palabras Clave. Víctimas; Daño; Reparación; Recuperación ComunitariaBASTRACT: This article discusses the experiences around the damage and repair of the community located in the Palmirita village of the Municipality of Cocorná, in the eastern region of the State of Antioquia (northwest of Colombia), which suffered multiple violence by armed groups, guerrilla groups, paramilitary people, and the Army. For the analysis, both theo-retical and legal references and the community were taken into account. The analysis shows that the administrative and legal process called in-tegral repair, as it is carried out, is contrasted on some occasions and on some occasions falls short of the community’s vision and expectations of its repair process. It seeks to recover their relational and vital spaces lost by the displacement and other victimizing events, which occurred in the context of the Colombian armed conflict.Keywords: Victims; Damage; Repair; and Community Recover

    Causas de mortalidad bovina en una ganadería de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia

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    Se analizaron 541 casos de mortalidad bovina registrados en el Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias Carimagua, Colombia, entre enero de 1977 y diciembre de 1981. Se encontró que las causas más importantes de mortalidad fueron el enterramiento, la desnutrición y las fracturas óseas. La época de mayor mortalidad fue la sequía. Los planes de medicina preventiva, mejora de los pastos, la suplementación mineral y la supervisión clínica, redujeron los índices de mortalidad a niveles aceptables (2 por ciento) para este tipo de explotación ganadera. Se espera que con praderas de mejor calidad nutritiva, adecuación de bebederos naturales y mejor asistencia al recién nacido, se reduzca aún más la mortalidadGanado de leche-Ganadería lech

    Micro-CT and histological investigation of the spatial pattern of feto-placental vascular density

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    Introduction: There are considerable variations in villous morphology within a normal placenta. However, whether there is a reproducible spatial pattern of variation in villous vascular density is not known. Micro-CT provides three-dimensional volume imaging with spatial resolution down to the micrometer scale. In this study, we applied Micro-CT and histological analysis to investigate the degree of heterogeneity of vascularisation within the placenta. Method: Ten term placentas were collected at elective caesarean section, perfused with contrast agent and imaged whole with Micro-CT. Eight full depth tissue blocks were then taken from each placenta and imaged. Sections were taken for histological analysis. Data was analysed to investigate vascular fill, and vascular density in relation to location from cord insertion to placental edge at each scale. Results: Whole placental imaging revealed no spatially consistent difference in villous vessel density within the main placental tissue, although there was a great degree of heterogeneity. Both block imaging and histological analysis found a large degree of heterogeneity of vascular density within placentas, but no strong correlation between villous vascular density and block location (rs = 0.066, p = 0.7 block imaging, rs = 0.06, p = 0.6 histological analysis). Discussion: This work presents a novel method for imaging the human placenta vascular tree using multiscale Micro-CT imaging. It demonstrates that there is a large degree of variation in vascular density throughout normal term human placentas. The three-dimensional data created by this technique could be used, with more advanced computer analysis, to further investigate the structure of the vascular tree


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    Este proyecto formativo se centró en la elaboración de un “Cupcake integral”, para el desarrollo del sector panadero en el Valle de Aburra. Se aplicó una primera encuesta diagnóstica para conocer la factibilidad de un producto saludable. Se realizaron tres ensayos, donde se elaboró un Cupcake sustituyendo parcialmente la harina de trigo por harina de arroz y Stevia como endulzante, estos ensayos permitieron la estandarización del producto y a cada uno de estos se le aplicó su respectiva encuesta, las cuales permitieron: recoger errores, buscar soluciones, y mejorar el producto y así obtener un producto de calidad acorde a las percepciones de los panelistas encuestados. Se logró elaborar la ficha técnica para un Cupcake integral con alto grado de aceptación en los consumidores potenciales y posibilidades de comercializar a un costo accesible