10,723 research outputs found

    Cross border Classical Swine Fever control: Improving Dutch and German crisis management systems by an integrated public-private approach

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    The objective of this research approach is to analyse in which ways crisis management measures against Classical Swine Fever (CSF) can be improved by a public private cross border model. A core activity contains the analysis of information and communication systems: In a case study it has been empirically analysed if a sufficient supply of public and private information enables crisis managers at both sides of the Dutch-German border area to take decisions about CSF control more efficient. At the end of this approach a new crisis management model had been developed. One of the most important aspects thereby is the assessment of data: (1) within private quality management systems in normal times according to the benefit for public management tasks in times of crisis and (2) within public crisis management systems according to the benefit for cross-border CSF-control activities. To this effect two different methodological approaches have been combined within the model: (1) a method to identify and illustrate public actors and their options in crisis management decision making and (2) a system of communication and information exchange between public and private as well as Dutch and German actors (engage& exchange model) which permit to collect and to evaluate data in addition for a predefined time period are activated

    Anti-de Sitter boundary in Poincare coordinates

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    We study the space-time boundary of a Poincare patch of Anti-de Sitter (AdS) space. We map the Poincare AdS boundary to the global coordinate chart and show why this boundary is not equivalent to the global AdS boundary. The Poincare AdS boundary is shown to contain points of the bulk of the entire AdS space. The Euclidean AdS space is also discussed. In this case one can define a semi-global chart that divides the AdS space in the same way as the corresponding Euclidean Poincare chart.Comment: In this revised version we add a discussion of the physical consequences of the choice of a coordinate system for AdS space. We changed figure 1 and added more references. Version to be published in Gen. Relat. Grav

    Variable Stars in the Unusual, Metal-Rich Globular Cluster NGC 6388

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    We have undertaken a search for variable stars in the metal-rich globular cluster NGC 6388 using time-series BV photometry. Twenty-eight new variables were found in this survey, increasing the total number of variables found near NGC 6388 to ~57. A significant number of the variables are RR Lyrae (~14), most of which are probable cluster members. The periods of the fundamental mode RR Lyrae are shown to be unusually long compared to metal-rich field stars. The existence of these long period RRab stars suggests that the horizontal branch of NGC 6388 is unusually bright. This implies that the metallicity-luminosity relationship for RR Lyrae stars is not universal if the RR Lyrae in NGC 6388 are indeed metal-rich. We consider the alternative possibility that the stars in NGC 6388 may span a range in [Fe/H]. Four candidate Population II Cepheids were also found. If they are members of the cluster, NGC 6388 would be the most metal-rich globular cluster to contain Population II Cepheids. The mean V magnitude of the RR Lyrae is found to be 16.85+/-0.05 resulting in a distance of 9.0 to 10.3 kpc, for a range of assumed values of for RR Lyrae. We determine the reddening of the cluster to be E(B-V)=0.40+/-0.03 mag, with differential reddening across the face of the cluster. We discuss the difficulty in determining the Oosterhoff classification of NGC 6388 and NGC 6441 due to the unusual nature of their RR Lyrae, and address evolutionary constraints on a recent suggestion that they are of Oosterhoff type II.Comment: 35 pages, 16 figures, emulateapj5/apjfonts style. Astronomical Journal, in press. We recommend the interested reader to download instead the preprint with full-resolution figures, which can be found at http://www.noao.edu/noao/staff/pritzl/clusters.htm

    Trapping in the random conductance model

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    We consider random walks on Zd\Z^d among nearest-neighbor random conductances which are i.i.d., positive, bounded uniformly from above but whose support extends all the way to zero. Our focus is on the detailed properties of the paths of the random walk conditioned to return back to the starting point at time 2n2n. We show that in the situations when the heat kernel exhibits subdiffusive decay --- which is known to occur in dimensions d≥4d\ge4 --- the walk gets trapped for a time of order nn in a small spatial region. This shows that the strategy used earlier to infer subdiffusive lower bounds on the heat kernel in specific examples is in fact dominant. In addition, we settle a conjecture concerning the worst possible subdiffusive decay in four dimensions.Comment: 21 pages, version to appear in J. Statist. Phy

    Variable stars in the Fornax dSph Galaxy. II. Pulsating stars below the horizontal branch

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    We have carried out an intensive survey of the northern region of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy with the aim of detecting the galaxy's short--period pulsating stars (P<0.25 days). Observations collected over three consecutive nights with the Wide Field Imager of the 2.2m MPI telescope at ESO allowed us to detect 85 high-amplitude (0.20-1.00 mag in B-light) variable stars with periods in the range from 0.046 to 0.126 days, similar to SX Phoenicis stars in Galactic metal-poor stellar populations. The plots of the observed periods vs. the B and V magnitudes show a dispersion largely exceeding the observational errors. To disentangle the matter, we separated the first-overtone from the fundamental-mode pulsators and tentatively identified a group of subluminous variables, about 0.35 mag fainter than the others. Their nature as either metal-poor intermediate-age stars or stars formed by the merging of close binary systems is discussed. The rich sample of the Fornax variables also led us to reconstruct the Period-Luminosity relation for short-period pulsating stars. An excellent linear fit, M(V)=-1.83(+/-0.08)-3.65(+/-0.07) log P(fund), was obtained using 153 Delta Scuti and SX Phoenicis stars in a number of different stellar systems.Comment: 11 pages plus 1 on-line figure and 1 on-line table; accepted for publication in ApJ. Part of this work has been the subject of the Laurea thesis of LDA. His supervisor and our colleague, Prof. Laura E. Pasinetti, suddendly passed away on September 13, 2006. Several astronomers have been trained under her tutelage and we gratefully honor her memor

    Four New Delta Scuti Pulsators from a Variability Survey of 131 Stars

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    In a photometric variability survey of 131 stars with B < 14 mag, we have found four new Delta Scuti stars. We were sensitive to oscillation amplitudes as low as a few mmag. The detection rate of short-period (P < 0.1 d) pulsating variable stars, which may be relevant for planned large variability surveys such as GAIA, POI, and even the LSST, was therefore 3%. All four new variable stars have low pulsation amplitude (tens of mmag), and one has a very short period (0.0198 d). This star is one of the fastest known Delta Scuti pulsators. The short period of this variable star makes it observationally tractable, and it may therefore be a particularly good candidate for asteroseismological studies. All four new variable stars will add to the cadre of low-amplitude and relatively short-period Delta Scuti stars that are potentially useful for learning about the structure of stars on or near the main sequence, slightly more massive than the Sun.Comment: To appear in the June 2002 issue of PASP, 9 pages, 6 figure

    Hierarchical model for the scale-dependent velocity of seismic waves

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    Elastic waves of short wavelength propagating through the upper layer of the Earth appear to move faster at large separations of source and receiver than at short separations. This scale dependent velocity is a manifestation of Fermat's principle of least time in a medium with random velocity fluctuations. Existing perturbation theories predict a linear increase of the velocity shift with increasing separation, and cannot describe the saturation of the velocity shift at large separations that is seen in computer simulations. Here we show that this long-standing problem in seismology can be solved using a model developed originally in the context of polymer physics. We find that the saturation velocity scales with the four-third power of the root-mean-square amplitude of the velocity fluctuations, in good agreement with the computer simulations.Comment: 7 pages including 3 figure

    Heat conduction in 1D lattices with on-site potential

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    The process of heat conduction in one-dimensional lattice with on-site potential is studied by means of numerical simulation. Using discrete Frenkel-Kontorova, Ď•\phi--4 and sinh-Gordon we demonstrate that contrary to previously expressed opinions the sole anharmonicity of the on-site potential is insufficient to ensure the normal heat conductivity in these systems. The character of the heat conduction is determined by the spectrum of nonlinear excitations peculiar for every given model and therefore depends on the concrete potential shape and temperature of the lattice. The reason is that the peculiarities of the nonlinear excitations and their interactions prescribe the energy scattering mechanism in each model. For models sin-Gordon and Ď•\phi--4 phonons are scattered at thermalized lattice of topological solitons; for sinh-Gordon and Ď•\phi--4 - models the phonons are scattered at localized high-frequency breathers (in the case of Ď•\phi--4 the scattering mechanism switches with the growth of the temperature).Comment: 26 pages, 18 figure

    Monte-Carlo Simulations of Radiation-Induced Activation in a Fast-Neutron and Gamma- Based Cargo Inspection System

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    An air cargo inspection system combining two nuclear reaction based techniques, namely Fast-Neutron Resonance Radiography and Dual-Discrete-Energy Gamma Radiography is currently being developed. This system is expected to allow detection of standard and improvised explosives as well as special nuclear materials. An important aspect for the applicability of nuclear techniques in an airport inspection facility is the inventory and lifetimes of radioactive isotopes produced by the neutron and gamma radiation inside the cargo, as well as the dose delivered by these isotopes to people in contact with the cargo during and following the interrogation procedure. Using MCNPX and CINDER90 we have calculated the activation levels for several typical inspection scenarios. One example is the activation of various metal samples embedded in a cotton-filled container. To validate the simulation results, a benchmark experiment was performed, in which metal samples were activated by fast-neutrons in a water-filled glass jar. The induced activity was determined by analyzing the gamma spectra. Based on the calculated radioactive inventory in the container, the dose levels due to the induced gamma radiation were calculated at several distances from the container and in relevant time windows after the irradiation, in order to evaluate the radiation exposure of the cargo handling staff, air crew and passengers during flight. The possibility of remanent long-lived radioactive inventory after cargo is delivered to the client is also of concern and was evaluated.Comment: Proceedings of FNDA 201
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