22 research outputs found

    Reply to "Comment on 'Kinetic theory for a mobile impurity in a degenerate Tonks-Girardeau gas'"

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    In our recent paper [Phys. Rev. E 90, 032132 (2014)] we have studied the dynamics of a mobile impurity particle weakly interacting with the Tonks-Girardeau gas and pulled by a small external force, FF. Working in the regime when the thermodynamic limit is taken prior to the small force limit, we have found that the Bloch oscillations of the impurity velocity are absent in the case of a light impurity. Further, we have argued that for a light impurity the steady state drift velocity, VDV_D, remains finite in the limit F0F\rightarrow 0. These results are in contradiction with earlier works by Gangardt, Kamenev and Schecter [Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 070402 (2009), Annals of Physics 327, 639 (2012)]. One of us (OL) has conjectured [Phys. Rev. A 91, 040101 (2015)] that the central assumption of these works - the adiabaticity of the dynamics - can break down in the thermodynamic limit. In the preceding Comment [Phys. Rev. E 92, 016101 (2015)] Schecter, Gangardt and Kamenev have argued against this conjecture and in support of the existence of Bloch oscillations and linearity of VD(F)V_D(F). They have suggested that the ground state of the impurity-fluid system is a quasi-bound state and that this is sufficient to ensure adiabaticity in the thermodynamic limit. Their analytical argument is based on a certain truncation of the Hilbert space of the system. We argue that extending the results and intuition based on their truncated model on the original many-body problem lacks justification

    Momentum relaxation of a mobile impurity in a one-dimensional quantum gas

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    We investigate the time evolution of the momentum of an impurity atom injected into a degenerate Tonks-Girardeau gas. We establish that given an initial momentum p0p_0 the impurity relaxes to a steady state with a non-vanishing momentum p.p_\infty. The nature of the steady state is found to depend drastically on whether the masses of the impurity and the host are equal or not. This is due to multiple coherent scattering processes leading to a resonant interaction between the impurity and the host in the case of equal masses. The dependence of pp_\infty on p0p_0 remains non-trivial even in the limit of vanishing interaction between the impurity and host particles. In this limit p(p0)p_\infty(p_0) is found explicitly

    Neutrino oscillations: deriving the plane-wave approximation in the wave-packet approach

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    The plane-wave approximation is widely used in the practical calculations concerning neutrino oscillations. A simple derivation of this approximation starting from the neutrino wave-packet framework is presented.Comment: Presented at the 36th ITEP Winter School of Physics, session "Particle Physics", February 8-16, 2008, Otradnoe, Russi

    Neutrino wave function and oscillation suppression

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    We consider a thought experiment, in which a neutrino is produced by an electron on a nucleus in a crystal. The wave function of the oscillating neutrino is calculated assuming that the electron is described by a wave packet. If the electron is relativistic and the spatial size of its wave packet is much larger than the size of the crystal cell, then the wave packet of the produced neutrino has essentially the same size as the wave packet of the electron. We investigate the suppression of neutrino oscillations at large distances caused by two mechanisms: 1) spatial separation of wave packets corresponding to different neutrino masses; 2) neutrino energy dispersion for given neutrino mass eigenstates. We resolve contributions of these two mechanisms.Comment: 7 page

    mu->e Gamma decay versus mu->eee bound and lepton flavor violating processes in supernova

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    Even tiny lepton flavor violation (LFV) due to some New Physics is able to alter the conditions inside a collapsing supernova core and probably to facilitate the explosion. LFV emerges naturally in a See-Saw type II model of neutrino mass generation. Experimentally LFV is constrained by rare lepton decay searches. In particular, strong bounds are imposed on the mu->eee branching ratio and on the mu-e conversion probability in muonic gold. Currently the mu->e gamma decay is under investigation in the MEG experiment which aims at dramatic increase of sensitivity in the next three years. We search for a See-Saw type II LFV pattern which fits all the experimental constraints, provides Br(mu->e gamma) not less than Br(mu->eee) and ensures a rate of LFV processes in supernova high enough to modify the supernova physics. These requirements are sufficient to eliminate almost all freedom in the model. In particular, they lead to a prediction 0.5*10^(-12) e gamma)< 6*10^(-12), which is testable by MEG in the nearest future. The considered scenario also constrains neutrino mass-mixing pattern and provides lower and upper bounds on tau-lepton LFV decays. We also briefly discuss a model with a single bilepton in which the mu->eee decay is absent at the tree level.Comment: v2 is substantially extended compared to v1; new results are presente

    Neutrino oscillations in Kerr-Newman space-time

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    The mass neutrino oscillation in Kerr-Newman(K-N) space-time is studied in the plane θ=θ0\theta=\theta_{0}, and the general equations of oscillation phases are given. The effect of the rotation and electric charge on the phase is presented. Then, we consider three special cases: (1) The neutrinos travel along the geodesics with the angular momentum L=aEL=aE in the equatorial plane. (2) The neutrinos travel along the geodesics with L=0 in the equatorial plane. (3) The neutrinos travel along the radial geodesics at the direction θ=0\theta=0. At last, we calculate the proper oscillation length in the K-N space time. The effect of the gravitational field on the oscillation length is embodied in the gravitational red shift factor. When the neutrino travels out of the gravitational field, the blue shift of the oscillation length takes place. We discussed the variation of the oscillation length influenced by the gravitational field strength, the rotation a2a^{2} and charge QQ.Comment: 20 pages, no figure