106 research outputs found


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    The study was conducted to investigate state of bone metabolism and bone strength in various pathologies of the thyroid gland. We revealed violations of bone remodeling with a shift in the direction of resorption and formation of reduction of bone strength with in patients with hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.Проведено исследование состояния минерального обмена и прочности костной ткани при различной патологии щитовидной железы. Выявлено нарушение костного ремоделирования со сдвигом в сторону резорбции и формирования со снижением костной прочности у пациентов с тиреотоксикозом и гипотиреозом

    Диагностика остеопенического синдрома. Остеопенический синдром у больных бронхиальной астмой

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    Osteopenic syndrome in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases including bronchial asthma represents actual and insufficiently studied area of medical science in view of ambiguous data on influence of glucocorticosteroid therapy and inflammation as basic pathogenetic mechanisms of bronchial asthma on bone metabolism. This review covers issues of pathogenesis and diagnosis of secondary osteopenic syndrome in patients with bronchial asthma.Остеопенический синдром при хронических обструктивных заболеваниях легких, в том числе и при бронхиальной астме, представляет собой актуальную и малоизученную область медицинской науки ввиду неоднозначных данных о воздействии глюкокортикостероидной терапии и воспаления как основного патогенетического механизма бронхиальной астмы на костный метаболизм. В настоящем обзоре освещены вопросы патогенеза и диагностики вторичного остеопенического синдрома у больных бронхиальной астмой

    Особенности остеопенического синдрома у больных сахарным диабетом 1 типа

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    In this article the results of ultrasound osteometry in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus are discussed. The aim of the research was to estimate the index of bone mineral density in adult patients considering the severity, duration of the disease, age of the onset of the disease, sex, age and body weight of the patients. The leading factors which influence bone mineral density in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus are determined.В статье обсуждаются результаты ультразвуковой остеометрии у больных сахарным диабетом 1 типа. Исследование проводилось с целью оценки показателей костной прочности у взрослых больных с учетом степени тяжести, длительности, возраста дебюта заболевания, пола, возраста и массы тела пациентов. Определены ведущие факторы, влияющие на костную прочность у больных сахарным диабетом 1 типа

    Цитокины и атеросклероз – новые направления исследований

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    This review generalizes the current evidence on the content of the pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in patients’ blood serum with atherosclerotic lesions of the coronary, carotid and iliac arteries. The results gave the ability to assess cytokine immune cells of atherosclerotic plaques. Also the results of national and international research allowed the assessment of the prognostic value of cytokine content.В обзоре обобщены современные данные о содержании про- и противовоспалительных цитокинов в сыворотке крови пациентов с атеросклеротическим поражением коронарных, сонных и подвздошных артерий. Также приведены результаты оценки цитокинпродуцирующей способности иммунных клеток атеросклеротических бляшек. Проанализированы результаты отечественных и зарубежных исследований по оценке прогностического значения содержания цитокинов

    Origins of Photoluminescence Decay Kinetics in CdTe Colloidal Quantum Dots

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    Recent experimental studies have identified at least two nonradiative components in the fluorescence decay of solutions of CdTe colloidal quantum dots (CQDs). The lifetimes reported by different groups, however, differed by orders of magnitude, raising the question of whether different types of traps were at play in the different samples and experimental conditions and even whether different types of charge carriers were involved in the different trapping processes. Considering that the use of these nanomaterials in biology, optoelectronics, photonics, and photovoltaics is becoming widespread, such a gap in our understanding of carrier dynamics in these systems needs addressing. This is what we do here. Using the state-of-the-art atomistic semiempirical pseudopotential method, we calculate trapping times and nonradiative population decay curves for different CQD sizes considering up to 268 surface traps. We show that the seemingly discrepant experimental results are consistent with the trapping of the hole at unsaturated Te bonds on the dot surface in the presence of different dielectric environments. In particular, the observed increase in the trapping times following air exposure is attributed to the formation of an oxide shell on the dot surface, which increases the dielectric constant of the dot environment. Two types of traps are identified, depending on whether the unsaturated bond is single (type I) or part of a pair of dangling bonds on the same Te atom (type II). The energy landscape relative to transitions to these traps is found to be markedly different in the two cases. As a consequence, the trapping times associated with the different types of traps exhibit a strikingly contrasting sensitivity to variations in the dot environment. Based on these characteristics, we predict the presence of a sub-nanosecond component in all photoluminescence decay curves of CdTe CQDs in the size range considered here if both trap types are present. The absence of such a component is attributed to the suppression of type I traps